Anxiety challenges

it is important to remember that anxiety is challenging to understand in typically developing people. for children with intellectual disabilities it may be more difficult because of these special considerations:

  • Sensory needs
  • Other goals for some behaviours
  • Learning needs
  • Uneven social and communication development

Additional complications

Trying to support any child with an Intellectual Disability becomes more complicated still:

  • Children’s thoughts are often hidden behind communication orcomprehension problems
  • Children’s understanding of their own emotions can be poor
  • Children are often ‘poor reporters’ of their physical symptoms
  • Children with Intellectual Disabilities are often supported by well-meaning caregivers who may accidently fuel anxiety trying to reducetheir child’s distress


Parenting a child with special needs means making life long adjustments and making adaptations at every stage of development. Naturally, parents can be easily overwhelmed or unavailable for new information. To begin moving ahead to tackle anxiety, parents need to be well supported to take on new challenges.