Order in Council

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1105/2019

whereas the Minister of Transportation wishes to improve the Queen Elizabeth Way approximately 3 km between west of Mississauga Road and Hurontario Street in the City of Mississauga, Region of Peel (the “Project”);

and whereas the Project is located on lands under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Transportation and relates to matters under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Transportation, including the planning, design, and construction of a highway, pursuant to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.50 (“PTHIA”), and the Minister of Transportation holds exclusive legislative authority over highway lands and the administration of highways under the PTHIA;

and whereas the PTHIA provides that the Minister of Transportation may enter into agreements for the construction, extension and maintenance of highways;

and whereas the Ministry of Transportation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.36 provides that the Minister of Transportation’s powers to enter such agreements may be delegated only to the Deputy Minister of Transportation or employees of the Ministry of Transportation;

and whereas pursuant to Order in Council 1152/2018 the Minister of Government and Consumer Services is responsible for functions, responsibilities and programs, in respect of Government property under the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011, S.O. 2011, c. 9, Sched. 27 (“MOIA”) and under the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011, S.O. 2011, c. 9, Sched. 32 (“OILCA”) other than subparagraph 2 ii of subsection 4(1) which is the responsibility of the Minister of Infrastructure;

and whereas pursuant to Order in Council 1155/2018 the Minister of Infrastructure is responsible for functions, responsibilities and programs, in respect of infrastructure under the MOIA;

and whereas, under the MOIA, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services may delegate his statutory power to enter into agreements in respect of the construction of Government property to a Crown agency for which he is responsible, such as OILC;

and whereas pursuant to subparagraph 2 ii of subsection 4(1) of the OILCA, OILC may provide advice and services related to Government property, including project management, contract management and development to the Government, when directed to do so in writing by the Minister of Infrastructure;

and whereas, under the MOIA, the Ministers of Infrastructure and Government and Consumer Services may issue directions to the agencies for which the Minister is responsible, such as OILC, and under the OILCA, the Ministers of Infrastructure and Government and Consumer Services may issue policies and directives to OILC and OILC is obligated to implement such policies and directives;

and whereas it is recommended by the Ministers of Transportation, Infrastructure and Government and Consumer Services that the agreement to design, build, and finance the Project and ancillary documents and agreements related to the Project (collectively the “Project Documents”) be entered into by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation as represented by OILC;

and whereas it is recommended by the Ministers of Transportation, Infrastructure and Government and Consumer Services that the Minister of Transportation, without further delegation, have the authority to issue directions, policies and directives to OILC in respect of the Project and that OILC be obligated to implement such directions, policies and directives;

and whereas it is recommended that to enable the Project Documents to be executed by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation as represented by OILC, and to provide the Minister of Transportation, without further delegation, the authority to issue binding policies and directives to OILC in respect of the Project, the Minister of Transportation have the authority to share in the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under the MOIA and the OILCA;

and whereas clause 8(1)(g) of the Executive Council Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.25 (“ECA”) provides that the authority of the Lieutenant Governor under that Act includes authority, by Order in Council, to direct that two or more ministers share a power, duty, function or responsibility under an Act;

now therefore, pursuant to clause 8(1)(g) of the ECA, despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the Minister of Transportation shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of Government and Consumer Services and the Minister of Infrastructure under the MOIA and the OILCA for the purposes of (a) permitting OILC to enter into the Project Documents as Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation as represented by OILC, and (b) having authority to issue directions and binding policies and directives to OILC in respect of the Project.

Doug Ford

Premier and President of the Council

Victor Fedeli

Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered July 26, 2019.
Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1106/2019

Whereas subsection 2(2) of the Executive Council Act provides that the Lieutenant Governor may by order in council prescribe the duties of the ministers of the Crown and the duties of any ministries over which they preside;

And whereas subsection 5(1) of the Executive Council Act provides that any of the powers and duties that have been assigned by law to any minister of the Crown may from time to time by order in council be assigned and transferred for a limited period or otherwise to any other minister by name or otherwise;

And whereas subsection 8(1) of the Executive Council Act provides that the authority of the Lieutenant Governor under this Act to prescribe duties of a minister of the Crown or to assign and transfer powers and duties that have been assigned by law to a minister of the Crown to any other minister includes authority, by order in council, to assign responsibility for the administration of an Act or a part of an Act to a minister of the Crown;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act, despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council:

The administration of each statute listed in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Order is hereby assigned to the Minister listed opposite that statute in Column 3 of the Schedule;

And that the appendix to each Order in Council cited in Column 4 of Schedule 1 is hereby revised by adding to it the statute listed opposite the cited Order in Column 2 of the Schedule;

And that Orders in Council O.C. 1150/2018 and O.C. 1163/2018 dated October 22, 2018, in respect of Appendix A (Financial Administration Act – Ministerial Powers, Duties, Functions and Responsibilities), are amended as follows:

  1. the row in respect of section 1.0.26 (Preparation of Public Accounts) is revoked and the following substituted:
    A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
    1.0.26 Preparation of Public Accounts No Yes — in respect of subsections (4) to (6) and (8) Yes — in respect of subsections (1), (3), (7) and (9)
  2. the following Part is added:

part vi

Disbursements at Events at which Politicians Speak

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
47 Prohibition No Yes No

And that Order in Council O.C. 1163/2018 dated October 22, 2018 is further amended by adding the following to Appendix B (Statutes Administered by the President of the Treasury Board) in respect of sections of the Financial Administration Act administered by the President of the Treasury Board: section 47.

Doug Ford

Premier and President of the Council

Victor Fedeli

Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered July 26, 2019.
Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1110/2019

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Health;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Health (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Health (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of health and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of health that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised by Order in Council O.C. 634/2019 dated April 18, 2019, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred accordingly, except the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care under the following Acts:
    1. Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
    2. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act in respect of long-term care.
  3. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised, under the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of core mental health services for children and youth, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred accordingly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of health and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of health that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised by Order in Council O.C. 634/2019 dated April 18, 2019, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred accordingly, except the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under the following Acts:
    1. Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
    2. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act in respect of long-term care.
  3. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised, under the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of core mental health services for children and youth, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred accordingly.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised by Order in Council O.C. 634/2019 dated April 18, 2019, is hereby revoked.

Doug Ford

Premier and President of the Council

Victor Fedeli

Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 8, 2019.
Geoffrey Morawetz

Administrator of the Government


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1111/2019

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Long-Term Care;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Long-Term Care (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Long-Term Care (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of long-term care and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of long-term care that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised by Order in Council O.C. 634/2019 dated April 18, 2019, under the following Acts and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred accordingly:
    1. Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
    2. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act in respect of long-term care.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of long-term care and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of long-term care that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under Order in Council O.C. 1153/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as revised by Order in Council O.C. 634/2019 dated April 18, 2019, under the following Acts and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred accordingly:
    1. Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
    2. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act in respect of long-term care.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Doug Ford

Premier and President of the Council

Victor Fedeli

Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 8, 2019.
Geoffrey Morawetz

Administrator of the Government


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1199/2019

Pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1), and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act, and despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, responsibility for the administration of the Pawnbrokers Act is hereby assigned and transferred from the Attorney General to the Solicitor General the date this Order in Council is made.

Further, the Appendix of Order in Council O.C. 1143/2018 dated October 22, 2018 and the Appendix of Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019 are hereby revised and shall be interpreted accordingly.

Doug Ford

Premier and President of the Council

Victor Fedeli

Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 16, 2019.
Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Residential Tenancies Act, 2006

section 120

guideline for 2020


The Guideline applicable for the year 2020 for the purposes of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 is 2.2 per cent.

Dated this 15th day of August, 2019.

Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act Determination

Pursuant to delegated authority and in accordance with subsection 1(1) of the Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F-23, the works of art or other objects of cultural significance listed in Schedule “A” attached hereto, which works or objects are to be on temporary exhibit during the Early Rubens exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Ontario pursuant to a loan agreement between the Art Gallery of Ontario and the lenders listed in the attached Schedule “A”, are hereby determined to be of cultural significance and the temporary exhibition of these works or objects in Ontario is in the interest of the people of Ontario.

date: August 22, 2019

Determined by Ken Chan

Assistant Deputy Minister

Business Transformation and Project Management Division

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Schedule “A”

List of Works

Early Rubens

Art Gallery of Ontario

  Lender Artist Object/Art Date Medium Dimension Inventory #
1 Cincinnati Art Museum Peter Paul Rubens Samson and Delilah ca.1609 Oil on panel n/a 1972.459
2 The Cleveland Museum of Art Peter Paul Rubens Portrait of Isabella Brant ca. 1620-1625 Oil on wood Unframed: 53 x 46 cm (20 13/16 x 18 1/16 in.) Framed: 83 x 73.5 x 9 cm (32 5/8 x 28 7/8 x 3 1/2 in.) 1947.207
3 Detroit Institute of Arts Peter Paul Rubens Philippe Rubens, the Artist’s Brother 1610 or 1611 Oil on oak panel Unframed: 68.6 x 53.7 cm (27 x 12 1/8 in.) Framed: 92.9 x 77.9 x 7.9 cm (36 9/16 x 30 11/16 x 3 1/8 in.) 26.385
4 Flint Institute of Arts Peter Paul Rubens Angel 1610-11 Oil on modern support transferred from wood panel 80 1/2 x 57 in. 2005.158
5 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco | Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Peter Paul Rubens The Tribute Money ca. 1610-1615 Oil on panel Unframed: 144.1 x 189.9 cm (56 3/4 x 74 3/4 in.) Framed: 182.6 x 229.6 x 14.9 cm (71 7/8 x 90 3/8 x 5 7/8 in.) 44.11
6 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco | Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Peter Paul Rubens Portrait of Rogier Clarisse ca. 1611 Oil on panel Unframed: 118.1 x 90.8 cm (46 1/2 x 35 3/4 in.) Framed: 147.3 x 121.9 x 12.7 cm (58 x 48 x 5 in.) 53.12
7 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco | Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Peter Paul Rubens Portrait of Sara Breyel ca. 1611 Oil on panel Unframed: 118.1x 91.9 cm (46 1/2 x 36 3/16 in.) Framed: 148.6 x 121.9 x 12.7 cm (58 1/2 x 48 x 5 in.) 60.27
8 J. Paul Getty Museum Peter Paul Rubens The Assumption of the Virgin About 1613–1614 Pen and brown ink, brown wash over black chalk, incised for transfer 30 x 18.9 cm (11 13/16 x 7 7/16 in.) 83.gg.198
9 J. Paul Getty Museum Peter Paul Rubens The Adoration of the Shepherds About 1613–1614 Pen and brown ink and brown wash, white gouache heightening, incised for transfer 27.9 x 18.1 cm (11 x 7 1/8 in.) 86.ga.592
10 J. Paul Getty Museum Peter Paul Rubens The Entombment About 1612 Oil on canvas Unframed: 131.1 x 130.2 cm (51 5/8 x 51 1/4 in.) Framed: 150.5 x 150.5 x 5.4 cm (59 1/4 x 59 1/4 x 2 1/8 in.) 93.pa.9
11 Sean N. Parker Foundation Peter Paul Rubens Lot and His Daughters ca. 1613-14 Oil on canvas Unframed: 190 x 225 cm (74 3/4 x 88 1/2 in.) Framed: 218 x 256 in. n/a
12 The Metropolitan Museum of Art Engraved by Jacobus Harrewijn, Dutch, 1600-after 1732 After Jacques van Croes View of the Rubenshuis in Antwerp 1675-1732 Engraving Plate: 28.7 x 35.7 cm (11 5/16 x 14 1/16 in.) 51.501.7502
13 The Metropolitan Museum of Art Peter Paul Rubens The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth, Saint John, and a Dove ca. 1608-9 Oil on wood 66 x 51.4 cm (26 x 20 1/4 in.) Framed: 96.5 x 80 x 10.2 cm (38 x 31 1/2 x 4 in.) 55.135.1
14 Los Angeles County Museum of Art Peter Paul Rubens The Holy Family with St. Elizabeth, St. John, and a Dove circa 1609 Oil on wood 66 x 59 x 2 in. (167.64 x 149.86 x 5.08 cm) 53.27
15 The John & Marble Ringling Museum of Art Peter Paul Rubens The Flight of Lot and his Family from Sodom n/a Oil on canvas 220.3 x 243.8 cm (86 3/4 x 96 in.) Framed: 250.2 x 275.9 x 7.6 cm (98 1/2 x 108 5/8 x 3 in.) sn218
16 Yale University Art Gallery Peter Paul Rubens Hero and Leander ca. 1604 Oil on canvas Unframed: 95.9 x 128 cm (37 3/4 x 50 3/8 in.) Framed: 131.13 x 163.2 x 6.67 cm (51 5/8 x 64 1/4 x 2 5/8 in.) 1962.25
17 National Gallery of Art Sir Peter Paul Rubens Daniel in the Lions’ Den c. 1614/ 1616 Oil on canvas Overall: 224.2 x 330.5 cm (88 1/4 x 130 1/8 in.) Framed: 268 x 374.7 x 15.2 cm (105 1/2 x 147 1/2 x 6 in.) 1965.13.1
18 KHM-Museumsverband Peter Paul Rubens Verkündigung Mariae [The Annunciation] um [c.] 1609 Leinwand [Canvas] Bildmass [Unframed]: 225 x 202 x 3.5 cm Rahmenmass [Framed]: 255 x 231.5 x 12 cm gg 685
19 Musées de Marseille Pierre Paul Rubens La Chasse au sanglier [The Boar Hunt] n/a n/a Sans cadre [Unframed]: 250 x 320 cm Avec cadre [Framed]: 268.5 x 337 x 12.5 cm ba 103
20 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Peter Paul Rubens Die Heiligen Gregor, Maurus, Paplanus und Domitilla [Saints Gregory, Domitilla, Maurus, and Paplanus] n/a Leinwand [Canvas] Bildmass [Unframed]: 147.30 x 120.50 cm Rahmenmass Framed: 170.00 x 149.00 x 8.00 cm BRD Mü.4586
21 The Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis Peter Paul Rubens Portret van Michael Ophovius [Portrait of Michael Ophovius] c. 1615 -1617 Canvas 111.5 x 82.5 cm inv. 252
22 National Galleries of Scotland Sir Peter Paul Rubens Hero and Leander About 1600–1603 Pen and brown ink with wash on paper 20.4 x 30.6 cm Framed: 60.7 x 45.7 x 3.3 cm d 4936
23 The Trustees of The British Museum Peter Paul Rubens The Resurrection original design for a plate in the ‘Breviarium Romanum’ 1614 n/a n/a 1895,0915.1049
24 The Trustees of The British Museum Peter Paul Rubens Design for the title page of the ‘Breviarium Romanum’ 1614 n/a n/a 1881,0611.30
25 Art Institute of Chicago Peter Paul Rubens The Capture of Samson 1609/10 Oil on panel 50.4 x 66.4 cm (19 3/4 x 26 18 in.) 1923.551
26 Moravian Gallery in Brno Peter Paul Rubens Head of Medusa 1614 Oil on panel 60.6 x 112 cm a 2
27 Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein II – Sammlungen des Fürsten von und zu Liechtenstein Peter Paul Rubens The Conversion of St. Paul Um [c.] 1601/02 Öl auf Holz, Eiche [Oil on oak panel] Bildmass [Unframed]: 72.2 x 103.0 cm Rahmenmass [Framed]: 98.0 x 128.3 x 9.5 cm ge 40
28 Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein II – Sammlungen des Fürsten von und zu Liechtenstein Peter Paul Rubens Portrait of Jan Vermoelen (1589-1656) 1616 Öl auf Eichenholztafel, originale Rückseite [Oil on oak panel, original backing] Bildmass [Unframed]: 207.5 x 271.5 cm Rahmenmass [Framed]: 159.0 x 130.0 x 10.0 cm ge 87
29 Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein II – Sammlungen des Fürsten von und zu Liechtenstein Peter Paul Rubens Mars and Rhea Silvia Um [c.] 1616/17 Öl auf Leinwand [Oil on canvas] Bildmass [Unframed]: 207.5 x 271.5 cm Rahmenmass [Framed]: 230.5 x 292.5 x 9.0 cm ge 122
30 APO-01 Declaration Discretionary Trust Sir Peter Paul Rubens Samson and Delilah n/a Pen and brown ink, brown wash, brown ink framing lines, summary sketches in pen and brown ink on the verso on paper 6 1/2 x 6 5/8 in. n/a


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

August 12, 2019 to August 18, 2019

Name Location Effective Date
Alvarez, Ann Ajax, ON, CA 15-Aug-2019
Gonzalez, Alexander Toronto, ON, CA 15-Aug-2019
Hails, James North York, ON, CA 15-Aug-2019
Padiernos, Mark J Ajax, ON, CA 15-Aug-2019

certificates of temporary registration as person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

August 12, 2019 to August 18, 2019

Date Name Location Effective Date
15-Aug-2019 to 19-Aug-2019 Mix, Clinton Lee Calgary , AB, CA 13-Aug-2019
10-Oct-2019 to 14-Oct-2019 Brownmiller, Graham Kyle New Westminster, ON, CA 16-Aug-2019
14-Nov-2019 to 18-Nov-2019 Chalkias, John Chilliwack, BC, CA 16-Aug-2019
12-Sep-2019 to 16-Sep-2019 Donnelly, Christopher Wayne Lazo, BC, CA 16-Aug-2019
05-Sep-2019 to 09-Sep-2019 Holbrough, Aaron Jon Peterborough, ON, CA 16-Aug-2019
04-Oct-2019 to 08-Oct-2019 Ingersoll, Karl Grand Manan, NB, CA 16-Aug-2019
19-Sep-2019 to 23-Sep-2019 Jenkins, Gregory Scott Burnaby , BC, CA 16-Aug-2019
19-Sep-2019 to 23-Sep-2019 Savard, Bruno Gatineau, QC, CA 16-Aug-2019
12-Sep-2019 to 16-Sep-2019 Savard, Bruno Gatineau, QC, CA 16-Aug-2019
05-Sep-2019 to 09-Sep-2019 Savard, Bruno Gatineau, QC, CA 16-Aug-2019
03-Oct-2019 to 07-Oct-2019 Savard, Bruno Gatineau, QC, CA 16-Aug-2019
19-Sep-2019 to 23-Sep-2019 Smith, Margaret Maxine Stratford, ON, CA 16-Aug-2019
17-Oct-2019 to 21-Oct-2019 Smith, Margaret Maxine Stratford, ON, CA 16-Aug-2019

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

August 12, 2019 to August 18, 2019

Name Location Effective Date
Knutson, Carl Gordon Toronto, ON, CA 12-Aug-2019

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
