
Deidre Bainbridge, NP
Provincial Nurse Manager
Office of the Chief Coroner

Dr. Lopita Banerjee, MSc MD FCFP
Family Physician/Coroner

Marcie Campbell, M.Ed
Counsellor/Counselling Supervisor (Sexual Violence) - York University

Monica Denreyer
Detective Sergeant, Ontario Provincial Police, Threat Assessment Unit

Barb Forbes
Regional Director
Ministry of the Solicitor General
Probation and Parole Western Region

Claudette Dumont-Smith
RN, BScN, MPA, LL.D (Hon.)

Alison Freeman
Detective Sergeant, Halton Regional Police
Domestic Violence Investigative Unit

Dahlia Saibil / Kelly Simpson
Crown Attorney

Anita Hass
Sergeant, Domestic Violence Coordinator
Greater Sudbury Police Service

Peter Jaffe, Ph.D, C.Psych.
Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University

Leslie Raymond
Detective Sergeant, Ontario Provincial Police, Abuse Issues Coordinator, Central Region

Deborah Sinclair, MSW, Ph.D, RSW
Independent Practice

Eva Zachary
Executive Director, Muskoka Victim Services

Kathy Kerr
Executive Lead, Committee Management, Office of the Chief Coroner


Prabhu Rajan
Chief Legal Counsel
Office of the Chief Coroner

Tope Adefarakan, Ph.D.
Director, Black Women, Girls and Gender Diverse Peoples (B-WGGD) Initiative

Dr. Lopita Banerjee, MSc MD FCFP
Family Physician/Coroner

Marcie Campbell, M.Ed
Counsellor/Counselling Supervisor (Sexual Violence) - York University

Barb Forbes
Ministry of the Solicitor General
Regional Director, Probation and Parole Western Region

Peter Jaffe, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Professor Emeritus, Western University

Rebecca Law
Crown Attorney

Nneka MacGregor, LL.B.
Executive Director, WomenatthecentrE

Rebecca Miller-Small
Detective Sergeant, Peel Regional Police
Intimate Partner Violence Unit

Deborah Sinclair, MSW, Ph.D., RSW
Independent Practice

Eva Zachary
Executive Director, Muskoka Victim Services

Julie Erbland
Executive Lead,
Child Youth Death Review Analysis
Office of the Chief Coroner

Dan Pyrah
Ontario Provincial Police

Kathy Kerr
Executive Lead, Committee Management
Office of the Chief Coroner