If you require the ACB List in excel format, please contact: GLCCoordinator@ontario.ca.

The excel version of the ACB list contains 10 worksheets (sheets). They are described below, and additional detailed information is provided in the individual sheets.

  • Sheet 1 and 2, Introduction, provides the layout for the workbook, contact information and an introduction to the ACB List.
  • Sheet 3, ACB List, is the list of approximately 5200 contaminants with corresponding benchmarks (standards, guidelines and screening levels).
  • Sheet 4, Notes pertaining to the ACB List (Version 3.0 – April 2021), provides additional information and guidance on how to interpret individual benchmarks on the ACB List. The notes are referenced in the ACB List (Sheet 3).
  • Sheet 5, Table 1 “29 Dioxins, Furans, and Dioxin-Like PCBs to which the Standard would apply” is Schedule 8 (Dioxins, Furans and Dioxin-Like PCBs) to O. Reg. 419/05. It lists the individual contaminants to which the Dioxins standard applies. This table is referenced in the ACB List (Sheet 3).
  • Sheet 6, Table 2 “Modelling Assessment Values”, lists the Assessment Values (AVs) to be used when evaluating modelled data for a contaminant that has a standard with an annual averaging time. The table is referenced in the ACB List (Sheet 3).
  • Sheet 7, Table 3 “Monitoring Assessment Values”, lists examples of the Assessment Values (AVs) which could be used when evaluating monitored data for a contaminant that has a standard with an annual averaging time. The table is referenced in the ACB List (Sheet 3).
  • Sheet 8, Table 4 Upper Risk Thresholds (URTs), is Schedule 6 Upper Risk Thresholds to O. Reg. 419/05. The table is referenced in the ACB List (Sheet 3).
  • Sheet 9, Table 5 Removed B2s, is a list of contaminants for which a B2 value is no longer available and has been removed from the ACB List.
  • Sheet 10, Table 6 Removed B1s, is a list of contaminants with respective half-hour B1 values that have been removed from the ACB List, consistent with O. Reg. 419/05 (Schedule 2 air standards with half-hour averaging periods were phased out as of February 1, 2020).