Message from the chair

In May 2020, I had the honour of being appointed as the new chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission). As a producer myself, I have always felt passionately about our province’s agri-food sector and am committed to working with my Commission members to support our regulated marketing boards and section 12 representative associations so that they can continue to grow and prosper.

One of my main goals has been to work collaboratively with all of our regulated marketing stakeholders to improve communication and develop even stronger relationships. This whole value chain approach has led to many successes in the past and I feel that it is key to ensure that we continue to find new market opportunities and successes.

In order to achieve this goal, the Commission needed to ensure that not only are marketing boards and representative associations being accountable and effective, but that we, as their regulator, also are. My Commission members and I are dedicated to leading by example. That is why we decided to take a thorough review our own strategic plan in 2020–2021. We wanted to make sure that we have a clear and direct plan that is appropriate for today’s, ever-changing environment. I want to thank all of our stakeholders who took the time to provide the Commission with input about the work that we do and we hope to share the finalized plan with everyone shortly.

The Commission continues to be committed to bringing industry players together through open, respectful and honest conversations so that we can work as one, collaborative and strong sector. The past year has been extremely challenging for everyone, and if it has taught us anything, it is that we need to work together and support one another if we are to overcome challenges and succeed.

I want to thank everyone for welcoming me over the past year and I look forward to continuing to work with you. I am confident that with our dedicated team, the Commission can help keep our regulated marketing system strong, no matter what obstacles come our way.

Amy Cronin
Chair, Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission

Role of the Commission

The Commission is a non-board governed provincial agency established under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act, and exercises the powers given to it under the Farm Products Marketing Act (FPMA) and the Milk Act.

The Commission is responsible for administering the provisions of the FPMA and the Milk Act, which includes making and revising regulations under these acts. It is also responsible for overseeing the activities of Ontario’s 22 regulated marketing boards and three section 12 representative associations to ensure that they operate within the powers and authorities given to them and that they remain accountable to their producer members.

The Commission is an independent decision-making body that reports to, and is directly accountable to, the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The minister, in turn, is accountable to Cabinet and the Legislature for the Commission’s fulfillment of its mandate and for reporting on the Commission’s affairs.

In addition, the Commission provides leadership in the form of advice, oversight, facilitation and direction to Ontario’s marketing boards and representative associations. In collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Commission directs the development and implementation of policy and regulations specifically related to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector. At times, the Commission may also provide additional educational guidance and support to help encourage effectiveness and efficiency in the regulated marketing system.


Prosperous, thriving, dynamic agri-food sector

The Commission works to help drive the province’s regulated marketing system forward, enabling the agri-food sector to be successful in the marketplace. Passionate about supporting its stakeholders and growing the sector through the regulated marketing system, the Commission is focused on bringing Ontario’s food products to the tables of consumers, locally and globally.

As a regulator, the Commission actively considers the diverse needs of marketing boards and section 12 representative associations, and their value chain partners. The Commission conscientiously brokers progressive, whole-sector solutions for the province’s dynamic and competitive regulated marketing industry, and works diligently to build respect, trust and collaboration between all commodity groups, producers, processors and their stakeholders.


Supporting the growth of Ontario's agri-food value chains so that they are robust, creative, and adaptive to change

Working with its sector partners, the Commission provides oversight and authority to Ontario’s regulated marketing system in order to enable whole sector solutions that lead to a more robust industry and economy.

Core values/guiding principles

  • lead by example
  • strive for excellence
  • build and reinforce trust
  • whole-chain perspective

Commission team

The Commission comprises a chair, vice-chair and five members, all appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

The diverse membership is made up of producers and processors with a variety of business, industry and commodity experience.

2020–2021 members

Amy Cronin, chair
First appointed to the position: May 07, 2020
Appointment expiry: May 06, 2022

Valerie Gilvesy, vice chair
First appointed to the position: August 17, 2017
Appointment expiry: August 16, 2022

Robert Anderson, member
First appointed to the position: May 13, 2015
Appointment expiry: May 12, 2022

Dan Cohoe, member
First appointed to the position: May 27, 2015
Appointment expiry: May 26, 2022

Bette Jean Crews, member
First appointed to the position: April 18, 2012
Appointment expiry: April 17, 2022

Ralph Dietrich, member
First appointed to the position: May 23, 2019
Appointment expiry: May 22, 2024

Cameron McWilliam, member
First appointed to the position: December 31, 2018
Appointment expiry: December 30, 2023

The Commission is also supported by Secretariat staff who provide Commission members with information, administrative support, policy analysis and advice on issues impacting each commodity.

2021 accomplishments

Adapting to COVID-19

In order to continue to provide its stakeholders with support and regulatory oversight during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission successfully adapted all of its meetings and service delivery options to virtual and online platforms while adhering to provincial safety protocols and restrictions. The Commission is happy to report that the sector’s marketing boards, section 12 representative organizations and other value chain partners we also able to adapt to ensure the continuance of business and the efficiencies in the food supply chain.


Providing Ontario’s regulated marketing stakeholders with support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic was an on-going priority for the Commission.

Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products requires dairy businesses, including dairy plants and non-shopkeeper distributors (those who purchase fluid milk products from processors and sell those products to shopkeepers) to hold licenses, and bulk tank milk graders and plant milk and cream graders to hold certificates to carry out their duties. As these businesses and individuals were focused on mitigating business-related issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of them did not have the capacity to focus on licence and certificate renewals. As well, training courses required for dairy grader certificate renewals had been cancelled as a result of the pandemic.

To help provide support to Ontario’s dairy industry, the Commission amended Regulation 761 to:

  • extend dairy processing plant and non-shopkeeper distributor licence renewals
  • extend bulk tank milk grader, and plant milk and cream grader certificate renewals
  • temporarily reinstate currently expired non-shopkeeper distributor licences and grader certificates

The amendments were intended to allow the dairy industry to continue to operate during the pandemic without fear of certificates or licences lapsing. The amendments also provided additional time following the emergency for licence and certificate renewals.

The Commission also removed outdated references to Ontario Regulation 60/09: Standards of Care and Administrative Standards under the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and replaced them with references to Ontario Regulation 444/19: Standards of Care and Administrative Requirements under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019.

Greenhouse vegetables

The Greenhouse Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee (GVIAC), chaired by a Commission member and comprising producers, marketers and retailers, typically meets quarterly to discuss industry issues and opportunities. In 2020, the committee held eight virtual meetings to provide all value chain stakeholders an opportunity to discuss issues which they were experiencing, as well as strategies to mitigate those issues.

Non-COVID-19 related accomplishments


At the request of the Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) and the Association of Chicken Processors (AOCP), the Commission amended Ontario Regulation 402: Chickens. The amendments to Schedule 1 (which prescribes annual adjustments to the minimum live price, has been eliminated) update the Cost of Production Formula framework from which the negotiating agency, will determine the minimum live price of chicken in Ontario. As well, updates were made to provide the parties with the authority to negotiate charges, costs or expenses related to emergency euthanasia caused by COVID-19 related processing capability reductions.


At the request of the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board (OFCTGMB), the Commission amended:

The amendments were intended to help OFCTGMB stimulate, increase and improve production of flue-cured tobacco while not affecting or altering the Ministry of Finance’s oversight of raw leaf tobacco activity in Ontario.


At the request of the Farm Products Council of Canada, the Commission helped foster the creation and establishment of the national Pork Promotion Research Agency (PPRA). Based on a review of the FPMA and discussions with Ontario Pork, the Commission was able to recommend that Ontario Pork use a standard memorandum of understanding to establish a PPRA. This resulted in all Canadian provinces using the same governance instrument. Ontario Pork, the FPCC and the PPRA were all supportive of this collaborative outcome.


At the request of Veal Farmers of Ontario (VFO), and with the support of the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Commission amended Ontario Regulation 272/14: Veal Cattle — Plan and Ontario Regulation 58/15: Veal Cattle — Marketing under the FPMA to:

  • update the definition of veal cattle to better reflect industry needs and to allow VFO to receive licence fees on animals that were not previously included in the regulations.
  • remove outdated references to the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations (Canada) from the veal cattle definition.

The Commission’s strategic objectives

Oversee and facilitate marketing board and representative association effectiveness and accountability

The Commission works closely with marketing boards and section 12 representative associations to ensure that they are performing effectively, that they comply with the authorities that have been delegated to them by the Commission and that they are effectively supporting their producer members.

This includes monitoring board and representative association financial stability, helping them develop and maintain relationships along their value chains, ensuring that they adhere to governance best practices, providing guidance during strategic planning and keeping track of marketing system adjustments.

Providing leadership and assessing board performance

The Commission continuously works to enhance its oversight and monitoring of board association practices to ensure that these organizations are operating within the authorities delegated to them.

As part of this work, the Commission encourages open and transparent communication with board and association chairs and staff in order to foster an environment where boards and section 12 representative associations can feel supported.

Marketing boards and representative associations appear before the Commission at regular intervals for formal reviews, where they report on their activities, strategies and issues which may be affecting their industries. In 2020–2021, seven marketing boards and one representative association participated in a review with the Commission.

Secretariat staff also assess each organization annually to review:

  • governance practices
  • finances
  • succession planning
  • market overviews
  • an analysis of the sector
  • the board or associations accountability to it members
  • opportunities for sector growth
  • industry relations
  • key board activities such as research, promotion and marketing

The information gathered during these reviews is used to advise boards and section 12 representative associations on areas of improvement.

The Commission began developing a more rigorous and efficient board review process in 2020, with plans for implementation in 2021.

Ensuring sound financial management

Secretariat staff assess the financial statements of each board and representative association to ensure that these organizations are financially sound and sustainable, and that they have sufficient financial reserves to address potential sector issues.

Long-term planning

All boards and section 12 representative associations are expected to have a long-term strategic plan in place, outlining their future direction and succession planning. Plans are shared with Secretariat staff and advice and direction are provided as necessary.

Promoting and supporting good governance

The Commission continuously works with marketing boards and representative associations to help them better lead their organizations through enhanced governance practices by providing advice, information, tools or resources.

Each year, the Commission also provides an annual governance training course designed to help set boards and representative associations on the right path. In 2020, the course was cancelled as a result of COVID-19. During this pause, the Commission decided to take a thorough review of the course and update it to ensure that it continues to provide comprehensive information that meets today’s needs, especially as we respond to issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Governance training will be offered virtually in 2021–22.

Regulations that support the needs of boards today and tomorrow

The Commission has extensive authority to establish, amend or revoke regulations under the FPMA and Milk Act to help support producers, processors, consumers and Ontario’s agri-food sector as a whole. As part of this authority, the Commission also monitors boards and section 12 representative associations to ensure that they are adhering to the authorities delegated to them under these acts.

By means of regulation, the Commission delegates certain authorities to regulated marketing boards and section 12 representative associations. These authorities vary considerably and may include powers to:

  • promote their commodity
  • provide marketing information to their producer-members
  • directly fund production and market research, or co-ordinate it from other sources
  • participate on industry advisory committees
  • negotiate the minimum price that will be paid to producers and/or other terms and conditions of sale
  • set the price that will be paid to producers of a specific commodity
  • determine how much each farmer can produce and/or market through production quotas

By working closely with boards and section 12 representative associations, the Commission can create and amend regulations that help them succeed in today’s global economy.

Regulation amendments

The Commission supports a regulatory environment that provides for the needs of its boards and section 12 representative associations, as well as the needs and interests of their entire value chain.

Posting proposed regulation amendments on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public comment allows the Commission to gather feedback and input from those most affected by the regulations. All comments received are considered before any final amendments are made.

Negotiated agreements

Under the FPMA, each year, the Commission is required to bring agreements or arbitrated awards into force.

In 2020–2021, 33 negotiated agreements and one arbitrated award were brought into force within three months of receipt of the signed agreements.

Processor licences

Under the FPMA, the Commission has the authority to issue licences to processors of grapes for processing, asparagus, potatoes, tender fruit, and vegetables for processing, as well as dealers of seed corn.

All processor and dealer licenses were considered by the Commission within three months of receiving a completed application.

In 2020–2021, the Commission issued 38 processor licences.

Commodity Licences issued or reissued during the 12 months ending March 31, 2021 Licences issued or reissued during the 12 months ending March 31, 2020 Total licences as of March 31, 2021
Asparagus 0 0 2
Grapes 31 35 324
Potatoes 0 1 22
Processing vegetables 2 1 18
Seed corn 0 1 6
Tender fruit 5 8 60
Total 38 46 432

Foster enhanced stakeholder collaboration to achieve whole sector solutions

By providing stakeholders with opportunities to work together and provide their input, the Commission is helping improve communication, collaboration and relationships along the value chain, including relationships between producers, processors, retailers, and government.

The Commission encourages boards and section 12 representative associations to work collaboratively with their stakeholders in an open and transparent fashion on initiatives that benefit their industries and to achieve sector solutions.

Stakeholder consultations

The feedback that the Commission receives through stakeholder consultations, regulatory registry postings, correspondence and expression of opinion votes, provides invaluable industry perspectives.

In 2020–2021, the Commission held a series of consultations with several of its stakeholders to gather input into the development of its own 2021–2024 strategic plan. The plan is expected to be finalized in 2021.

Industry Advisory Committees (IACs)

Through IAC meetings, stakeholders are encouraged to speak freely about the issues affecting their industries and businesses in order to enhance communication along the value chain. This collaborative approach often results in industry led solutions and new market opportunities.

In 2020–2021, the Commission chaired and participated in 18 IAC meetings.

Industry engagement

Regular engagement between the Commission, boards and section 12 representative associations ensures that Commission members and staff are aware of issues impacting the sector. It also allows the Commission to build stronger relationships, trust and collaboration across the value chain.

In 2020–2021, Commission members held numerous meetings with stakeholders to discuss issues impacting their industries and opportunities for growth.

As well, Commission members and staff attended board and representative association annual general meetings, conferences, farm shows, district meetings and board meetings, both in person and virtually, to ensure that the Commission was informed of the successes and challenges facing Ontario’s regulated marketing sector.

Advocate for Ontario’s interests in regulated marketing nationally

As a signatory to federal, provincial and territorial agreements on supply managed commodities, the Commission strives to support national systems that are responsive to changing business and demographic needs, while continuing to serve Ontario’s economic interests.

Supply managed boards were encouraged to take a value chain approach, to provide a united voice and position during national discussions.

In 2020–2021, with the support of the Commission, supply managed sectors were able to quickly respond to rapid shifts in supply and demand as a result of the pandemic.

The Commission also encouraged the non-supply managed boards with national organizations to focus on developing a stronger presence at their national tables to ensure value for money at the national level.

Financial performance

The Commission’s resource requirements, including staffing and financials, are absorbed by OMAFRA and are incorporated into the ministry’s business plans and financial statements, which are subjected to review by Ontario’s Auditor General.

During the 2020–2021 fiscal period, OMAFRA allocated $702,600 for the direct operating expenditures shared by the Commission and the Secretariat. As a result of COVID-19, all industry meetings were held virtually, which significantly reduced travel expenses. Other operating costs were also reduced (i.e. the cancelation of governance training). Actual expenditures for the period were $340,965 under the allocated budget.

Commission direct operating expendituresfootnote 1 2019–2020 ministry expenditures 2020–2021 ministry allocation Actual expenditures to March 31, 2021 Variances between allocation and expenditures
Transportation and Communications $51,871 $62,000 $10,652 $51,348
Services $400,422 $634,000 $349,073 $285,527
Supplies and Equipment $5,631 $6,000 $1910 $4,090
Total $457,923 $702,600 $361,635 $340,965

Agency accountability

As the Commission is a provincial agency under OMAFRA, it must comply with the Agencies and Appointments Directive (AAD). Agency accountability performance targets and results for 2020–2021 are detailed in Appendix III.

Appendix I: boards and associations as of March 31, 2021

Marketing boards

The Milk Act governs the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, which regulates milk and cream in Ontario.

The FPMA governs 22 marketing boards and three section 12 representative associations in Ontario, including:

  • Asparagus Farmers of Ontario
  • Berry Growers of Ontario
  • Chicken Farmers of Ontario
  • Dairy Farmers of Ontario
  • Egg Farmers of Ontario
  • Grain Farmers of Ontario
  • Grape Growers of Ontario
  • Ontario Apple Growers
  • Ontario Bean Growers
  • Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Commission
  • Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers’ Marketing Board
  • Ontario Fresh Grape Growers’ Marketing Board
  • Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers
  • Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board (Ontario Pork)
  • Ontario Potato Board
  • Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers
  • Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (Sheep Farmers of Ontario)
  • Ontario Tender Fruit Growers
  • Ontario Tomato Seedling Growers’ Marketing Board
  • Seed Corn Growers of Ontario
  • Turkey Farmers of Ontario
  • Veal Farmers of Ontario

Section 12 representative associations

  • Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc.
  • Ontario Canola Growers’ Association
  • Ontario Ginseng Growers’ Association

Appendix II: 2020–2021 strategic objectives: performance measures

1. Ensure the effective performance of marketing boards

Objective 1: ensure effective performance of marketing boards
Strategies Implementation Measure of success/performance target Results
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Ensure that the Commission operates in an open and transparent fashion. Transparency is demonstrated through the publishing of the Commission’s governance documents online and posting proposed regulation amendments on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public comment. All proposed regulatory changes were posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for a 45-day public comment period.
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Provide advice, facilitation and direction to Ontario’s marketing boards and section 12 representative associations. Advice and/or direction is provided to marketing boards and representative associations as required. Advice and/or direction was provided to marketing boards and section 12 representative associations and representative associations as needed.
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Clearly communicate the Commission’s expectations to boards and section 12 representative associations about the authorities granted to them. Boards understand the Commission’s expectations of them, including the authorities and powers granted to them. A letter was sent to each board after its review, providing feedback, outlining the Commission’s expectations and/or providing advice — 11 letters were sent in 2020–2021.
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Investigate and mediate disputes, including provisions for facilitation/negotiation/arbitration and conduct hearings if necessary. Disputes are investigated, and when necessary, facilitation, negotiation or arbitration is provided. At the request of CFO and AOCP, the Commission amended Ontario Regulation 402: Chickens — Marketing. The amendments update the framework from which the chicken negotiating agency, which comprises representatives appointed by CFO and AOCP, determine the minimum live price of chicken in Ontario.
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Negotiated agreements between producers and processors and arbitrated awards are brought into force by the Commission. Negotiated agreements and awards between boards and section 12 representative associations and processors are brought into force within three months of receipt of the signed agreement. The Commission brought 33 negotiated agreements and one arbitrated award into force within three months of receipt of the signed agreement.
Provide leadership to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector Administration of the licensing program for processors of grapes, vegetables, potatoes, asparagus, tender fruit, and for dealers of seed corn. Processor and dealer licences are considered by the Commission within three months of receipt of a completed application. The Commission issued 38 processor licenses for processing grapes, processing vegetables, potatoes, tender fruit and seed corn within three months of receipt.
Monitor effectiveness of boards and assess their performance Enhance the Commission’s oversight and monitoring practices of marketing boards and section 12 representative associations. Develop a robust assurance framework to ensure boards and section 12 representative associations are operating appropriately and within their delegated authorities. A board review assessment framework and template are under development and will be implemented in 2021–22. The Commission continues to assess its internal processes and controls for efficiencies and compliance.
Ensure boards demonstrate sound financial management Assess the annual financial statements of all boards and section 12 associations, including reviews of financial reserve policies, trends and financial ratios. Boards and section 12 representative associations are financially sound, sustainable and have a sufficient financial reserve to address potential sector issues. Annual assessments of financial statements and financial reserves were completed by staff for all boards and section 12 representative associations.
Encourage boards to engage in long term planning Encourage boards to have a strategic plan in place to provide direction and context for their decision making and actions. Boards are asked to provide the Commission with a copy of their strategic plan and Commission direction is provided as necessary. All boards were encouraged to have a current strategic plan in place. Advice was provided to boards and section 12 representative associations that required additional support.
Encourage boards to engage in long term planning Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to improve diversity in their membership. Boards and section 12 representative associations are encouraged to have a diverse membership i.e. size of operation, member age, gender, experience, ethnicity etc. During the board review process, boards and section 12 representative associations were encouraged to have a diverse membership i.e. size of operation, member age, gender, experience, ethnicity etc.
Encourage boards to engage in long term planning Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to develop succession plans for their organizations. Boards and section 12 representative associations are encouraged to demonstrate succession planning efforts and assistance is offered as necessary. During the board review process, boards and section 12 representative associations outlined their succession plans and advice was offered as necessary.
Creation of a regulatory environment that supports the needs of the regulated marketing boards Review board regulations to ensure authorities meet the needs of the board and/or the industry. Number of regulations reviewed to address the needs of the board and/or the industry. As part of the Ontario government’s Open for Business initiative, the Commission amended two regulations under the Milk Act.
Creation of a regulatory environment that supports the needs of the regulated marketing boards Pursue regulation amendments to meet industry and market needs. Number of regulations amended to meet industry and market needs. Seven regulations were amended at the request of marketing boards or to better serve the needs of the industry.
Creation of a regulatory environment that supports the needs of the regulated marketing boards Ensure boards and section 12 representative associations are acting within the authorities granted to them though regulations. Review of board activities to ensure they are adhering to the authorities delegated to them. Board activities were reviewed to ensure they were operating within their authorities.
Creation of a regulatory environment that supports the needs of the regulated marketing boards Develop regulations to support new commodities within the regulated marketing system. Number of new regulations created to support commodity additions to regulated marketing. No new commodities were added to the regulated marketing system.
Provide training to boards and section 12 representative associations Commission annual governance training session. All new board members and senior staff are encouraged to attend the Commission’s annual governance training session. Governance training was cancelled in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but will be offered in 2021–22 virtually.
Provide training to boards and section 12 representative associations Commission annual governance training session. Participants are satisfied with the session. N/A
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Attracting experienced, knowledgeable industry experts to join the Commission. The breadth of knowledge and experience of Commission members. The Commission’s members demonstrate a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Commission membership demonstrates the Commission’s commitment to diversity. The diversity of the Commission’s membership is demonstrated as it relates to different types of commodity experience, gender, producer and processor experience. The Commission includes both female and male producer and processor representatives with a wealth of experience in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Commission members have the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to make well informed decisions. A Commission member training plan is developed and implemented if needed. A Commission member training plan is developed and implemented if needed.
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Commission members are informed of industry issues and understand the market context for the various commodities. Commodity information is provided to the Commission members by Secretariat staff to ensure that members are well informed on issues impacting each industry. Regular updates were provided to the Commission members as required.
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Secretariat staff have the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to support the Commission, boards and section 12 representative associations. Commission Secretariat training plans are developed and implemented. Secretariat staff training plans were developed and are used to guide efforts.
Commission is knowledgeable about regulated marketing and factors influencing the sector Commission members and Secretariat staff expertise is retained within the Commission to continue operations during times of transition. A succession plan for members and staff is developed and implemented.
  • Member and staff succession plans are being developed.
  • A new results-based performance development plan was implemented for all Secretariat staff.

2. Foster Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration to Achieve Sector Solutions

Strategic Objective 2: Foster Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration to Achieve Sector Solutions
Strategies Actions/Implementation Measure of Success/Performance Target Results
Provide leadership to facilitate stakeholder collaboration Provide opportunities to bring stakeholders together to achieve sector solutions. Commission provides facilitated discussions to promote collaboration among stakeholders. Approximately 50 facilitated discussions were held.
Provide leadership to facilitate stakeholder collaboration IAC meetings are utilized to enhance communication along the value chain, to solve industry issues and take advantage of market opportunities. Number of IAC meetings held annually.
  • 18 IAC meetings were held.
  • New members joined several of the IACs.
Provide leadership to facilitate stakeholder collaboration IAC meetings are utilized to enhance communication along the value chain, to solve industry issues and take advantage of market opportunities. An expansion of IAC membership.
  • 18 IAC meetings were held.
  • New members joined several of the IACs.
Provide leadership to facilitate stakeholder collaboration Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to collaborate with processors and other value chain members. Boards and section 12 representative associations consulted with relevant stakeholders. Boards and section 12 representative associations outlined their consultation efforts with their stakeholders and value chain partners on various initiatives including the work between FPMC chair and the AOCP and CFO to hold value chain members accountable in developing the MOU.
Stakeholder Consultations Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to consult with members and stakeholders to determine support for various initiatives. The Commission encourages industry consultations, particularly if boards or section 12 representative associations are seeking Commission support on an initiative. Boards and section 12 representative associations demonstrated that they had engaged their stakeholders prior to seeking the Commission’s support on initiatives.
Stakeholder Consultations Demonstrate the value of stakeholder input on various initiatives. The Commission hosts consultation sessions to garner stakeholder feedback when necessary. The Commission had regular meetings with stakeholders: seven facilitated discussions that included participation from 10 regulated stakeholder groups and section 12 associations to gain insight on sector issues and opportunities.
Stakeholder Consultations Demonstrate support for stakeholder consultations. Commission website is used as a tool to share information with stakeholders and the public. The Commission continuously refines and seeks opportunity to leverage web presence to communicate with stakeholders and the public.
Increase inter-board networking and relationship building Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to collaborate with others on issues of joint concern. Demonstrated collaboration. IAC meetings were held to find common solutions to mitigate COVID-19 related issues.
Increase inter-board networking and relationship building Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to look to others for examples of best practices. Boards and section 12 representative associations utilize existing models for application in their own sector. Boards and section 12 representative associations utilized existing models for application in their own sector.
Increase inter-board networking and relationship building Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to seek opportunities for inter-board networking and relationship building. Demonstrated engagement and collaboration with other boards and section 12 representative associations. Boards and section 12 representative associations demonstrated engagement and collaboration with other boards and section 12 representative associations in areas such as jointly funded consultations, research projects and/or the pooling of resources.
Engagement with industry Regular engagement with the value chain. Number of stakeholder events attended by Commission members and/or Secretariat staff. Over 50 stakeholder events/meetings were attended by Commission members and/or Secretariat staff to ensure that the Commission is aware of issues impacting the industry and allow the Commission to build relationships across the value chain to foster collaboration.
Engagement with industry Encourage industry involvement through member and/or staff attendance at AGMs, district meetings, board meetings etc. Number of AGMs attended by Commission members and/or Secretariat staff. All board and representative association AGMs were attended by Commission members and/or Secretariat staff.
Engagement with industry Invite stakeholders and sector experts to attend Commission meetings to provide insights into the agri-food industry and to provide the Commission with a fulsome perspective on issues. Stakeholder groups appear before the Commission. Commission meetings were attended by sector experts including OMAFRA’s Trade Policy and Market Access Unit, and Economic Development Policy Branch to provide insights on a variety of issues. Commission invited value chain stakeholders to the Commission meeting when a review is being done.
Encourage industry to be proactive in developing sector solutions Encourage boards section 12 representative associations and stakeholders to work collaboratively to achieve sector solutions. Demonstrated achievement of a sector solution by industry. During board reviews, IACs stakeholder meetings, the Commission encouraged boards and section 12 representative associations to collaborate with stakeholders to achieve sector solutions.

3. Advance Ontario’s Interests in Regulated Marketing

Strategic Objective 3: Advance Ontario’s Interests in Regulated Marketing
Strategies Actions/Implementation Measure of Success/Performance Target Results
Support Ontario’s growth initiatives Work with the supply managed sectors to develop strategies to maintain and/or increase Ontario’s share of national allocation. Ontario’s share of national allocation of supply managed production is maintained or increased over time. Ontario’s share of national allocation of supply managed production was maintained in 2020–2021.
Support Ontario’s growth initiatives Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to pursue growth opportunities. Ask organizations to report on their growth initiatives/strategies during board reviews. Boards and section 12 representative associations were asked how they intended to support growth in their sector and advice was provided.
Promote Ontario’s interests at the national level Encourage industry players to develop a value chain approach to provide a united position at national discussions. All supply managed commodities are encouraged to develop a value chain approach when dealing with national issues. All supply managed commodities utilized a value chain approach when dealing with national issues.
Promote Ontario’s interests at the national level Support regulated marketing in Ontario by considering the needs of the entire value chain. The Commission encourages boards and section 12 representative associations to work at the national level to address the needs of the value chain. In discussions with supply managed boards and section 12 representative associations, the Commission continued to reiterate the position that Ontario needs a strong presence at the national table with the objective of securing a larger share of national production for the province. Commission representatives attended numerous national commodity meetings (for example, dairy, chicken, eggs, and turkey).
Promote Ontario’s interests at the national level Encourage boards and section 12 representative associations to strengthen non-supply managed national organizations and ensure value for money at the national level. Strategic alliances are built with federal/provincial/ territorial counterparts to support non-supply managed organizations. Non-supply managed boards and section 12 representative associations were encouraged to develop strategic alliances with their federal counterparts, where these counterparts existed.
Promote Ontario’s interests at the national level Advise and consult with national agencies on issues related to federal-provincial agreements, to make them more flexible and market responsive. Policy decisions made, and regulatory changes implemented to adapt to the needs of an evolving marketplace. The Commission helped foster the creation of the new PPRA.
Promote Ontario’s interests at the national level Improve awareness of national and international trade issues impacting the supply managed commodities and advocate support of regulated marketing and supply management. Commission is aware of national and international trade issues. OMAFRA provided monthly updates to the Commission regarding trade deals and the potential impacts to supply managed boards and section 12 representative associations.
Assist in the creation of marketing boards and/or section 12 representative associations

Provide advice and assistance to producer groups that wish to create a marketing board or representative association under the FPMA.

Expansion of regulated marketing to additional farm products through the creation of a new board or representative association. Advice was provided to the agricultural sector on the process of becoming a marketing board under the FPMA, including information about the expression of opinion vote process.
Assist in the creation of marketing boards and/or section 12 representative associations Conduct expression of opinion votes to determine producer support. Conduct expression of opinion votes to determine producer support. No votes were held.
Consider consumer interests Consider consumer needs when making policy decisions/ regulation amendments. Post proposed regulation amendments on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public comment. All proposed regulation amendments were posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public comment.

Appendix III: 2020–21 Agency Accountability Performance Targets

The Commission is a non-board governed provincial agency under the AAD. The chart below identifies the annual compliance requirements under the AAD, as well as the Commission’s increased collaboration with OMAFRA.

Strategies Actions/Implementation Measure of Success/Performance Target Results
Compliance with the AAD Annual three-year business plan.
  • Submit to the Ministry’s chief administrative officer within three months prior to the start of the new fiscal year. Submit to minister one month prior to the start of the new fiscal year.
  • Post within 30 days of minister’s approval.
Delayed due to COVID-19 — currently in progress.
Compliance with the AAD Annual report.
  • Submit to the minister within 90 days of the fiscal year end.
  • Minister approval 60 days from receipt of the annual report.
  • Table within 30 days of minister approval.
  • Post publicly within 30 days after tabling.
In Progress
Compliance with the AAD Ministry risk assessments. Submit quarterly assessments to OMAFRA by the deadlines. Completed
Compliance with the AAD Emergency management plan (BSEP). Submit updated BSEP to OMAFRA by the deadline. Completed
Compliance with the AAD Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliance report. File an AODA compliance report by the deadline. Completed
Compliance with the AAD Commission minster MOU. Revise MOU between the Commission chair and the minister for compliance with applicable legislation, directives and policies. In development
Compliance with the AAD Mandate review. Review mandate as required (every six years) under the AAD. Completed
Increase collaboration with ministry Commission and ministry collaboration. Increase collaboration between Commission and OMAFRA. On-going
Client service Response to client requests or complaints. Commission responds to client inquiries in a timely manner. Achieved


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph Changes in reporting: the Commission’s resource requirements (staffing and financials) which are absorbed by OMAFRA, have been excluded.