
Ontario Regulation 699/21 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 699/21: speed limits

highway traffic act

regulation filed October 12, 2021

Ontario Regulation 700/21 made under the Ministry Of Revenue Act

O. Reg. 700/21: grant program–section 11.4.1 of the act

ministry of revenue act

regulation filed October 13, 2021

Ontario Regulation 701/21 made under the Metrolinx Act, 2006

O. Reg. 701/21: GO Transit Service Area

metrolinx act, 2006

regulation filed October 13, 2021

Ontario Regulation 702/21 made under the Invasive Species Act, 2015

O. Reg. 702/21: General

invasive species act, 2015

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 703/21 made under the Invasive Species Act, 2015

O. Reg. 703/21: Invasive Species Control Areas

invasive species act, 2015

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 704/21 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 704/21: exemption orders under section 15.1 of the act

insurance act

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 705/21 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 705/21: statutory accident benefits schedule–effective september 1, 2010

insurance act

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 706/21 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 706/21: Statutory Conditions–Automobile Insurance

insurance act

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 707/21 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 707/21: uninsured automobile coverage

insurance act

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 708/21 made under the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act

O. Reg. 708/21: exemptions

compulsory automobile insurance act

regulation filed October 14, 2021

Ontario Regulation 709/21 made under the Courts Of Justice Act

O. Reg. 709/21: rules of civil procedure

courts of justice act

regulation filed October 15, 2021

Ontario Regulation 710/21 made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response To Covid-19) Act, 2020

O. Reg. 710/21: rules for areas at step 3 and at the roadmap exit step

reopening ontario (a flexible response to covid-19) act, 2020

regulation filed October 15, 2021