Before you choose an option for resolving your family law issues, it is important to speak to a lawyer as a first step. A lawyer is in the best position to advise you of:

  • your options
  • the steps that make the most sense in your case
  • your rights and responsibilities
  • the legal consequences of your decisions

Choosing a lawyer

Information is available to help you choose a lawyer that’s right for you. It is important that you take the time to make the right choice. When choosing a lawyer, you should consider contacting:

The Law Society Referral Service (LSRS) can provide you with the name of a lawyer in your area who:

  • practices family law
  • will provide a free initial consultation of up to 30 minutes

If you use the online service because you are in a crisis, you can call:

The Law Society of Ontario maintains a list of lawyers in Ontario where you can search for a lawyer near you.

If you can’t hire a lawyer for your whole case, you may choose to hire a lawyer who is willing to give “unbundled legal services” or “limited scope services.” This means that the lawyer only provides you with initial advice or helps you with specific steps in your case, but the lawyer will not be involved for the entirety of your case.

If you can’t afford a lawyer, you can contact Legal Aid Ontario (1-800-668-8258) to see if you meet the financial requirements to receive legal aid.

Represent yourself

If you choose to go to court, you can also represent yourself. It’s important to understand that judges and court staff cannot give you legal advice. Only lawyers can give you legal advice.

People who represent themselves are responsible for informing themselves about the law and the court’s procedures. You will be held to the same standard as people who have lawyers representing them.