Ontario Energy Board

Notice “C” RP-2000-0040

Enbridge Consumers Gas

Fiscal 2001 Rates

Notice Of Application

Take Notice That The Consumers’ Gas Company Ltd., carrying on business as Enbridge Consumers Gas (“ECG”), has filed an application (“the Application”) with the Ontario Energy Board (“the Board”) dated July 25, 2000 (as amended on August 11, 2000 and August 21, 2000). the Application is made under section 36 of the Ontario Energy Board Act 1998, S.O. c. 15, Sch. B and it requests approval of new rates effective October 1, 2000.

The board has assigned reference number RP-2000-0040 to the Application. Any customer of ECG may be affected by the Board’s decision(s) regarding the Application.

This notice is published only as a matter of record. It does not constitute service of the Application.

Dated at Toronto, this 25th day of August, 2000.

Ontario Energy Board

Peter H. O’Dell,
Assistant Board Secretary.
(3370) 37