Component: ODSP Employment Supports

Legislation: Ontario Disability Sport Program Act, Section 48 (1) or Section 12 of the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, ch. M.20

Service Objectives

Expenditure-based funding is a temporary mitigation measure to address the anticipated reductions in client outcomes due to COVID-19. The intent of the changes is to support the stability of the employment services provider network and service continuity for clients.

Service Description

Expenditure-based funding is being provided to support service provider’s operations to ensure continued provision of employment-related services and supports to clients with disabilities to help reduce or remove disability-related barriers to employment.

Expenditure requirements (as per the eligible categories) are to be outlined in the business case submission to the ministry for approval.

Program/Service Features

Funding will support agency operations to provide a broad range of services and supports to assist clients prepare for, get and keep a job.

Expenditure categories for program delivery/operating costs are as follows:

  • Salary – gross salary and wage payments of employment supports program staff that are directly involved in program delivery (full-time, part-time, temporary, etc.)
  • Staff training – expenditure for training activities and learning and development for employment supports program staff
  • Building occupancy – building occupancy expenditures (e.g. rent, property tax, insurance, etc.) attributable to employment supports program
  • Travel and communications – travel and communication expenses incurred conducting activities for employment supports program
  • Allocated Central Administration – portion of general operating costs associated with governing and operating an organization (accounting, HR, legal, etc.) attributable to the employment supports program. Do not include cost for program expenses that directly supports clients
  • Supplies and equipment – expenditures related to supplies and equipment for employment supports program delivery
  • Other program/service expenditure - other costs for direct program/service provision that are not captured in other categories
  • Other costs - COVID-19 related (non-capital in nature):
    • purchasing of additional goods or services to protect front line staff (e.g., cleaning public spaces more regularly, purchase of protective gear for front line staff) additional administration costs associated with physical distancing measures in place (e.g., purchase of additional equipment to allow for virtual work, laptops, phones, etc.) and
    • backfilling for positions of people who are required to self-isolate or self- quarantine

Program Goals

To ensure that a range of goods and services are available for clients which help to reduce or eliminate disability-related barriers to employment and assist clients to reach their competitive employment goal.

Ministry Expectations: as per signed contract

Funding is expenditure-based. Upon completion or early termination of this contract by either party, all expenditures and unspent funds are subject to reconciliation, and recovery, in accordance with ministry business practices and policies.

Reporting Requirements

Transfer Payment Recipients will submit reports to the ministry using on-line systems or other methods as required. User registration and identity verification will be required.