Ontario Securities Commission

Amendments To National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules

On July 6, 2016, amendments (Amendments) to National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules (NI 23-101) came into effect, with the exception of provisions relating to a market share threshold for the application of the order protection rule (OPR), which will come into effect on October 1, 2016.

The Ontario Securities Commission also made changes to Companion Policy 23-101CP (23-101CP).

The substance and purpose of the Amendments is to update NI 23-101 and 23-101CP in relation to the application of OPR, and in response to recent market developments. The Amendments adjust the rule framework in a manner that maintains the core principles of OPR, but address some of the inefficiencies and costs that have resulted from its implementation.

In particular, the Amendments impose a market share threshold for the application of OPR, and place a cap on active trading fees. Further, 23-101CP now contains OPR-related guidance to address circumstances where a marketplace has introduced an intentional order processing delay.

The full text of the amendments is available in the Ontario Securities Commission Bulletin at (2016), 39 OSCB 5902 and on the Commission’s website at http://www.osc.gov.on.ca.


Financial Services Commission of Ontario

2016 Statement of Priorities

Message from the Chair and Chief Executive Officer

The financial services sector and workplace private pension plans are of significant importance to Ontarians and to the health and well-being of both provincial and national economies.

One of the fastest-growing sectors in the province, the financial services sector is rapidly evolving. Product innovation and greater consolidation has resulted in new risks and complexities. Financial services firms and intermediaries are becoming increasingly active in multiple product lines, blurring the lines that once delineated the various financial services industries.

Ontario needs an effective and integrated regulator that can keep pace – one that not only adapts to the environment around it, but that can also embrace modernization and have the flexibility and foresight to anticipate and address changing circumstances. Leadership, innovation and transformation are key themes in this year’s Statement of Priorities, alongside a critical focus on strengthening the protection of consumers and pension plan beneficiaries.

In 2015, the Minister of Finance appointed a panel to review the role, structure and efficacy of several financial services agencies, including the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Financial Services Tribunal. Decisions made by the government following the release of the report may have a substantial impact on the future of financial services and pension regulation in Ontario. FSCO has endeavoured to adopt strategic priorities that strengthen the regulatory capabilities of the organization as it stands today, while also being flexible enough to support any potential outcomes of the agency review.

FSCO thrives on its dialogues with stakeholders – from the financial services industry participants and pension plan sponsors, to the consumers and pension plan beneficiaries who rely on us. This is why we actively sought comment on the Statement of Priorities, which outlines the key strategic priorities for both FSCO and the Financial Services Tribunal. We received positive feedback from across our regulated sectors and a general confirmation of our direction for the coming year. We look forward to actively engaging with our stakeholders as we explore their ideas and insights about how we can more effectively and efficiently achieve our goals.

Brian Mills
Chief Executive Officer & Superintendent of Financial Services (Interim)

Florence A. Holden
Chair (Acting)
Financial Services Commission of Ontario
Financial Services Tribunal

About the Financial Services Commission of Ontario

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario’s (FSCO) legislative mandate is to provide regulatory services that protect the public interest and enhance public confidence in the sectors it regulates.

Using a risk-based approach, FSCO regulates the insurance sector, including service providers who invoice auto insurers for statutory accident benefit claims; pension plans; credit unions and caisses populaires; the mortgage brokering sector; co-operative corporations; and loan and trust companies.

FSCO’s approach to fulfilling its legislated regulatory responsibilities is outlined in greater detail in its Regulatory Framework. Accountable to the Minister of Finance, FSCO also seeks approval for its projects and direction through the Agency Business Plan and reports back on its core activities through its Annual Report

FSCO Priorities

Section 11 of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Act, 1997, requires that FSCO deliver to the Minister of Finance and publish in the Ontario Gazette a statement each year setting out its proposed priorities and the reasons for adopting these priorities.

FSCO recognizes the current climate of change not only within the organization, but also in the sectors it regulates. As such, the 2016 Statement of Priorities provides a snapshot of FSCO objectives over the coming year. In addition to this year’s priorities, FSCO will also be prepared to address emerging regulatory needs as they arise, as well as any outcomes from the government’s mandate review of the agency.

In 2016-17, FSCO will focus its efforts on core activities and initiatives in eight priority areas:

  1. Ensure financial services industry compliance with laws and regulations
  2. Create common and integrated processes enabled by integrated technology solutions
  3. Be an agile and adaptable organization.
  4. Meet or exceed internal performance standards
  5. Influence the development of provincial, national, and international regulatory policy
  6. Enhance the collection, use, and sharing of market intelligence
  7. Raise awareness of FSCO’s actions in the financial services marketplace
  8. Provide adequate disclosure of information to enable informed decisions by consumers and pension plan members

The first four priorities are inherent to the work FSCO does and essential to becoming a modern, effective and responsive regulator. These priorities speak to our ongoing efforts to provide excellent service to our stakeholders and the public – be it through our education and enforcement efforts to increase compliance and protect the public; through our work to ensure timeliness on registrations, applications, filings and licensing; or through the development of a new information management platform that will provide for better integration, more comprehensive and centralized information, and easier-to-access services for stakeholders.

FSCO recognizes that to be effective in an era of change and innovation, it must become flexible enough to adjust to rapid modernization and continual change in the marketplace. Embracing new technologies and ensuring our staff is well positioned to adapt to changes will make FSCO a stronger regulator for the benefit of consumers, pension plan beneficiaries and other industry stakeholders.

The remaining four strategic priorities are explored in greater detail below.

Influence the development of provincial, national, and international regulatory policy

Promoting regulatory coordination and greater consistency among interjurisdictional partners fosters a healthy environment for financial services and workplace pension plans by providing similar levels of consumer and pension plan beneficiary protection across Canada, increasing compliance and reducing the regulatory burden on those who operate in multiple jurisdictions.

By strengthening relationships with other provincial and federal regulatory bodies, FSCO can support and influence interjurisdictional efforts that improve the quality of regulatory oversight across Canada. It also allows greater opportunities for information sharing, joint initiatives, and the development of innovative and consistent approaches to address issues and trends.

FSCO will continue to be a key player at many national tables, including the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR), Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations, Mortgage Broker Regulators’ Council of Canada, Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA), Canadian Automobile Insurance Rate Regulators, and the General Insurance Statistical Agency. We have already seen great success and opportunity come from these partnerships, resulting in greater consistency in approaches and regulatory outcomes and the adoption of national standards.

On the international front, FSCO (through CCIR and CAPSA) has access to, and participates in, the research and development of international regulatory principles and policies that emanate from both the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors. This allows FSCO to remain abreast of evolving trends and practices thereby enhancing its ability to continually improve and adapt its supervisory activities to changing conditions.

Enhance the collection, use, and sharing of market intelligence

To evolve into a more responsive regulator, FSCO must have access to a broader array of information that can identify changes, trends and risks in the marketplace that require greater regulatory focus. From experience, FSCO knows that information-sharing agreements with other regulators and industry organizations can strengthen enforcement efforts resulting in increased consumer and pension plan beneficiary protection and improved administration of justice, and can also support government decisions on new regulatory approaches. FSCO will work to put in place data-sharing agreements with industry organizations and other regulators, and to leverage the appropriate forums for information collection and sharing that will support regulatory decision making as well as the identification and monitoring of trends and risks in the marketplace.

Raise awareness of FSCO’s actions in the financial services marketplace

Greater awareness of FSCO’s activities, from licensing deadlines and enforcement actions, to new regulatory procedures, among regulated entities supports greater compliance. FSCO currently has a number of electronic communications channels that help disseminate important information to stakeholders, including email, web, and social media, in addition to stakeholder meetings. Regular communication and collaboration with stakeholders will be key to helping FSCO reduce risks to consumers and improve oversight of financial services and pension plans.

Provide adequate disclosure of information to enable informed decisions by consumers and pension plan members

The sectors FSCO regulates are sophisticated, and increasingly we are seeing the blurring of lines between once clearly defined products. While there are laws in place to protect against fraud and unfair business practices, one of the best defenses against scams and misunderstandings is to educate consumers. Currently, FSCO has a responsibility to disclose information to the public about our enforcement actions to better protect them against fraud and unlawful business practices.

We also recognize the importance of providing Ontarians with a clear understanding and explanation of their rights and responsibilities when interacting with financial services representatives, and of providing pension plan beneficiaries with timely and accurate information so they can make important decisions about their future. But ensuring this happens is a shared responsibility, which is why FSCO will continue to engage with stakeholders and offer guidance on how regulated entities provide information to consumers and pension plan members.

With major changes coming to auto insurance this year, the economic environment continuing to have a significant impact on pensions, and growing risks in areas such as syndicated mortgages, FSCO will be looking for new and more effective ways to reach out to the public to better protect them from fraud, to increase financial literacy, and provide enhanced information to pension plan beneficiaries about their plans and plan performance.

About the Financial Services Tribunal

The Financial Services Tribunal (Tribunal) is an expert adjudicative tribunal established under the FSCO Act. It is comprised of members appointed to the Tribunal on a part-time basis. The Tribunal is charged with hearing applications and appeals from certain decisions made or proposed by the Superintendent, or other authorized persons or entities, under a range of Ontario statutes governing financial services matters including the:

  • Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994
  • Insurance Act
  • Loan and Trust Corporations Act
  • Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006
  • Pension Benefits Act

The Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions of fact or law that arise in any proceeding before it, and the authority to create rules for the practices and procedures to be observed. The Tribunal aims to administer all cases before it in an efficient, fair, accessible and effective manner. In order to ensure that it is equipped to do so, the Tribunal is focused on maintaining an expert pool of members, consulting with stakeholders on improvements to its practices and procedures, and updating the practices and procedures as needed. The Tribunal’s 2016 priorities are as follows.

FST Priorities

Maintain a pool of qualified members to adjudicate hearings

The Tribunal will continue to work with the Ministry of Finance and the Public Appointments Secretariat towards the appointment of additional qualified members. It will continue to provide training on new processes and emerging legal issues in order to ensure that Tribunal members have the appropriate expertise to hear Tribunal matters.

Expand dialogue with members of the legal profession

The Tribunal will continue its dialogue with members of the legal profession through its Legal Advisory Committee to address matters related to its hearing practices and procedures. It will continue to receive an annual report from the Committee chair.

Update Tribunal practices and procedures

The Tribunal will review rules, practices and procedures that require revisions as a result of the mandate review and/or legislative changes, and will review and revise performance standards as needed.

For more information about FSCO

For more information about FSCO, contact us at:

Telephone: (416) 250-7250

Toll-free: 1-800-668-0128

TTY toll-free: 1-800-387-0584

Email: contactcentre@fsco.gov.on.ca

Website: www.fsco.gov.on.ca

Twitter: @FSCOTweets

© Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2016


Mining Act

Government Notice–under The Mining Act

Lands And/or Mining Rights To Be Forfeited For Mining Land Tax

pursuant to the provisions of the Mining Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.14, Section 197, the following list of lands and mining rights in respect of which mining land tax and costs to May 31, 2016, imposed by the said Act, are two years or more in default, notice is hereby given that unless the amount due as shown is paid on or before December 31, 2016 some or all rights and any interest may be forfeited to and vested in the Crown but shall not be open for prospecting, staking out, sale or lease until published in one issue of the ontario gazette. (This is not a tax sale. The lands cannot be purchased by paying the taxes.)

Cindy Blancher-Smith
Assistant Deputy Minister
Mines and Minerals Division
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
Communications regarding this matter should be directed to: Mining Lands Revenue Clerk
3rd Floor, 933 Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5
Telephone: (705) 670-5850 or 1-888-415-9845, ext: 5850

district of cochrane

township of hoyle

acct no pin description hectares total owing
C***0744-0001 65360-0193(lt) S1/2 of Lot 9, Con 3 65.964 $831.30

district of kenora

township of glass

acct no pin description hectares total owing
K***0044-0001 42141-0023(lt) Island D149, situate in Bag Bay of Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 6.070 $88.70
K***0044-0002 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D200; part of PIN 27.519 $367.05
K***0044-0003 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D201, situate on Bag Bay of Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 12.141 $167.52
K***0044-0004 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D201A, consisting of land and land covered with water, including islets and reefs, situate in Bag Bay; part of PIN 31.970 $424.72
K***0044-0005 42141-0023(lt) Part of Mining Claim D203 (recorded as K2461) not covered by the waters of Shoal Lake, situate SW of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 12.586 $173.18
K***0044-0006 42141- 0023(lt) Mining Claim D204 (recorded as K2460), situate SW of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 16.187 $220.01
K***0044-0008 42141-0023(lt) Mining Claim D213 (recorded as K2462), situate SW of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 16.187 $220.01
K***0044-0009 42141-0023(lt) Mining Claim D214 (recorded as K2938), situate on Shoal Lake; part of PIN 16.187 $220.01
K***0044-0010 42141-0023(lt) Mining Claim D215 (recorded as K2458), situate on the W Shore of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 18.858 $254.59
K***0044-0011 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D216, situate W of Bag Bay, Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 15.378 $209.50
K***0044-0012 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D217, situate on the S side of Bag Bay, Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 23.472 $314.42
K***0044-0013 42141-0023(lt) Mining Claim D228 (recorded as K2978 and K2979) situate near Bag Bay of Shoal Lake of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 29.137 $388.03
K***0044-0014 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D229, situate on Bag Bay, Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 15.783 $214.71
K***0044-0016 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D265, being land under the water of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 62.322 $818.46
K***0044-0017 42141-0023(lt) SW part of Location D410 (recorded as K1269), situate near the S Shore of Bag Bay, Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 19.473 $262.59
K***0044-0018 42141-0023(lt) Mining Claim S74 (recorded as K2459), situate on the W shore of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 18.211 $246.19
K***0044-0019 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location S97 (recorded as K3055 to K3058), situate near Bag Bay of Shoal Lake; part of PIN 54.633 $718.63
K***0044-0020 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location S151, being all that part not covered by Mining Location D397, situate near Shoal Lake, W of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 42.897 $566.56
K***0044-0022 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D147; part of PIN 16.187 $220.01
K***0044-0024 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D239, situate N of Hell Diver Bay of Shoal Lake, W of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 32.375 $429.92
K***0044-0025 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D389, situate N of Hell Diver Bay on Shoal Lake, W of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 22.662 $304.03
K***0044-0026 42141-0024(lt) Mining Location S109 situate on the NE side of Hell Diver Bay of Shoal Lake W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 32.375 $429.92
K***0044-0027 42141-0024(lt) Mining Location S126; part of PIN 18.616 $251.52
K***0044-0028 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location S150, situate NE of Hell Diver Bay, of Shoal Lake, W of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 34.398 $456.35
K***0514-0002 42141-0214(lt) That part of Mining Claim K13467, not covered by the water of Shoal Lake 6.022 $120.22

township of jaffray

acct no pin description hectares total owing
K***0421-0001 42177-0157(lt) E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S 1/2, Lot 13, Con 6, except part 1 on 23R-3731 4.501 $148.15
K***0421-0002 42177-0366(lt) SW 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 14, Con 6 16.187 $385.44
K***0421-0003 42177-0159(lt) W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 14, Con 6, except part 2 on 23R-3731 5.449 $161.54
K***0421-0004 42177-0156(lt) SE 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 13, Con 6 16.187 $385.44

township of pellatt

acct no pin description hectares total owing
K***0505-0001 42150-0998(lt) Part of the Residue of Mining Location 85P, being the SW part of the West end of Rat Portage Bay, Lake of the Woods 3.642 $231.42

shoal lake area

acct no pin description hectares total owing
K***0044-0007 42141-0023(lt) Island D212, situate in Bag Bay, W of Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 1.619 $31.01
K***0044-0015 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D233, situate SE of Bag Bay of Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods ; part of PIN 16.187 $220.01
K***0044-0021 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D195, consisting of islets, reefs and land under water, situate in Bag Bay of Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 6.070 $88.70
K***0044-0023 42141-0023(lt) Mining Location D148 situate N of Hell Diver Bay, Shoal Lake, W of the Lake of the Woods; part of PIN 18.616 $251.52

district of kenora patricia

rex lake area

acct no pin description hectares total owing
KP**0228-0086 42180-1438(lt) Mining Claim KRL36280 12.974 $180.41
KP**0228-0087 42180-1439(lt) Mining Claim KRL36281 15.240 $210.16
KP**0228-0088 42180-1440(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL36282, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 12.557 $174.86
KP**0228-0089 42180-1441(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL36283, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 2.537 $43.31
KP**0228-0090 42180-1442(lt) Mining Claim KRL36284 16.556 $227.44
KP**0228-0091 42180-1443(lt) Mining Claim KRL36285 25.629 $346.58
KP**0228-0092 42180-1444(lt) Mining Claim KRL36286 18.745 $256.15
KP**0228-0093 42180-1445(lt) Mining Claim KRL36287 21.533 $292.75
KP**0228-0094 42180-1446(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL36288, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 12.448 $173.39
KP**0228-0095 42180-1435(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33342, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 5.844 $86.82
KP**0228-0096 42180-1434(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33343, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 5.524 $82.58
KP**0228-0097 42180-1433(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33344, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 3.416 $54.79
KP**0228-0098 42180-1432(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33345, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 6.491 $95.23
KP**0228-0099 42180-1436(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33381, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 11.724 $164.02
KP**0228-0100 42180-1437(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33382, not covered by the waters of Rex Lake 9.830 $139.13

werner lake area

acct no pin description hectares total owing
KP**0322-0001 42180-1492(lt) Mining Claim KRL9382 15.985 $219.80
KP**0322-0002 42180-1493(lt) Mining Claim KRL9383 15.443 $212.75
KP**0322-0003 42180-1476(lt) Mining Claim KRL9385, being land and land covered with the water of that part of Werner Lake within the limits of this claim 12.088 $168.67
KP**0322-0004 42180-1477(lt) Mining Claim KRL9386, being land and land covered with the water of that part of Werner Lake within the limits of this claim 13.986 $193.60
KP**0322-0005 42180-1494(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL9387 (recorded as KRL19104), not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 6.058 $89.62
KP**0322-0006 42180-1491(lt) Mining Claim KRL9381 (recorded as KRL18865) 16.115 $221.71
KP**0322-0007 42180-1823(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19096, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 10.287 $145.15
KP**0322-0008 42180-1823(lt) Mining Claim KRL19097; part of PIN 16.839 $231.15
KP**0322-0009 42180-1828(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19107, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 9.789 $138.51
KP**0322-0010 42180-1828(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19108, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 13.577 $188.20
KP**0322-0011 42180-1829(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19109, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 12.201 $170.25
KP**0322-0012 42180-1829(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19110, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 5.059 $76.46
KP**0322-0013 42180-1811(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19111, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 18.365 $251.09
KP**0322-0014 42180-1810(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL19112 20.651 $281.20
KP**0322-0015 42180-1495(lt) Mining Claim KRL29054; part of PIN 12.735 $177.34
KP**0322-0016 42180-1495(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29055, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 4.415 $68.03
KP**0322-0017 42180-1960(lt) Mining Claim KRL29058 14.318 $198.02
KP**0322-0018 42180-1845(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29059, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 5.224 $78.67
KP**0322-0019 42180-1845(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29060, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 6.439 $94.52
KP**0322-0020 42180-1837(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29061, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 15.564 $214.49
KP**0322-0021 42180-1836(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29062, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 18.081 $247.48
KP**0322-0022 42180-1844(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29063, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake, part of PIN 9.453 $134.18
KP**0322-0023 42180-1844(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29064, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 5.326 $79.88
KP**0322-0024 42180-1844(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29067, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 5.443 $81.44
KP**0322-0025 42180-1835(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29065, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 22.351 $303.53
KP**0322-0026 42180-1834(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29066, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 15.443 $212.75
KP**0322-0027 42180-1843(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29068, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 11.849 $165.69
KP**0322-0028 42180-1842(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29069, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 17.575 $240.88
KP**0322-0029 42180-1841(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29070, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 9.271 $131.72
KP**0322-0030 42180-1840(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29071, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 8.729 $124.66
KP**0322-0031 42180-1839(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29072, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 0.166 $12.12
KP**0322-0032 42180-1839(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29073, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 0.704 $19.18
KP**0322-0033 42180-1839(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29074, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 7.025 $102.31
KP**0322-0034 42180-1838(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29075, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 0.166 $12.12
KP**0322-0035 42180-1838(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL29076, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake; part of PIN 5.419 $81.17
KP**0322-0036 42180-1824(lt) Mining Claim KRL30055 17.652 $241.81
KP**0322-0037 42180-1825(lt) Mining Claim KRL30056, being land and land covered by the waters of an unnamed lake 27.770 $374.70
KP**0322-0038 42180-1826(lt) Mining Claim KRL30057, being land and land covered by the waters of an unnamed lake 20.408 $278.03
KP**0322-0039 42180-1827(lt) Mining Claim KRL30058 16.576 $227.68
KP**0322-0040 42180-1801(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL31823, not covered by the water of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.891 $113.66
KP**0322-0041 42180-1498(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL31825, not covered by the water of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 16.030 $220.60
KP**0322-0042 42180-1497(lt) Mining Claim KRL31826, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.147 $209.02
KP**0322-0043 42180-1496(lt) Mining Claim KRL31827, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 11.857 $165.77
KP**0322-0044 42180-1818(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL31828, not covered by the water of Werner Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 6.754 $98.82
KP**0322-0045 42180-1819(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL31829, not covered by the water of Werner Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.548 $214.15
KP**0322-0046 42180-1469(lt) Mining Claim KRL33170, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.055 $181.36
KP**0322-0047 42180-1468(lt) Mining Claim KRL33171, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 12.116 $169.00
KP**0322-0048 42180-1467(lt) Mining Claim KRL33172, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 8.150 $116.95
KP**0322-0049 42180-1466(lt) Mining Claim KRL33173, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.426 $107.53
KP**0322-0050 42180-1465(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33174, not covered by the waters of Gay Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 9.259 $131.61
KP**0322-0051 42180-1464(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33175, not covered by the waters of Gay Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.677 $110.83
KP**0322-0052 42180-1463(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33176, not covered by the waters of Gay Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 18.870 $257.81
KP**0322-0053 42180-1462(lt) Mining Claim KRL33177, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.901 $205.67
KP**0322-0054 42180-1461(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33178, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 29.793 $400.58
KP**0322-0055 42180-1456(lt) Mining Claim KRL33179, being land and land under the water of part of a small unnamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.095 $208.30
KP**0322-0056 42180-1455(lt) Mining Claim KRL33180, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.366 $211.79
KP**0322-0057 42180-1475(lt) Mining Claim KRL33181, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.844 $205.02
KP**0322-0058 42180-1474(lt) Mining Claim KRL33182, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.565 $201.13
KP**0322-0059 42180-1473(lt) Mining Claim KRL33183, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.982 $193.58
KP**0322-0060 42180-1452(lt) Mining Claim KRL33184, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 16.649 $228.70
KP**0322-0061 42180-1453(lt) Mining Claim KRL33185, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 19.182 $261.94
KP**0322-0062 42180-1454(lt) Mining Claim KRL33186, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.964 $245.99
KP**0322-0063 42180-1809(lt) Mining Claim KRL33187, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.625 $215.29
KP**0322-0064 42180-1490(lt) Mining Claim KRL33188, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.905 $205.73
KP**0322-0065 42180-1489(lt) Mining Claim KRL33189, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.969 $206.54
KP**0322-0066 42180-1808(lt) Mining Claim KRL33190, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.088 $181.78
KP**0322-0067 42180-1807(lt) Mining Claim KRL33191, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.646 $202.45
KP**0322-0068 42180-1488(lt) Mining Claim KRL33192, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 12.298 $171.59
KP**0322-0069 42180-1487(lt) Mining Claim KRL33193, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.665 $110.59
KP**0322-0070 42180-1806(lt) Mining Claim KRL33194, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.070 $234.16
KP**0322-0071 42180-1486(lt) Mining Claim KRL33195, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 9.158 $130.24
KP**0322-0072 42180-1460(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33196, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.944 $114.44
KP**0322-0073 42180-1481(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33198, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 5.645 $84.16
KP**0322-0074 42180-1459(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33199, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 6.430 $94.40
KP**0322-0075 42180-1480(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33200, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.863 $244.52
KP**0322-0076 42180-1479(lt) Mining Claim KRL33201, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 10.036 $141.73
KP**0322-0077 42180-1458(lt) Mining Claim KRL33202, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.177 $183.19
KP**0322-0078 42180-1457(lt) Mining Claim KRL33203, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.229 $183.85
KP**0322-0079 42180-1478(lt) Mining Claim KRL33204, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 11.716 $163.89
KP**0322-0080 42180-1805(lt) Mining Claim KRL33205, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 25.171 $340.60
KP**0322-0081 42180-1804(lt) Mining Claim KRL33206, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.301 $211.01
KP**0322-0082 42180-1485(lt) Mining Claim KRL33207, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.066 $102.82
KP**0322-0083 42180-1803(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33208, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 9.279 $131.85
KP**0322-0084 42180-1484(lt) Mining Claim KRL33209, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 9.308 $132.17
KP**0322-0085 42180-1802(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33210, not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 3.731 $59.07
KP**0322-0086 42180-1483(lt) Mining Claim KRL33211, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.770 $112.07
KP**0322-0087 42180-1482(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33212 ,not covered by the waters of Lynx Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 9.004 $128.27
KP**0322-0088 42180-1472(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33270, not covered by the waters of an unnamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 13.371 $185.54
KP**0322-0089 42180-1471(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33271, not covered by the waters of an unnamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 12.930 $179.87
KP**0322-0090 42180-1451(lt) Mining Claim KRL33280, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 14.690 $202.99
KP**0322-0091 42180-1450(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33281, not covered by the waters of an unamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.584 $241.01
KP**0322-0092 42180-1449(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33282 ,not covered by the waters of an unamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.636 $241.60
KP**0322-0093 42180-1448(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33283, not covered by the waters of an unnamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 15.014 $207.08
KP**0322-0094 42180-1852(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33328, not covered by the waters of Contact Lake 14.701 $203.10
KP**0322-0095 42180-1851(lt) Mining Claim KRL33329 13.281 $184.46
KP**0322-0096 42180-1850(lt) Mining Claim KRL33330 19.520 $266.30
KP**0322-0097 42180-1848(lt) Mining Claim KRL33332 18.839 $257.34
KP**0322-0098 42180-1847(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33333, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 18.691 $255.48
KP**0322-0099 42180-1817(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33416, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 7.608 $109.87
KP**0322-0100 42180-1849(lt) Mining Claim KRL33331 18.879 $257.94
KP**0322-0101 42180-1816(lt) Mining Claim KRL33419, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 11.825 $165.38
KP**0322-0102 42180-1815(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33420, not covered by the waters of an unnamed lake but including land under the water of part of a small pond, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 22.003 $298.93
KP**0322-0103 42180-1814(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33421, not covered by the waters of an unnamed lake, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.750 $243.13
KP**0322-0104 42180-1813(lt) Mining Claim KRL33422, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 17.592 $241.09
KP**0322-0105 42180-1812(lt) Mining Claim KRL33423, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 16.301 $224.09
KP**0322-0106 42180-1833(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL36272, not covered by the waters of Werner Lake 7.021 $102.25
KP**0322-0107 42180-2217(lt) Part Mining Claim KRL33284, not covered by the water of two unnnamed lakes, situate in the Werner and Rex Lake Area 18.231 $249.42

district of parry sound

township of laurier

acct no pin description hectares total owing
PS**0209-0001 52063-0091(lt) Part of Mining Claim PS895, being Part of the South Part of Lot 21 Con 13 consisting of Part 2 on Plan 42R-10942 0.194 $20.43
PS**0209-0002 52063-0092(lt) Part of Mining Claim PS895, being Part of Lot 21 Con 13 containing Part 1 on Plan PSR-1017, Part 1 on Plan PSR-1344 and Parts 1 to 3 on Plan 42R-4282 0.933 $59.91

district of rainy river

bad vermilion lake area

acct no pin description hectares total owing
RR**0115-0001 56066-2478(lt) JO13, recorded as FF682, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187 $473.93
RR**0115-0002 56066-2477(lt) JO14, recorded as FF683, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187 $473.93
RR**0115-0002 56066-2479(lt) P669, recorded as FF685, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187 $473.93
RR**0140-0001 56066-2704(lt) Mining Location K237, being West of Mining Location AD2 and south of the east end of Bad Vermilion Lake, except A8652 16.187 $301.72
RR**0140-0002 56066-2475(lt) Mining Location AD4, except A15534 surface rights only; part of PIN 16.187 $301.72
RR**0140-0003 56066-2475(lt) Mining Location AD2, except A15534 surface rights only; part of PIN 16.187 $301.72
RR**0140-0004 56066-2475(lt) Mining Location AD3, except A15534 surface rights only; part of PIN 32.375 $593.39
RR**0140-0005 56066-2688(lt) Mining Location AL116 (recorded as FF572), NE end of Bad Vermilion Lake 16.187 $301.72
RR**0140-0006 56066-2689(lt) Mining Location AL131 (recorded as FF607), as in SP2936 14.973 $279.79
RR**0140-0007 56066-2690(lt) Mining Location JO41, (recorded as FF70 & FF71), situated near the NE end of Bad Vermillion Lake, reserving surface rights only of a strip land 1 chain in perpendicular width along the shore of Bad Vermilion Lake except A536 44.434 $810.72

district of southern ontario

township of sherborne

acct no pin description hectares total owing
SO**1050-0001 39117-0198(lt) Pt Lot 16, Con 10, being pt 2 on plan 19R-5974, as described in instrument 221895 0.607 $23.80

district of sudbury

township of dowling

acct no pin description hectares total owing
S***0505-0001 73352-0016(lt) Part of the S part of Lot 4, Con 4 as in WP3778 42.557 $560.02

township of maclennan

acct no pin description hectares total owing
S***0751-0001 73513-0403(lt) Consolidation of various properties: Pt. Lot 1, Con 5, being pt. 6 on Plan 53R-12088 and pts. 6, 7 & 8 on Plan 53R17683 0.453 $16.06
S***0753-0002 73513-0405(lt) Consolidation of various properties; NW part of Lot 1, Con 5, being Pt. 8 on 53R-12088 & Pts. 11 & 12 on 53R-17683 0.511 $79.89

township of nairn

acct no pin description hectares total owing
S***0788-0001 73394-0078(lt) Pt of Broken Lot 10, Con 2, being pt 1 on plan 53R-11125 0.704 $19.06

district of thunder bay

township of pic

acct no pin description hectares total owing
TB**0107-0006 62448-0520(lt) Mining Claim TB7226 being the SW pt of the N pt of Lot 20, Con 10, lying W of the row of The Canadian Pacific Railway 2.642 $296.05

squash lake area

acct no pin description hectares total owing
TB**0244-0001 62504-0572(lt) Mining Location BG164, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 18.211 $245.04
TB**0244-0002 62504-0572(lt) Mining Location BG165, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 7.689 $109.23
TB**0244-0003 62504-0572(lt) Mining Location BG166, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 16.187 $218.98
TB**0244-0004 62504-0572(lt) Mining Locatio BG167, near Sturgeon Lake, East of Belmore Bay; pt of PIN 19.020 $175.86

district of timiskaming

township of coleman

acct no pin description hectares total owing
T***1489-0001 61385-0345(lt) S part of broken Lot 10, Con 6, as in TP7968 0.814 $20.49

township of mcvittie

acct no pin description hectares total owing
T***1428-0002 61225-0647(lt) Mining Claim L7518 not covered by the water of Beaverhouse Lake, except Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Plan 54R-5222 5.277 $78.26

township of south lorrain

acct no pin description hectares total owing
T***1148-0001 61391-0043(lt) Mining Claim HR73, situate about 1 1/2 miles S of Lot 17 Con 1 7.689 $1,151.48
T***1148-0004 61391-0058(lt) Mining Claim T19261 12.545 $1,872.35
T***1148-0005 61391-0056(lt) Mining Claim HR95, situate 1 1/2 miles S of the S limit of Lot 17 Con 1 1.821 $280.17
