Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

The Province Of Ontario

Toronto, Thursday, October 19, 2006, 5:15 p.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the Administrator, assented to the following bills in his office:-

Bill 14
An Act to promote access to justice by amending or repealing various Acts and by enacting the Legislation Act, 2006.
[S.O. 2006, Chapter 21]

Bill 43
An Act to protect existing and future sources of drinking water and to make complementary and other amendments to other Acts.
[S.O. 2006, Chapter 22]

Bill 51
An Act to amend the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act and to make related amendments to other Acts.
[S.O. 2006, Chapter 23]

Bill 89
An Act to amend the Child and Family Services Act and the Coroners Act to better protect the children of Ontario.
[S.O. 2006, Chapter 24]

Claude L. DesRosiers
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Order in Council

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that:


Pursuant to subsection 5(1) of the Executive Council Act, the powers andduties that have been assigned or may be assigned by law to any Minister of the Crown shown in Column 1, be assigned and transferred to another Minister, shown in Column 2 opposite, to be exercised from time to time during the absence or inability to act of the Minister shown in Column 1.


Column 1

Column 2


Premier and President of the Council

Minister of Finance or alternatively, Minister of Energy


Attorney General

Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities or alternatively, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Minister of Natural Resources or alternatively, Minister of the Environment


Minister of Children and Youth Services

Minister of Community and Social Services or alternatively, Minister of Education


Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services or alternatively, Attorney General


Minister of Community and Social Services

Minister of Children and Youth Services or alternatively, Minister of the Environment


Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

Minister of Natural Resources or alternatively, Minister of Tourism


Minister of Culture

Minister of Children and Youth Services or alternatively, Minister of Transportation


Minister of Economic Development and Trade

Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services or alternatively, Minister of Finance


Minister of Education

Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities or alternatively, Minister of Children and Youth Services


Minister of Energy

Attorney General or alternatively, Minister of Finance


Minister of the Environment

Minister of Tourism or alternatively, Minister of Natural Resources


Minister of Finance

Minister of Government Services or alternatively, Minister of Energy


Minister of Government Services

Minister of Economic Development and Trade or alternatively, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal


Minister of Health and Long-Term Care

Minister of Community and Social Services or alternatively, Minister of Education


Minister of Health Promotion

Minister of Health and Long-Term Care or alternatively, Minister of Tourism


Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing or alternatively, Minister of Economic Development and Trade


Minister of Labour

Minister of Natural Resources or alternatively, Minister of Energy


Minister of Municipal Affairs And Housing

Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal or alternatively, Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs


Minister of Natural Resources

Minister of the Environment or alternatively, Minister of Northern Development and Mines


Minister of Northern Development and Mines

Minister of Natural Resources or alternatively, Minister of Economic Development and Trade


Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing or alternatively, Minister of Government Services


Minister of Research and Innovation

Minister of Economic Development and Trade or alternatively, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities


Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Minister of Economic Development and Trade or alternatively, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal


Minister of Tourism

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing or alternatively, Minister of Health Promotion


Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities

Minister of Education or alternatively, Minister of Children and Youth Services


Minister of Transportation or alternatively, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal

Further, that in the absence of the Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet, his or her powers and duties be transferred to the Vice-Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet and, in his or her absence, to the Minister of Government Services, subject to the provisions of section 2 of the Management Board of Cabinet Act.

This alternates list does not apply to the provision of alternates pursuant to subsection 2(3) of the Management Board of Cabinet Act and subsection 3(2) of the Treasury Board Act, 1991.

And that Order in Council numbered O.C. 1248/2005 be revoked.

Dalton McGuinty
Premier and President of the Council

Dwight Duncan
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered October 11, 2006.
Roy McMurtry
Administrator of the Government

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that:

O.C. 1960/2006

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, R.S.O 1990, c. E.25, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship;

Therefore, Pursuant To subsections 2(2) and 5(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over ministry

  1. The Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (“the Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (“the Ministry”).

Assignment and transfer of ministerial powers, duties

  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers, perform the duties and be responsible for the following activities and programs relating to small business and entrepreneurship that were formerly assigned to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade and such powers, duties and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly:
    1. Young entrepreneurs, including the Student Entrepreneurship Experience Program - Summer Company and the Youth Partnerships Program;
    2. Start-up companies and early growth firms, including the Small Business Enterprise Centres;
    3. Business advisory services, including field offices, e-business advisory services and the Wisdom Exchange;
    4. Microbrewery and winery growth strategies, including the Ontario Small Brewers Strategy Fund, the Ontario Wine Strategy Fund and the VQA Support Program;
    5. The Small Business Agency of Ontario; and
    6. The Regulatory Registry.

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Act

  1. The Minister may exercise the powers set out in sections 6, 6.1, 9, and 11 of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Act, R.S.O 1990, c.M.27, as amended (the “Act”) in respect of activities and programs related to small business and entrepreneurship.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions and responsibilities related to the small business and entrepreneurship activities and programs described in paragraph 2 of this Order.

Dalton McGuinty
Premier and President of the Council

Dwight Duncan
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered October 11, 2006.
Roy McMurtry
Administrator of the Government