Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

the province of ontario

Toronto, Thursday, June 6, 2019, 12:32 p.m.

Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor entered the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly and took her seat upon the Throne.

The Speaker addressed Her Honour as follows:-

“May it please Your Honour:

The Legislative Assembly of the Province has, at its present meetings thereof, passed certain bills to which, in the name and on behalf of the said Legislative Assembly, I respectfully request Your Honour’s assent.”

The Deputy Clerk and Executive Director of Legislative Services then read the titles of the bills that had passed as follows:-

“The following are the titles of the bills to which Your Honour’s assent is prayed:

Bill 107
An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and various other statutes in respect of transportation-related matters.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter 8]

Bill 108
An Act to amend various statutes with respect to housing, other development and various other matters.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter 9]

Bill 115
An Act to amend the Liquor Control Act with respect to the termination of a specified agreement.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter 10]

Bill 117
An Act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter 11]

Bill Pr5
An Act to revive Dundas Valley Masonic Hall Inc.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter Pr1 ]

Bill Pr7
An Act to revive 665395 Ontario Limited.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter Pr2]

Bill Pr8
An Act to revive Good Fortune Corporation.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter Pr3]

Bill Pr9
An Act to revive All Trade Quantities Inc.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter Pr4]

Bill Pr10
An Act respecting The United Church of Canada.
[S.O. 2019, Chapter Pr5]

To these Acts the Royal Assent was announced by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in the following words:-

“In Her Majesty’s name, Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth assent to these bills.”

Her Honour was then pleased to retire.

Todd Decker
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
