Child Protection services case flow diagram – Part 1: Standards 1 – 5

The Child Protection Services Case Flow Diagram.

The Child Protection Services Case Flow Diagram.
  • Box 1: Other Activity: Receiving a Referral: thorough collection of information from the referent, case history and other sources.
  • Box 2: Assessment: Initial assessment of all available information and the Eligibility Spectrum rating. Points to Box 3.
  • Box 3: Decision: Determining the Appropriate Response. Make decisions on the referral disposition and response time (in case of an investigation).
    • Box 4: Other Activity: No direct client contact, information only.
    • Box 5: Other Activity: Community link.
    • Box 6: Other Activity: Discontinue if factual informaiton received prior to first face-to-face contact that no reasonable or probable grounds to believe that child may be in need of protection.
  • Box 7: Other Activity: Planning and Conducting a Child Protection Investigation. Develop an investigation plan. Conduct an investigation (traditional or customized). Points to Box 8 and 9.
    • Box 8: Other Activity: Discontinue if upon first face-to-face contact the referral information is found to be clearly wrong (see standard number 3).
  • Box 9: Assessment: Safety Assessment and Plan. Conduct safety assessment, develop safety plan if safety threats identified. Points to Box 10 and 11. Box 10: Close initial investigation without a risk assessment if specific criteria are met (see standard number 3).
  • Box 11: Assessment: Risk Assessment. Conduct a risk assessment. Points to Box 12.
  • Box 12: Decision: Concluding a Child Protection Investigation. Make decisions regarding: Verification of child protection concerns. Determination about whether a child is in need of protection. Investigation disposition. Points to box 13 and 14.
    • Box 13: Other Activity: Close (with or without a Community Link).
    • Box 14: Other Activity: Transfer to Ongoing Service (see next).

Child Protection Services Case Flow Diagram – Part 2: Standards 6 – 8

Child Protection Services Case Flow Diagram – Part 2: Standards 6 – 8
  • Box 1: Other Activity: Transfer to Ongoing Services. Points to Box 2.
  • Ongoing Service First Month.
    Box 2: Other Activity: Monitor the Safety Plan. Points to Box 3.
  • Box 3: Assessment: Conduct a Family and Child Strengths and Needs Assessment (FCSN). Points to Box 4.
  • Box 4: Other Activity: Develop a Service Plan within a family-centered conference. Points to Box 5.
  • Ongoing Service Case Management (post first month).
    Box 5: Other Activity: Minimum monthly visits with family in the home. Points to Box 6 and 7.
    • Box 6: Other Activity: If a new referral about protection concerns is received (which does not relate to a known incident or condition for which the family is already receiving ongoing service): standard number 1 applies the assessment of the referral and in determining the referral disposition; when referral disposition is to investigate, standards numbers 2-4 apply; verification decision made in accordance with standard number 5; service plan is also updated (if required).
  • Case Review and Evalutation (every 6 months).
    Box 7: Assessment: Conduct FCSN and Risk Re-Assessment or reunification Assessment. Points to Box 8.
  • Box 8: Other Activity: Review of service plan with the family. Points to Box 9 and 10.
    • Box 9: Other Activity: Close (if case closure criteria are met as per standard #8).
    • Box 10: Other Activity: Continue to provide ongoing service case management. Points to Box 5.