Part 12. Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust

Sample Processing Fees

The licensee of a well shall:

  1. calculate the drilling sample processing fee using the appropriate rates and formula below;
  2. make the fee payment payable to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust; and
  3. submit the fee payment along with the Form 7 required for the well

Sample Processing Fee Schedule

Type of Samples Rate ($/m)
A: Bagged samples from vertical and deviated sections of wells. $0.90
B: Bagged samples from horizontal sections of wells. $0.45
C: Vialed samples from vertical and deviated sections of wells. $0.60
D: Vialed samples from horizontal sections of wells. $0.30
E: Full diameter core delivered unslabbed to the Library. $30.00
F: Full diameter core delivered to the Library and slabbed to Library specifications. $10.00

Note: Refer to section 3.18 for drill sample collection standards.

Drilling sample processing fee calculations

  1. Metres of Type A bagged samples X Rate Type A =
  2. Metres of Type B bagged samples X Rate Type B =
  3. Metres of Type C vialed samples X Rate Type C =
  4. Metres of Type D vialed samples X Rate Type D =


13% HST

Total $

Note: Fees for drill core samples will be invoiced to the operator.