A change in routine is difficult for everyone, but can be especially difficult for those with intellectual disabilities, specifically anxiety disorders.

The following are additional tips to help ease from summer back into school.

All Year Round

  • Plan activities that help the child get used to being around others
    • Separating from parents can be stressful. Practice can make it easier
    • Regular activities with peers can help build school readiness skills
  • Have a visible schedule - this way important dates and events won’t sneak up on your child
    • The more time they have to prepare, the better they will respond to changes

Throughout the summer

Some or all of the following might be useful things to add into your routine in the summer to prepare your child for September and the start of school.

  • Slowly adjust bedtimes back on schedule
  • Add structure back into daily activities
  • Bring out the school supplies as visual cues that school is approaching
    • Backpack
    • Lunch bag
    • New shoes/clothes
    • Favourite snacks
  • Play at the school’s playground, have a picnic lunch
  • Look in widows, view classroom
  • Walk to school/bus stop
  • View pictures of upcoming teachers, EA, etc.
  • Start organizing lunches and outfits like you will for school
  • Talk positively about the classes and activities your child will be involved in
  • Talk about the feelings they may have on the first day, and have a plan for how to support you child with these feelings
  • Call the school at the end of August to be made aware of last minute changes