Notice to all interested persons of a judgment in the matter of Kansa General International Insurance Company LTD. Pursuant to Section 161(4) of the Winding-up and Restructuring Act, R.S.C., 1985, C. W-11

notice is hereby given that on January 13, 2020, the Honourable Mr. Justice Jean-Yves Lalonde, J.S.C., rendered a judgment in the matter of the winding-up of Kansa General International Insurance Company Ltd., formerly Kansa General Insurance Company, (hereinafter «Kansa»), in Canada, in the Court file bearing number 500-05-002760-955:

  1. approving the release of any balance of the assets of Kansa in Canada by Ferdinand Alfieri, CPA,CA, liquidator of Kansa in Canada (hereinafter the «Liquidator») to:

    Kansa General International Insurance Company Ltd.
    Somerontie 14
    00550 Helsinki

    in conformity with Section 161(4) of the Winding-up and Restructuring Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. W-11 (version applicable to the winding-up of Kansa in Canada);

  2. approving that the Co-Trustees in the Bankruptcy Estate of Kansa take into their custody and under their control any balance of the assets of Kansa in Canada;
  3. declaring that the Liquidator is not liable to any person for any claim;
  4. discharging Ferdinand Alfieri as Liquidator and the inspectors; and
  5. ordering that no suit, action or other proceeding lies against Ferdinand Alfieri, personally or in his capacity as Liquidator, and the inspectors, unless they acted in bad faith or committed an intentional or gross fault.

Montreal, January 13, 2020

Ferdinand Alfieri, CPA,CA
