People’s Co-Operative (Port Arthur) Limited

Pursuant To of Section 163(a) of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario a majority of the votes cast at a general meeting of the members of the People’s Co-operative (Port Arthur) Limited held on Sunday, March 4, 2001 authorized the dissolution of the aforesaid co-operative.

This notice is published herein pursuant to Section 164 (1)(f) of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario.

Dated this 28th day of March, 2001.

The Board of Directors of People’s Co-Operative (Port Arthur) Limited,
320 Bay Street, Thunder Bay,
Ontario P7B 1S1.
(3536) 14

Miscellaneous Notices

Weatherhead Employees (St. Thomas) Credit Union Limited

Notice Is Hereby Given that the membership of Weatherhead Employees (St. Thomas) Credit Union Limited passed a Special Resolution on March 19, 2001 to wind-up the Credit Union pursuant to the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994. At the same meeting, the members appointed the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario as Liquidator of the estate and effects of the Credit Union.

Dated this 21st day of March, 2001.

Weatherhead Employees (St. Thomas) Credit Union Limited, in Liquidation,
by its Liquidator:
Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario.
(3537) 14