Ontario Regulation 121/05 made under the Land Titles Act

O. Reg. 121/05: General

Land Titles Act

regulation filed March 21, 2005

Ontario Regulation 122/05 made under the Land Titles Act

O. Reg. 122/05: Land Titles Divisions

Land Titles Act

regulation filed March 21, 2005

Ontario Regulation 123/05 made under the Registry Act

O. Reg. 123/05: Registration Of Instruments And Deposit Of Documents In French

Registry Act

regulation filed March 21, 2005

Ontario Regulation 124/05 made under the Registry Act

O. Reg. 124/05: Canada Lands

Registry Act

regulation filed March 21, 2005

Ontario Regulation 125/05 made under the Registry Act

O. Reg. 125/05: Registry Divisions

Registry Act

regulation filed March 21, 2005

Ontario Regulation 126/05 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 126/05: Grapes for Processing - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed March 22, 2005

Ontario Regulation 127/05 made under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

O. Reg. 127/05: General

Ontario Drug Benefit Act

regulation filed March 23, 2005

Ontario Regulation 128/05 made under the Drug Interchangeability And Dispensing Fee Act

O. Reg. 128/05: General

Drug Interchangeability And Dispensing Fee Act

regulation filed March 23, 2005

Ontario Regulation 129/05 made under the Health Insurance Act

O. Reg. 129/05: General

Health Insurance Act

regulation filed March 23, 2005

Ontario Regulation 130/05 made under the Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

O. Reg. 130/05: Teachers' Qualifications

Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 131/05 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 131/05: Teacher Qualifying Test

Education Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 132/05 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 132/05: Operation of Schools - General

Education Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 133/05 made under the Provincial Offences Act

O. Reg. 133/05: Proceedings Commenced By Certificate Of Offence

Provincial Offences Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 134/05 made under the Provincial Offences Act

O. Reg. 134/05: Proceedings Commenced By Certificate Of Offence

Provincial Offences Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 135/05 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 135/05: General

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 136/05 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 136/05: Assistance For Children With Severe Disabilities

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 137/05 made under the Ontario Works Act, 1997

O. Reg. 137/05: General

Ontario Works Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 138/05made under the Family Benefits Act

O. Reg. 138/05: General

Family Benefits Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 139/05 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 139/05: Administration And Cost Sharing

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 140/05 made under the Ontario Works Act, 1997

O. Reg. 140/05: Administration And Cost Sharing

Ontario Works Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 141/05 made under the Financial Services Commission Of Ontario Act, 1997

O. Reg. 141/05: Assessment Of Expenses And Expenditures

Financial Services Commission Of Ontario Act, 1997

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 142/05 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 142/05: Allocation of Board of Health Expenses

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005

Ontario Regulation 143/05 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 143/05: Reports

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed March 24, 2005