To: Canada, Ontario, the City of Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Police Service, NAN, NNEC, KO, DFCHS and MLC

  1. In moving forward with any initiatives that respond to the Inquest recommendations, the parties should be guided by the following statements:
    1. All of the Treaty Partners, including Indigenous communities and governments, Canada and Ontario, must respect the treaty rights of others and work together towards fulfilling treaty obligations.
    2. First Nations governments exercise inherent control over their education systems.
    3. First Nation communities seek to have greater responsibility to govern their own spiritual, cultural, social, and economic affairs.
    4. Without the improvement of conditions in First Nations reserve communities, a gap in education outcomes between Indigenous and non- Indigenous students will remain.
    5. Canada should support individual First Nations communities as they develop local solutions to the effects of colonial policy.
    6. In order to ensure timely delivery of publicly funded services to First Nations children, where jurisdictional divisions or disputes within or between governments threaten to delay or impede the provision of services, Jordan’s Principle should apply.