It is my pleasure to release the Court Services Division (CSD) Annual Report for the period covering April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022. This report combines three fiscal years and is being published later than usual as the division has necessarily focused on supporting access to justice by pivoting and modernizing operations during the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and ongoing court recovery. Our division has made enormous strides over these last few years to ensure we provide effective and accessible justice services to the people of Ontario.

I am proud to have become the new Assistant Deputy Attorney General (ADAG) for CSD in July 2020, following in the footsteps of Sheila Bristo and other illustrious leaders. Like with all sectors, there is no doubt that these past few years have been challenging with the pandemic. Notwithstanding this, CSD staff showed continued resiliency and adaptability to ensure critical work that we do continued as we adapted to changing public health guidance and responsibilities.

It is important to take this opportunity to recognize CSD’s staff for their outstanding commitment to public service during the global pandemic. While adapting to the various stages of the pandemic, our division has made enormous strides to ensure we provide effective and accessible justice services to Ontarians. I continue to be grateful for the team’s demonstrated resilience and unwavering dedication.

In response to the pandemic, the ministry introduced a variety of health and safety precautions in offices and courthouses to support onsite work, including but not limited to:

  • installing signage, distance markers, hand sanitizer stations and barriers
  • ensuring cleaning and personal protective equipment (PPE) were available and supplies maintained
  • introducing enhanced cleaning measures
  • screening employees and visitors

In addition to providing in-person services and supporting court hearings, CSD adapted our services to be delivered using virtual platforms. Modernizing court procedures to streamline service delivery and leveraging technology using video and teleconferencing ensured the continuation of the courts’ core functions. In collaboration with Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services Corporation and the ministry’s Recovery Division and Indigenous Justice Division, CSD also supported critical work towards the safe and respectful resumption of in-person court operations in fly-in fly in communities.

The ongoing patience and commitment of CSD staff during these difficult and rapidly changing times allowed everyone to safely attend court and ensured continued excellence in the delivery of effective and accessible justice services through alternative channels. As the ADAG for CSD, I am very proud of the results we have achieved together.

In aligning our division’s vision, mission, and values with those of the Ministry of the Attorney General, we launched our division’s strategic plan in 2022. The plan promotes a culture of anti-racism, reconciliation, accessibility, and inclusivity as we continue to support pandemic backlog recovery, modernize court services, and train our workforce to ensure an accessible and responsive justice system for all Ontarians.

In closing, my sincere thanks to CSD staff for their unwavering commitment to ensuring Ontarians continued to access essential justice services either in-person at courthouses or through virtual and online channels.

Beverly Leonard
Assistant Deputy Attorney General
Court Services Division