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Ontario Coat of Arms

Orders in Council

An Order in Council is a legal order made by the Lieutenant Governor, on the advice of the Premier or a Minister. 

Search for digital copies of Orders approved after July 1, 2016 from newest to oldest.

Contact us if you need an official, legal copy. 

Learn more about Orders in Council.

This page is about Orders in Council only. If you are searching for Emergency Orders, they are published on the e-Laws website, or can be found on the emergency information page.

15,396 results

Order in Council 1604/2016

Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Building Code Act, 1992
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1603/2016

Ministry of Labour
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1602/2016

Ministry of Labour
Labour Relations Act, 1995
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1601/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Local Health System Integration Act, 2006
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1600/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Local Health System Integration Act, 2006
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1599/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Local Health System Integration Act, 2006
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1598/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Dentistry Act, 1991
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1597/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1596/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Optometry Act, 1991
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1595/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Health Protection and Promotion Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1594/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Health Protection and Promotion Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1593/2016

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Health Protection and Promotion Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1592/2016

Ministry of the Attorney General
Courts of Justice Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1591/2016

Ministry of the Attorney General
Child and Family Services Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1590/2016

Ministry of the Attorney General
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1589/2016

Ministry of the Attorney General
Cruelty to Animals Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1588/2016

Ministry of the Attorney General
Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1587/2016

Premier and President of the Council
Legislative Assembly Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1586/2016

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Royal Ontario Museum Act
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:

Order in Council 1585/2016

Legislative Assembly
Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013
Approved and ordered date
Approved and Ordered:
14,941 - 14,960 of 15,396 results