Improving data management

Keeping in mind that:

  • A data-driven, digital first government requires modern and effective digital infrastructure
  • Investment in user-friendly, modern information systems and technologies that support data sharing and data linking across large organizations can help deliver better outcomes for the people they serve

Discussion questions

  • As an Ontarian, what concerns you the most about how the government manages data?
  • How can government make its open data most useful and helpful for Ontarians?
  • How can the government best inform citizens about our new investments and developments to support data sharing and data linking?
  • What barriers exist in the government that you’re aware of that limit the sharing of data?

Building the data skills of Government of Ontario employees 

Keeping in mind that:

  • Data literacy is a critical job skill for the 21st century
  • It is important that public servants across the Ontario government are data-literate
  • Fiscal responsibility to the Ontario taxpayer must be prioritized

Discussion questions

  • What are essential skills that public servants need for working with data in the 21st century?
  • Looking ahead, how can the government effectively promote culture change to encourage broader adoption of data skills by government employees?
  • What models should the government adopt to rapidly retrain and upskill our staff?

Leveraging data-sharing to design better services

Keeping in mind that:

  • Better data-sharing across government helps ensure that government programs and services are grounded in evidence and insights
  • Government programs and services can reduce red tape by consistently collecting, analyzing, and sharing program data
  • Ensuring the protection and privacy of sensitive information is of paramount importance

Discussion questions

  • Looking to the future, how can government best use data to improve services for the people of Ontario?
  • How can government best ensure that feedback from citizens is collected and used to continually improve services?

Comments on this discussion paper will be collected until November 30, 2019. We will post a summary of what we heard on this website.

If you have questions or comments, please email us at or send any other correspondence to the Ontario Digital Service, 595 Bay Street - Suite 1002, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2C7.