Appendix I: Glossary

The flow rate that a treatment process unit or process train or treatment plant is capable of effectively processing.
Certificate of Approval
An authorization to initiate the establishment, construction or alteration of a sewage works including the right to operate, all in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act R.S.O. 1990, c. O.40 , applicable regulations or conditions of approval. The Certificate of Approval (C of A) document consists of a detailed description of the works as well as terms and conditions of the approval.
Continuous monitoring equipment
Equipment that, at intervals appropriate for the process and parameter being monitored, automatically tests for the parameter directly in the stream (or in the case of UV application, through the stream) of water being treated or distributed, or in a continuous sample taken from the stream of water being treated or distributed, where a continuous sample is a continuous stream of water flowing from the stream of water being treated or distributed to the monitoring equipment.
For a membrane separation process, the volume or mass of permeate passing through the membrane per unit surface area per unit time. Solvent (water) flux is commonly expressed in gallons per square foot per day or cubic metres per square metre per second, or metres per second.
The water contained in interconnected pores located below the water table in an unconfined aquifer or in a confined aquifer.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Information on the use, handling and storage of specific chemicals or products. Material safety data sheets contain mandated types of information concerning physical characteristics, reactivity, required personal protective equipment and other safeguards.
Membrane backwashing
A cleaning operation that typically involves periodic reverse flow of permeate to remove particulate matter accumulated on the membrane surface; also referred to as backpulse, backpulse clean, or flux maintenance.
Ontario Ministry of the Environment.
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
A measure of the pressure at the suction side of the pump, including atmospheric pressure and vapour pressure of the liquid being pumped.
For a pressure-driven membrane treatment process, the portion of the feed solution that passes through the membrane; known as “filtrate” for microfiltration.
Point of impingement
Any point on the ground or on a receptor, such as nearby buildings, located outside the emitter’s property boundaries at which the highest concentration of a contaminant caused by the aggregate emission of that contaminant from a facility is expected to occur.
Sewage Works
Works for the collection, transmission, treatment and disposal of sewage or any part of such works, but does not include plumbing to which the Building Code Act, 1992 applies.
Surface water
Surface water bodies (lakes, wetlands and ponds, including dug-outs), water courses (rivers, streams, drainage ditches), infiltration trenches and areas of temporary precipitation ponding.
Water Works
Any part of a drinking-water system including collection, production, treatment, storage, supply and distribution of water or any part of such works.
The drainage basin area contained within the bounds specified by a divide and above a specified point on a stream. A watershed is also called a catchment area, drainage area or drainage basin.

Appendix II: Units of Measure

Units Definition
% percent
°C degrees Celsius
°F degrees Fahrenheit
μm micrometres or microns
ac acres
atm atmospheres
Btu/ft3 British thermal units per cubic foot
Btu/lb British thermal units per pound
cfm/1000 ft3 cubic feet per minute per 1000 cubic feet
cfm/1000 US gal cubic feet per minute per 1000 U.S. gallons
cfm/ft cubic feet per minute per foot
cfm/ft2 cubic feet per minute per square foot
cfm/ft3 cubic feet per minute per cubic foot
cm/d centimetres per day
cm/hr centimetres per hour
cm/s centimetres per second
cm/wk centimetres per week
cu ft/mil. US gal cubic feet per million U.S. gallons
d days
ft feet
ft/100 ft feet per 100 feet
ft/ft feet per foot
ft/h feet per hour
ft/min feet per minute
ft/s feet per second
ft½/s square root of feet per second
ft2 square feet
ft2/cap square feet per capita
ft2/ft3 square feet per cubic foot
ft³/(min·ft2) cubic feet per minute per square foot
g/(cap·d) grams per capita per day
g/(m·s) grams per metre per second
g/(m2·s) grams per square metre per second
g/kg grams per kilogram
g/m2/d grams per square metre per day
g/m3 grams per cubic metre
hp horsepower
hp/1000 ft3 horsepower per 1000 cubic feet
hr hours
in inches
in/ft inches per foot
in/hr inches per hour
in/s inches per second
in/wk inches per week
kg BOD5/(kg MLVSS·d) kilograms of five-day biochemical oxygen demand per kilogram of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids per day
kg O2/kg BOD5 kilograms of oxygen per kilogram of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand
kg O2/kWh kilograms of oxygen per kilowatt-hour
kg VS/m2 kilograms of volatile solids per square metre
kg/(ha·d) kilograms per hectare per day
kg/(m2·d) kilograms per square metre per day
kg/(m3·d) kilograms per cubic metres per day
kg/(P.E.·d) kilograms per population equivalent per day
kg/d kilograms per day
kJ/kg kilojoules per kilogram
kJ/m3 kilojoules per cubic metre
km kilometres
km/hr kilometres per hour
kPa kilopascals
kW kilowatts
kW/1000 m3 kilowatts per 1000 cubic metres
L litres
L/(cap·d) litres per day per capita
L/(ha·d) litres per day per hectare
L/(ha·s) litres per second per hectare
L/(m·s) litres per second per metre
L/(m2·d) litres per day per square metre
L/(m2·min) litres per minute per square metre
L/(m2·s) litres per second per square metre
L/(m3·s) litres per second per cubic metre
L/(mm·d)/m litres per millimetre of pipe diameter per day per linear metre of sewer length
L/d litres per day
L/m2 litres per square metre
L/m3 litres per cubic metre
L/mm diameter/100 m/hr litres per millimetre diameter per 100 metres per hour
L/s litres per second
L/W ratio length-to-width ratio
lb O2/ lb BOD5 pounds of oxygen per pound of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand
lb/(1000 ft3·d) pounds per day per 1000 cubic feet
lb/(ac·d) pounds per day per acre
lb/(ft2·d) pounds per day per square foot
lb/(ft2·hr) pounds per hour per square foot
lb/(ft2·min) pounds per minute per square foot
lb/(ft3·d) pounds per day per cubic foot
lb/(hp·hr) pounds per horsepower per hour
lb/100 ft2 pounds per 100 square feet
lb/1000 ft3 pounds per 1000 cubic feet
lb/1000 lb of MLVSS/hr pounds per thousand pounds of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids per hour
lb/d pounds per day
lb/P.E./d pounds per population equivalent per day
m metres
m/d metres per day
m/hr metres per hour
m/min metres per minute
m/s metres per second
m½/s square root of metres per second
m2 square metres
m2/cap square metres per capita
m2/m3 square metres per cubic metre
m3 cubic metres
m3/(ha·d) cubic metres per hectare per day
m3/(m·d) cubic metres per metre per day
m3/(m2·d) cubic metres per square metre per day
m3/d cubic metres per day
m3/min/1000 m3 cubic metres per minute per 1000 cubic metres
m3/s cubic metres per second
mg/g of MLVSS/hr milligrams per gram of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids per hour
mg/(m2·s) milligrams per square metre per second
mg/L milligrams per litre
mi miles
MJ/dry t megajoules per dry U.S. ton
mL millilitres
mL/m3 millilitres per cubic metre
mm millimetres
mm/s millimetres per second
mUSgd million U.S. gallons per day
mW·s/cm2 milliwatt-seconds per square centimetre
oz/(cap·d) ounces per capita per day
psi pounds per square inch
US gal U.S. gallons
US gal/(ac·d) U.S. gallons per acre per day
US gal/(cap·d) U.S. gallons per capita per day
US gal/(ft·s) U.S. gallons  per foot per second
US gal/(ft2·d) U.S. gallons per day per square foot
US gal/(ft2·s) U.S. gallons per second per square foot
US gal/(in·d)/ft U.S. gallons  per inch of pipe diameter per day per linear foot of sewer length
US gal/1000 ft3 U.S. gallons  per 1000 cubic feet
US gal/d U.S. gallons per day
US gal/ft2 U.S. gallons  per square foot
US gal/hr/ft U.S. gallons per hour per foot
US gal/lb U.S. gallons per pound
US gal/s U.S. gallons per second
USgpd/ft U.S. gallons per day per foot
USgpd/ft2 U.S. gallons per day per square foot
USgpm U.S. gallons per minute
USgpm/ft2 U.S. gallons per minute per square foot
W/m3 watts per cubic metre
W watts

Appendix III: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
ADF Average Daily Flow
ASP Activated Sludge Process
ATAD Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion
BAF Biological Aerated Filter
BMP Best Management Practice
BNR Biological Nutrient Removal
BOD5 Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand; equivalent to
five-day Total Biochemical Oxygen Demand (TBOD5)
BPR Biological Phosphorous Removal
CAS Conventional Activated Sludge
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CBOD5 Five-day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Class EA Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
C of A Certificate of Approval
CIP Clean-in-Place
CSO Combined Sewer Overflow
DAF Dissolved Air Flotation
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DS Dry Solids
DPHF Design Peak Hourly Flow
D/W Depth-to-Width Ratio
DWF Dry Weather Flow
EBCT Empty Bed Contact Time
ED50 Effective Dose - 50th Percentile
ESR Environmental Study Report
FBI Fluidized Bed Incineration
F/M Food-to-Microorganism Ratio
F/Mv Food-to-Microorganism Ratio Based on MLVSS
FWS Free Water Surface
GAC Granular Activated Carbon
GBT Gravity Belt Thickener
GC Gas Chromatography
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interruption
GP Grinder Pump
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HMI Human Machine Interface
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time
HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
I/I Infiltration and Inflow of the Sewer System
IFAS Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge
IFS Integrated Fixed-film System
LSSDS Large Subsurface Sewage Disposal System
LPHO Low Pressure High Output (UV Lamp)
LP/HI Low Pressure/High Intensity (UV Lamp)
LP/LI Low Pressure/Low Intensity (UV Lamp)
L/W Length-to-Width Ratio
MF Microfiltration
MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (in the Reactor)
MLVSS Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (in Reactor)
MP Medium Pressure (UV Lamp)
MP/HI Medium Pressure/High Intensity (UV Lamp)
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MTZ Mass Transfer Zone
NOD Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand
NPS Nominal Pipe Size
ODWQS Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards
OPSS Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications for Roads and Public Works
ORP Oxidation-reduction Potential
OU Odour Unit
OUR Oxygen Uptake Rate
PAC Powdered Activated Carbon
PCN Process Control Network
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PE Population Equivalent
PFD Process Flow Diagrams
P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagrams
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PWQO Provincial Water Quality Objectives
RAS Return Activated Sludge
RBC Rotating Biological Contactors
RDT Rotary Drum Thickener
RTB Retention Treatment Basins
RTC Real-Time Control
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SDGS Small Diameter Gravity Sewers
SI International System of Units
SG Specific Gravity
SOR Surface Overflow Rate
SRT Solids Retention Time (or Sludge Age)
SS Settleable Solids
SSF Subsurface Flow
STEP Septic Tank Effluent Pumping System
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
SVI Sludge Volume Index
SWD Sidewater Depth
TAN Total Ammonia-Nitrogen
TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen – Total of Organic Nitrogen + Total Ammonia-Nitrogen
TF/SC Trickling Filter/Solids Contact
TOC Total Organic Carbon
TS Total Solids
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TVS Total Volatile Solids
TWL Top Water Level
UF Ultrafiltration
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UV Ultraviolet
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VE Value Engineering
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
VSS Volatile Suspended Solids
WAS Waste Activated Sludge
WWF Wet Weather Flow

Appendix IV: Acronyms

Acronym Definition
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APHA American Public Health Association
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
AWWA American Water Works Association
AWWARF American Water Works Association Research Foundation
CGA Canadian Gas Association
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSCE Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
MEA Municipal Engineers Association (of Ontario)
MNR Ministry of Natural Resources (of Ontario)
MOE Ministry of the Environment (of Ontario)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NWRI National Water Research Institute
PEO Professional Engineers Ontario
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
WEF Water Environment Federation

Appendix V: Summary of MOE Design Criteria for Conventional Sewage Treatment Processes

Process: Primary Sedimentation Tanks
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition Without WAS Process Type/Condition With WAS Co-thickening Reference
Surface Overflow Rate (SOR) [at design average daily flow] m3/(m2·d) 30 - 40 25 - 30 Table 11-1
SOR (at design peak daily flow) m3/(m2·d) 60 - 80 50 - 60 Table 11-1


  1. WAS means waste activated sludge
Process: Aeration Tank of Activated Sludge Processes
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Conventional AS without nitrification Process Type/Condition: Conventional AS with nitrification Process Type/Condition: Extended Aeration Reference
BOD5 Loading kg/(m3·d) 0.31 – 0.72 0.31 – 0.72 0.17 – 0.24 Table 12-1
F/Mv d-1 0.2 – 0.5 0.05 – 0.25 0.05 – 0.15 Table 12-1
HRT (min.) hours 6 6 15 Table 12-1
Return Sludge Rate % of Qavg 25 – 100 50 – 200 50 – 200 Table 12-1
SRT (min.) days 4 – 6 >4 at 20°C
>10 at 5°C
>15 Table 12-1
Oxygen Demand kg O2 1.0 per kg BOD5 1.0 per kg BOD5 + 4.6 per kg TKN 1.5 per kg BOD5 + 4.6 per kg TKN Table 12-1
MLSS mg/L 1,000 – 3,000 3,000 – 5,000 3,000 – 5,000 Table 12-1


  1. AS means activated sludge.
  2. F/Mv means food-to-microorganism based on volatile MLSS (i.e., MLVSS).
  3. HRT means hydraulic retention time.
  4. SRT means solids retention time.
  5. MLSS means mixed liquor suspended solids.
  6. Qavg means the average daily flow rate to the sewage treatment plant.
  7. TKN means Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen.
Process: Secondary Sedimentation Tanks
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Rectangular Process Type/Condition: Circular Reference
Rapid Sludge Removal
3.6 - 4.6
> 4:1
3.6 - 4.6
> 18
Section 13.2.1
Section 13.2.1
Section 13.3.2
Process: Secondary Sedimentation Tanks
Parameter Units CAS, Step Aeration, Complete Mix, etc. EA, Single-Stage Nitrification Chemicals added to MLSS for effluent TP <1.0 mg/L Reference
Peak Daily Solids Loading Rate (w/ RAS)
240; w/o nitrification
170; w/ nitrification
Table 13-1
Table 13-1


  1. SWD means sidewater depth.
  2. CAS means conventional activated sludge.
  3. EA means extended aeration.
  4. SOR means surface overflow rate.
  5. DPHF means design peak hourly flow.
  6. RAS means return activated sludge.
Process: Effluent Disinfection
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Secondary Effluent Process Type/Condition: Tertiary Filtered Effluent Reference
Chlorine Dosage mg/L 1 – 12 1 - 6 Table 14-1
Process: Effluent Disinfection
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: LP/LI Process Type/Condition: LP/HI Process Type/Condition: MP/HI Reference
UV Dosage mW·s/cm2 30 30 30 Section 14.4.3
UV – effective lamp life h 8,000 – 13,000 5,000 – 12,000 5,000 – 8,000 Sections -


  1. LP/LI means low pressure / low intensity.
  2. LP/HI means low pressure / high intensity.
  3. MP/HI means medium pressure / high intensity.
  4. Chlorine dosage based on a 30-minute contact time at design average daily flow.
  5. Typical chlorine and UV dosages to ensure a monthly geometric mean density of less than 200 E. coli organisms per 100 mL.
Process: Chemical Addition for Phosphorus Removal
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Alum Process Type/Condition: Ferric Chloride Process Type/Condition: Lime Reference
Typical Dosage Rates
(for target effluent TP of 1.0 mg/L)
mg/L 110 - 225 6 - 30 40 - 400 Section
Process: Tertiary Filtration
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Shallow Bed Process Type/Condition: Deep Bed Reference
Filtration Rates (at DPHF) L/m2·s 2.1 3.3 Section 15.2.4
Solids Loading Rate
(at DPHF)
mg/(m2·s) 51 83 Section 15.2.4
Process: Tertiary Filtration
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: Min. Rate Process Type/Condition: Min. Bed Expansion Process Type/Condition: Min. Duration Reference
Backwash   10 L/m2·s 20% 10 minutes Section 15.2.5
Process: Estimated Sludge Quantities
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: CAS with Primaries Process Type/Condition: CAS without Primaries Reference
Biological Sludge Production kg TSS/kg BOD5 removed 0.70 0.85 Section 16.1.1
Process: Estimated Sludge Quantities
Parameter Units Process Type/Condition: CAS with P Removal Process Type/Condition: EA with P Removal (Undigested WAS) Process Type/Condition: EA with P Removal (Holding Tank Waste Sludge) Reference
Undigested Sludge
Solids Production
% TS
4.0 [2.0 – 6.5]
0.9 [0.4 – 1.9]
2.0 [0.4 – 4.5]
Table 16-1
Digested Sludge
Solids Production
% TS
4.0 [2.0 – 6.0]
    Table 16-1


  1. CAS means conventional activated sludge (with upstream primary treatment).
  2. EA means extended aeration.
  3. Sludge concentrations expressed as average values, with ranges in parentheses.
Process: Digestion (Mesophilic)
Parameter Units Anaerobic Aerobic Reference
Retention Time
HRT (min.)
SRT (min.)
45 (total)
Section 16.3.2
VS Loading kg/m3.d 0.65 (to low rate primary digester)
1.6 (to high rate primary digester)
1.6 (to first stage digester) Section 16.2.4
Section 16.3.1
Sidewater Depth m 6.1 3.6 – 4.6 Section
Section 16.3.1


  1. HRT means hydraulic retention time.
  2. SRT means solids retention time.
  3. VS means volatile solids.
  4. Aerobic SRT includes the activated sludge process and the aerobic digestion process SRT.
Process: Sludge Thickening
Process Type Expected Performance: Sludge Type Expected Performance: Sludge Concentration (%TS) Expected Performance: Solids Capture (%) Reference
  • basket centrifuge
  • disc-nozzle centrifuge
  • solid bowl centrifuge
Waste Activated
8 – 10
4 – 6
5 – 8
80 – 90
80 – 90
70 - 90
Table 17-1
Gravity Belt Thickener (GBT) WAS 4 – 8 95 Table 17-1
Rotary Drum Thickener (RDT) WAS 4 – 8 95 Table 17-1
Gravity Thickener Raw Primary
Raw Primary + WAS
Digested Sludges
8 – 10
5 – 8
2 – 3
8 – 14
  Table 17-1
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) WAS 4 – 6 95 Table 17-1
Process: Sludge Dewatering
Process Type Sludge Type Expected Performance: Sludge Concentration (%) Expected Performance: Solids Capture (%) Reference
Belt Filter Press Undigested Primary + WAS
Digested Primary + WAS
14 - 25
14 - 25
10 - 15
85 - 95 Table 17-2
(Solid Bowl)
Undigested Primary + WAS
Digested Primary + WAS
15 - 30
15 - 30
12 - 15
95 - 99 Table 17-2
Filter Press Undigested Primary + WAS
Digested Primary + WAS
30 - 50
35 - 50
25 - 50
90 - 95 Table 17-2
Vacuum Filter Undigested Primary + WAS
Digested Primary + WAS
10 - 25
15 - 20
8 - 12
90 - 95 Table 17-2

Appendix VI: Summary of Major Changes Between 1984 and 2008 (MOE Design Guidelines for Sewage Works)

The MOE Design Guidelines for Sewage Works have been updated to include new sewage collection and treatment technologies. The information was obtained from other guidelines, including: the Ten States Standards and design guidelines from other States and Provinces in North America. The following main additions have been made to the previous version of the guidelines:

  • Chapter 3 General Design Considerations: sections on Technology Development and Sewage Treatment Plant Capacity, including Re-Rating.
  • Chapter 4 Odour Control: including Odour Production and Control methods.
  • Chapter 5 Design of Sewers: sections on New Installations/Construction Technologies (i.e., horizontal drilling, micro-tunneling, and pipe bursting), Alternative Sewer Types (i.e., pressure and vacuum sewers, and septic effluent systems), and Sewer System Rehabilitation.
  • Chapter 7 Sewage Pumping Stations: including Forcemain Rehabilitation Techniques.
  • Chapter 8 Design Considerations for Sewage Treatment Plants: section on Basis of Process Selection.
  • Chapter 9 Instrumentation and Control: sections on Process Narratives and Basis of Control.
  • Chapter 10 Preliminary Treatment: sections on Fine Screening, Microscreening and Vortex Grit Removal.
  • Chapter 12 Biological Treatment: sections on Activated Sludge Selectors, Other Biological Systems (i.e., SBR, RBCs, BAF, IFF, MBR, BNR and Intermittent Sand Filters).
  • Chapter 14 Disinfection: sections on Dechlorination, UV Irradiation, and Ozonation.
  • Chapter 15 Supplemental Treatment Process: sections on High Rate Effluent Filtration, Microscreening, Membranes, and Natural Systems.
  • Chapter 16 Sludge Stabilization: sections on Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion, ATAD, Alkaline Stabilization, Composting, Thermal Drying and Incineration.
  • Chapter 17 Sludge Thickening and Dewatering: sections on Gravity Belt Thickeners and Rotary Drum Thickeners.

The following are new chapters added:

  • Chapter 6 Challenging Conditions Affecting Servicing
  • Chapter 19 Co-Treatment of Septage and Landfill Leachate at Sewage Treatment Plants
  • Chapter 21 Control and Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows
  • Chapter 22 Large Sub-surface Sewage Disposal Systems

Appendix VII: References

Air Force, Arctic and Subarctic Construction Utilities, AFR 88-19, Volume 5, (1987)

American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA) & Water Environment Federation (WEF), Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st Edition

American Society of Civil Engineers, Sulfide in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems, Manual of Practice No. 69

Bauer, D.H., E.T. Conrad, and D.G. Sherman, Evaluation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Options, EPA/600/s2-81-178, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, (1979)

Bennett, E. R., and E. K. Linstedt, Individual Home Wastewater Characterization and Treatment, Completion Report Series No. 66, Environmental Resources Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, (1975)

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Guidelines for Compost Quality, (2005)

Environment Canada, Cold Regions Utilities Monograph (formerly Cold Climate Utilities Deliver Design Manual), Environment Canada, (1996) (American Society of Civil Engineers website)

Environment Canada, UV Guidance Manual for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Canada, (2002)

Laak, R, Relative Pollution Strengths of Undiluted Waste Materials Discharged in Households and the Dilution Waters Used for Each, Manual of Grey Water Treatment Practice - Part II, Monogram Industries, Inc., Santa Monica, California, (1975)

Laak, R, Wastewater Engineering Design for Unsewered Areas, Second Edition, (1986)

MOE and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Guidelines for the Utilization of Biosolids and Other Wastes on Agricultural Land (1996)

MTO, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Drainage Manual, (1980)

Professional Engineers Ontario, Engineering Services to Municipalities, (1998)

Smith, D. W. and Hrudey, S.E., Design of Water and Wastewater Services for Cold Climate Communities, (1981)

Tchobangolous, G. and Burton, F. L., Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal and reuse, Third edition, New York: Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. McGraw-Hill, Inc., (1991)

The Urban Drainage Subcommittee of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes, Water Quality Manual of Practice on Urban Drainage, (1987)

Tyler, E. Jerry, Designing with Soil: Development and Use of a Wastewater Hydraulic Linear and Infiltration Loading Rate Table, (2000)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems, EPA-625/1-91/024, (1991)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Long-Term Control Plan

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Monitoring and Modeling

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Odour and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewage Systems and Treatment Plants, EPA/625/1-85/018

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual, EPA/625/R-00/008, (2002)

U.S. National Fire Protection Association, Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities

Water Environment Federation (WEF), Alternative Sewer Systems, Manual of Practice FD-12, (1986)

Water Environment Federation (WEF), Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers, Manual of Practice MOP-9

Water Environment Federation (WEF), Prevention and Control of Sewer System Overflows, Manual of Practice FD-17

Water Environment Federation (WEF), Septage Handling, Manual of Practice No. 24, (1997)