Municipal Act, 2001

Sale Of Land By Public Tender

The Corporation of the Town of Kirkland Lake

take notice that tenders are invited for the purchase, individually, of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on the 29TH day of August, 2012, at 3 Kirkland Street, PO Bag 1757, Kirkland Lake, Ontario P2N 3P4.

The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Description of Lands:

Tax File 11-01 (Roll #54-68-000-003-01707-0000)
No Civic Address
Parcel 11440 Sec Cst; Pt Mcl1850, Pt 2 54R2382
Reg 1.52Ac
Assessment: $21,000 Residential
2012 Municipal & Education Taxes: $663.38

Minimum Tender Amount: $3,728.79

Tax File 11-02 (Roll #54-68-000-016-26000-0000)
695 Government Rd W
Parcel 11809 Sec Cst; Mcl5433
Reg 44.80Ac
Assessment: $4,900 Residential $48,100 Commercial
2012 Municipal & Education Taxes: $3,701.20

Minimum Tender Amount: $71,340.01

Tax File 11-05 (Roll #54-68-000-022-00600-0000)
103 Duncan Ave S
Parcel 2671 Sec Cst; Lot 16, Plan M95Tim
3800.00Sf 38.00Fr 100.00D
Assessment: $13,300 Residential
2012 Municipal & Education Taxes: $420.14

Minimum Tender Amount: $8,528.62

Tax File 11-06 (Roll #54-68-000-021-16800-0000)
31 Allen Ave
Parcel 2441 Sec Cst; Lot 334, Plan M91Tim
3333.00Sf 33.33Fr 100.00D
Assessment: $15,600 Residential
2012 Municipal & Education Taxes: $492.80

Minimum Tender Amount: $4,267.38

All above properties are within the Municipality of Kirkland Lake, District of Timiskaming.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order, a bank draft, or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to The Corporation of the Town of Kirkland Lake and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.

The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sale Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.

Note: HST may be payable by the successful purchaser.

For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact:

Robin Melong
Tax Collector
(705) 567-9361 Ext.232
Ryan Dagelman
Assistant Tax Collector
(705) 567-9361 Ext.229
3 Kirkland Street
PO Bag 1757
Kirkland Lake, ON
P2N 3P4

Municipal Act, 2001

Sale Of Land By Public Tender

The Corporation Of The City Of Windsor

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on August 21, 2012 at City of Windsor, 350 City Hall Square, Room 100, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 7K6. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. local time at 400 City Hall Square W, Suite 409, Windsor, Ontario.

Description of Lands:

  1. 1210 Laurendeau
    Plan 666; Lot 138
    Registration PIN # 01096-0436(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $25,495.15

  1. 5720 Queen Elizabeth
    Plan 1641 Lot 176; 6960.00Sf 58.00Fr 120.00D
    Registration PIN # 01370-0006(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $22,396.01

  1. 0 Empress St
    Con 1 Pt Lot 111; Rp 12R2700 Part 10; 0.03Ac 4.64Fr
    Registration PIN #01113-0518(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $3,361.13

  1. 2583 George
    Plan 1088 Lot 29 Lot 30; 70X70R X91.25X91.41; 70.00Fr
    Registration PIN #01359-0282(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $21,024.38

  1. 1595 Buckingham
    Plan 1065 Lot 199; Irreg; 57.42Fr
    Registration PIN #01105-0024(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $26,039.63

  1. 545 Church
    Plan 343 Lot 69; Corner; 30.00Fr 100.00D
    Registration PIN # 01195-0134(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $17,179.86

  1. 712-716 Church
    Plan 244 N Pt Lot 17; 3200.00Sf 32.00Fr 100.00D
    Registration PIN # 01192-0270(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $8,854.01

  1. 0 Arthur
    Plan 1160 Lot 48; 53X57R X98X98.10; 53.00Fr
    Registration PIN # 01374-0373(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $5,327.84

  1. 0 Arthur
    Plan 1160 Lots 49 & 50; 6860.00Sf 70.00Fr 98.00D
    Registration PIN # 01374-0373(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $4,973.97

  1. 2375 Alexis
    Plan 1140 Lots 106; & Pt Closed Alley; 4080.00Sf
    40.00Fr 102.00D
    Registration PIN # 01354-0461(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $15,535.03

  1. 2952 Langlois
    Plan 1246 Lot 13; 7400.00Sf 50.00Fr 148.00D
    Registration PIN #01344-0059(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $16,308.03

  1. 0 Sandwich
    Plan 40 N Pt Lot 21; Corner; 0.37Ac 104.35Fr 156.35D
    Registration PIN # 01256-0186(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $36,430.99

  1. 971 Curry
    Plan 1039 Lot 193; 3240.00Sf 30.00Fr 108.00D
    Registration PIN # 01218-0114(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $20,192.12

  1. 1362 Curry
    Plan 975 Lot 93; 3150.00Sf 30.00Fr 105.00D
    Registration PIN # 01207-0016(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $18,868.68

  1. 423 Crawford
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 66 & 67; Rp 12R23501; Part 1
    Registration PIN # 01202-0558(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,648.16

  1. 431 Crawford
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 65 & 66; Rp 12R23501; Part 2
    Registration PIN # 01202-0559(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,671.96

  1. 439 Crawford
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 64 & 65; Rp 12R23501; Part 3
    Registration PIN # 01202-0560(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,681.02

  1. 447 Crawford
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 63 & 64; Rp 12R23501; Part 4
    Registration PIN # 01202-0561(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,704.78

  1. 455 Crawford
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 62 & 63; Rp 12R23501; Part 5
    Registration PIN # 01202-0562(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,732.48

  1. 408 Oak
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 67 & 68; Plan 392; Pt Lots 298 & 299 & Pt
    Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Part 6
    Registration PIN # 01202-0563(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,713.21

  1. 416 Oak
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 66 & 67; Plan 392; Lot 297 & Pt Lots 296
    298 & Pt Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Part 7
    Registration PIN # 01202-0564(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,713.21

  1. 432 Oak
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 65 & 66; Plan 392; Pt Lots 295 & 296 &
    Pt Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Part 8
    Registration PIN # 01202-0565(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,713.21

  1. 440 Oak
    Plan 71; Lot 294; Pt Lots 293 & 295; Plan 392; Pt Lots 63
    To 65 & Pt Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Part 9
    Registration PIN # 01202-0566(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,713.21

  1. 452 Oak
    Plan 71; Pt Lots 62 & 63; Plan 392; Pt Lots 292 & 293 &
    Pt Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Part 10
    Registration PIN # 01202-0567(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $38,684.51

  1. 339 Crawford
    Con 1; Pt Lot 75; Plan 71; Lots 69 & 70; Pt Lots 62 To 68;
    Plan 392; Lots 300 To 312 & Pt Lots 291; 292 & 299 & Pt
    Closed Alley; Rp 12R23501; Parts 11 To 15
    Registration PIN #01202-0568(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $946,132.53

  1. 1405-1415 Erie E
    Plan 591 N Pt Lots 452 & 453; Corner; 3147.00Sf 34.58Fr
    Registration PIN # 01137-0340(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $60,755.17

  1. 1405-1409 Langlois
    Plan 430 Lot 17 S Pt Lot 16; Corner; 6662.00Sf 44.00Fr
    Registration PIN # 01157-0850(Lt)

Minimum Tender Amount: $67,370.42

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.

Notice is given that the lands may be subject to a charge in favour of the Crown in right of Canada or in the right of Ontario. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer, HST where applicable, as well as any ownership change fees that may be required.

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Information regarding prescribed forms and tender packages can be found on the City of Windsor’s web site Keyword Search: property tax sale.

Any additional questions regarding this property tax sale please call: 311(Windsor area) or 519-255-2489 (surrounding county) or 1-877-746- 4311 (long-distance).
