
Field vegetables are a popular commodity produced in Ontario. In 2022, sweet corn had the most acres harvested out of all the field vegetables in Ontario. Green peas, field tomatoes, pumpkins and squash were also popular crops. For additional statistics about field vegetables, visit Horticultural crop statistics.

To understand what vegetables grow best in each region, visit Climate zones and planting dates for vegetables in Ontario.

Crop production

Each field vegetable requires specific management techniques to be successful. Publication 839: Guide to Vegetable Production in Ontario provides an overview of vegetable crops grown in Ontario. To learn more about crop-specific production, visit CropIPM.





Other vegetables

Plug transplant management

Vegetable transplants are an important first step to field vegetable production. Learn more about plug transplant management:

Soil management

High quality vegetables require healthy soil conditions. Learn about managing soil for vegetable production:

Irrigation management

Irrigation is an important tool, especially when periods of drought occur. Learn about using irrigation:


Adverse weather and air pollution can be harmful for vegetable crops. Learn about different weather management resources:

Pest management

The Ontario Crop Protection Hub is a useful resource for producers looking for information on weed and pest control.

Crop scouting is an important part of pest control. Discover resources on Crop scouting: resources for vegetable crop scouts.

General resources



Garlic pest management

Onion pest management

Leek pest management



Other vegetables


Cold storage can be used to maintain a consistent measure of quality and quantity in produce. Learn about using cold storage and how to solve potential problems:

Other management resources

Learn about additional management techniques for field vegetables: