Ontario Regulation 283/10 made under the Day Nurseries Act

O. Reg. 283/10: Designation Of Geographic Areas And Delivery Agents

Day Nurseries Act

regulation filed July 12, 2010

Ontario Regulation 284/10 made under the Clean Water Act, 2006

O. Reg. 284/10: Source Protection Committees

Clean Water Act, 2006

regulation filed July 13, 2010

Ontario Regulation 285/10 made under the Clean Water Act, 2006

O. Reg. 285/10: Source Protection Areas And Regions

Clean Water Act, 2006

regulation filed July 13, 2010

Ontario Regulation 286/10 made under the Occupational Therapy Act, 1991

O. Reg. 286/10: General

Occupational Therapy Act, 1991

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 287/10 made under the Ontario Works Act, 1997

O. Reg. 287/10: General

Ontario Works Act, 1997

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 288/10 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 288/10: General

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 289/10 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 289/10: Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule - Effective September 1, 2010

Insurance Act

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 290/10 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 290/10: Court Proceedings For Automobile Accidents That Occur On Or After November 1, 1996

Insurance Act

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 291/10 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 291/10: Automobile Insurance

Insurance Act

regulation filed July 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation 292/10 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 292/10: James Bay Lowlands Secondary School Board

Education Act

regulation filed July 15, 2010

Ontario Regulation 293/10 made under the Election Act

O. Reg. 293/10: Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform

Election Act

regulation filed July 16, 2010

Ontario Regulation 294/10 made under the Election Act

O. Reg. 294/10: Fees And Expenses

Election Act

regulation filed July 16, 2010

Ontario Regulation 295/10 made under the Electoral System Referendum Act, 2007

O. Reg. 295/10: General

Electoral System Referendum Act, 2007

regulation filed July 16, 2010