Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan was informed by public and stakeholder consultations as well as advice from the OPA. In addition to issuing this plan, the government is posting a proposed supply mix Directive on the Environmental Registry for a 45 day public comment period. Following this posting, the directive will be finalized and sent to the OPA. The OPA will consult publicly during the development the Integrated Power System Plan (IPSP) and submit the plan to the OEB. The OEB will conduct a review of the IPSP including public hearings. The final IPSP will constitute the detailed long-term energy plan for the next 20 years. It will be updated every three years as required by regulation.

Public and Stakeholder and Online Consultations

September 21st – November 18, 2010
More than 40 stakeholder sessions and over 2,500 online response

Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan

November 23, 2010

45-Day Posting on Environmental Registry of Proposed Supply Mix Directive

November 23, 2010-January 7, 2011

OPA prepares detailed IPSP, holds consultations and submits it to the OEB


OEB Review
