It is my pleasure to release the Court Services Division (CSD) 2022–2023 Annual Report for the period covering April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Our division remains committed to providing effective and accessible justice services to the people of Ontario, as well as continuing to support the modernization of the justice system. I appreciate all the efforts that CSD staff have made to ensure that this is possible.

CSD provides in-person counter services and supports in-person court hearings, in addition to supporting online filings and virtual and hybrid court hearings. Modernizing court procedures to streamline service delivery and leveraging audio, and video conferencing technology has ensured continued service delivery of the division’s core functions. This is done in collaboration with Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services Corporation and the ministry’s Recovery Division and Indigenous Justice Division. CSD also supported critical work towards the safe and respectful resumption of in-person court operations in fly-in communities.

CSD’s 2022–2023 Strategic Plan guides the work that we do. The plan promotes a culture of anti-racism, reconciliation, accessibility and inclusivity as we continue to support backlog recovery, modernize court services and train our workforce to ensure an accessible and responsive justice system for all Ontarians.

It has been another incredible year and I am sincerely grateful to all CSD staff for their invaluable contributions and tireless efforts in advancing the priorities of the division.

Beverly Leonard

Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Court Services Division