Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

The Province Of Ontario

Toronto, Tuesday, November 19, 2002

4:10 p.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the Administrator, assented to the following bills, in the Lieutenant Governor’s office :-

Bill 60 An Act to give victims a greater role at parole hearings, to hold offenders accountable for their actions, to provide for inmate grooming standards, and to make other amendments to the Ministry of Correctional Services Act.
[S.O. 2002, Chapter 12]

Bill 131 An Act to facilitate the making, recognition and variation of interjurisdictional support orders.
[S.O. 2002, Chapter 13]

Bill 148 An Act to provide for declarations of death in certain circumstances and to amend the Emergency Plans Act.
[S.O. 2002, Chapter 14]

Bill 149 An Act to extend the red light cameras pilot projects to November 20, 2004 or for an indefinite period.
[S.O. 2002, Chapter 15]

Bill 187 An Act to protect the rights of agricultural employees. [S.O. 2002, Chapter 16]

Claude L. Desrosiers
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
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