Services for residents

Access government services and products from ServiceOntario, including birth certificates, driver’s licences and health cards.

Services for businesses

Information and services to help you start or run a business in Ontario.

Services for not-for-profits

Information for not-for-profits and charities.

Government data

Learn how we’re creating a more transparent, accessible government for Ontarians.

Ontario data catalogue

Browse and download machine-readable data covering government expenses, healthcare, provincial demographics and more.

How government works

History of government

How the Ontario government is organized and how it works.

Doing business with the government

How to do business with us and other public sector organizations.

Accountability rules

Learn about accountability rules for public officials. Includes travel, meal and hospitality expenses.


Learn about the roles and responsibilities of Ontario’s ministries and read about their ministers.

Agencies and public appointments

Ontario has over 540 agencies, boards, commissions, councils, authorities and foundations.

About the OPS

Information about the Ontario public service, the organization that provides government services to you.

Ontario’s finances

Ontario Budget

A financial roadmap that outlines the government’s key spending policies and practices.

Public Accounts

Explore the audited consolidated financial statements of the government.

Economic updates

A detailed look at Ontario’s economy, including the Ontario Economic Update and the Ontario Factsheet.

Contact us


Driver licences, plate stickers, health cards, birth certificates and other services provided by the Ontario Government.

Treasury Board Secretariat

Leading the government’s efforts on accountability, openness and modernization, we help deliver good government and excellent public services in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Ministry of Finance

Leading the province’s fiscal, tax, economic and statistics policy, administering tax and benefit programs and reporting on Ontario’s economic and fiscal plans.