Message from the Minister

As Ontario’s Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, it gives me great pride to lead the government’s anti-racism and economic inclusion efforts as we work to build stronger, more inclusive communities. Following the launch of Building a Stronger and More Inclusive Ontario: Ontario’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan in August 2023, our government has continued to take proactive measures to tackle racism and hate as we work to build stronger, safer and more vibrant communities.

The diverse backgrounds, faiths and cultures that define our communities are precisely what makes Ontario the best place to live, work and play. Our differences remain a source of great strength for our province. Over the last year, we have seen meaningful strides made in our efforts to build a province where everyone has the chance to contribute and participate in Ontario’s prosperity, along with the tools and opportunities needed to build a better life for themselves, their families and their communities.

For all the progress that has been made, there are still those who continue to experience racism and hate because of who they are, where they are from, how they worship, or who they love. These acts are completely unacceptable and will never have a place in Ontario. This progress report stands as a symbol of our ongoing efforts to tackle these challenges. Through our cross-government efforts and engagement with community partners, sector leaders, and researchers, we are making significant investments to empower communities, overcome barriers and address areas of disproportionality through evidence-based policy and program decision-making.

The work does not stop here. Whether it is through investments made by the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism or by partner ministries, these actions continue to have real impacts, helping unlock opportunities, provide Ontario’s youth with the education and skills needed to fill the jobs of tomorrow, foster more inclusive communities, and enhance the quality of life for all who call Ontario home.

This progress report builds upon the strides we have made; while setting a course for future action as we work to build a better, brighter and stronger Ontario for all.

The Honourable Michael Ford 
Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Message from the Deputy Minister

The Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) leads government policy and programs to dismantle systemic racism and advance racial equity. Through their guidance, Ontario’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan lays a clear path toward a better Ontario for all.

As a Black woman and a leader in the Ontario Public Service, I know first-hand how critical it is to have many tools in our toolbox to tackle systemic racism and hate.

This report highlights the work of incredible people and a breadth of initiatives across 14 ministries that focus on our key areas for action: economic empowerment; supporting children and youth; population-specific anti-racism and anti-hate initiatives; and policy and accountability. It demonstrates our ongoing efforts to remove systemic racial barriers impacting Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities, as well as enhanced initiatives to combat hate — such as our ministry’s additional investment to expand the Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant program. These milestones show that by working together across government, with community partners, sector leaders and others, we can drive meaningful change.

Although there is still more to be done, I’m encouraged by the progress we’ve made so far. We all have a responsibility to combat racism and through our joint actions, we’ve seen that collaboration and engagement are necessary to build a stronger, more equitable society.

I thank the ARD for their leadership and our partners across government and Ontario for their ongoing commitment to fight systemic racism. Together, we can continue this great work as we expand on the Strategy and its initiatives over the years to come.

Nosa Ero-Brown 
Deputy Minister 
Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism


This report reflects on progress Ontario has made towards delivering on the commitments outlined in Building a Stronger and More Inclusive Ontario: Ontario’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan which was released in August 2023.

The strategy represents our new approach and reflects the efforts being made to ensure every Ontarian can participate in, contribute to and benefit from social progress and economic growth. The report illustrates the cross-government approach we are taking, along with community partners, sector leaders and others, to concretely address racism and hate, eliminate barriers and advance racial equity.

Areas for action

The initiatives reported on in the following pages are aligned under the four areas for action presented in the strategy:

  • economic empowerment
  • supporting children and youth
  • population-specific anti-racism and anti-hate initiatives
  • policy and accountability