Vlasic Foods Canada Inc.

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of Vlasic Foods Canada Inc., Date of Incorporation: March 5, 1998, Liquidator, Zwaig Associates Inc., The Exchange Tower, P.O. Box 17, 130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1J5. Date Appointed: November 22, 2001.

This notice is filed under subsection 210 (4) of the Business Corporations Act. The court has appointed the named as the liquidator(s) of the Corporation.

Dated this 28th day of November, 2001.

Zwaig Associates Inc.

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Barristers & Solicitors – Trade Mark Agents
Attn: Bruce Leonard
Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100, 40 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3C2
(3783) 49

Miscellaneous Notices

Owen Sound Glassworkers Credit Union Limited

Notice Is Hereby Given that the membership of the Owen Sound Glassworkers Credit Union Limited passed a special resolution on November 16th to wind-up the credit union pursuant to the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994. At the same meeting, the members appointed Steve Simpson as Liquidator of the estate and effects of the Credit Union.

Dated this 21st day of November, 2001.

Owen Sound Glassworkers Credit Union Limited,
in Liquidation by its Liquidator
Steve Simpson
(3784) 49