Public Notice

The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. Copies of the Standing Orders, and the guide “Procedures for Applying for Private Legislation may be obtained from the Legislative Assembly’s Internet site at or from:

Committees Branch
Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
Telephone: 416/325-3500 (Collect calls will be accepted)

Applicants should note that consideration of applications for Private Bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next following calendar year.

Claude L. Desrosiers,
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
(8699) T.F.N.

Applications to Provincial Parliament

Reena Foundation

Notice Is Hereby Given that on behalf of the Reena Foundation, application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act exempting the premises municipally identified as 927 Clark Avenue West (known as the “Toby and Henry Battle Development Centre”), in the City of Vaughan, from property taxation retro- active to January 1, 1999.

The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A2

Dated at Toronto, this 7th day of November, 2002

Goodman And Carr LLP Per:
Stephen Longo
Solicitors for the Applicant
(4127) 46 to 49