Guiding Values

  • All assessments and interventions should be culturally responsive and respectful.
  • Children, youth and their families should have voice and choice regarding participating in any assessments and interventions.
  • All interventions should be evidence-based, personalized, respectful and have demonstrable value to the people they serve.
  • Collaborative processes, inclusive of children, youth and families, should be used for all decisions at all levels of the system.
  • Consensus on the treatment goals and intervention and optimal outcomes are primary results of collaborative processes.
  • Information about the people served and their outcomes should always inform decision-making at all levels of the system.

Benefits of Personalized Services7

  • Child and his/her family
    • Enhanced child outcomes.
    • Improved quality of care.
    • Partnerships and collaboration.
    • Common language.
    • Service integration.

Outcomes and Guiding Principles of the OAP

The Ontario Autism Program's Guiding Principles and Child, Youth and Family and System Outcomes as developed by the OAP Advisory Committee (Appendix B) have and will continue to provide ongoing guidance for service design and evaluation. These fundamental principles and outcomes are essential to the development and evolution of the clinical framework, therefore are also embedded throughout.