Part 10. Hydrocarbon storage

Facilities for storage of hydrocarbons in underground formations shall be designed, constructed, operated, maintained and abandoned in accordance with CSA Z341, Storage of Hydrocarbons in Underground Formations.

Where other publications are referenced within this Part, the reference shall be read as a reference to the most current edition of the publication in effect, including all published amendments.

10.1 MIT test examinations

Where mechanical integrity testing is conducted on a cavern system the operator shall provide for an Examiner to examine the test results and certify their validity.

10.2 Annual examination

The operator shall provide for an annual examination of all surface works located on land and an Examiner to certify that these works meet this Standard.

10.3 Reporting

Reporting shall be in accordance with Part 13 with the following additions:

The ministry shall be notified of:

  1. in the case of cavern storage facilities:
    1. of planned well overhauls and inspections and the results of such inspections including copies of all the sonar surveys, logs, test data and the interpretations of this data;
    2. when there is a change of service in a cavern from one type of product storage to another;
    3. of suspected damaged to a brine stringer or hydrocarbon leaks at the well head or casings; and
  2. in all types of storage operations, immediately when any emergencies occur, including spills, loss of well control, fire, explosion or other accident.