Appendix 1: Sample Pollutant Log

Download Sample Pollutant Log

Appendix 2: List of Activities to be performed during Station Visits

One of the main purposes of monitoring station visits is to verify the proper operation of the monitoring equipment and of data acquisition systems (DAS) to ensure the collection of valid and complete data. A second important purpose is to verify the continued safe and secure environment at the station. Diagnostic tests, which can be performed remotely on various monitoring equipment and station parameters, complement the station visit verification.

Station visits should be documented in the site log. The following is a list of recommended activities to be performed at the station:

  • Examine the external station conditions including the inlet probe for damage or blockage. Periodically review the station characteristics for any change or modification to the station to ensure that siting criteria continue to be met.
  • Examine the manifold, if applicable, the transfer lines (or inlet line) and the inlet filters for dirt build-up and replace the filter or clean the lines as required. Examine the seals in the sampling system, the scrubbing and drying agents, and replace as required.
  • Perform zero and span verifications on the analyzers at least monthly. Record the values and note abnormal deviations. All adjustments need to be documented.
  • Perform preventative maintenance as prescribed in the instrumentation operations and maintenance manuals.
  • Check the heating/cooling system to ensure that the station temperature is maintained in the required temperature range.
  • Ensure that the analyzers are in the sample mode before exiting the shelter.
  • Ensure that the shelter door and gate (if applicable) are locked upon leaving the station.

Appendix 3: Guidance for Electronically Submitting Validated Data

The ministry requires electronic submission of raw and edited emitter data on a quarterly basis. This data will then be uploaded into a database. Prior to the first submission of data, the ministry requires that Table 8 be submitted along with a sample of the data to confirm the format in which the data will be received so that the ministry can initialize and test the industry station in the database.

The first column will always contain the date and the second column time. Please be sure that the format of the first two columns is correct and that the date and time have been delimited. It is important that the format be identical each quarter. Data is to be submitted as a time series, not as a monthly matrix. Acceptable data formats include Excel, Comma Separated Values (CSV), or Enview. Each quarter the submission must include a combined file for the three months and the files must contain data ordered from oldest to newest, (e.g., Jan 01/13 0:00 to Mar 31/13 23:59). Examples of acceptable formats are provided in Tables 9 and 10.

If the emitter makes any changes (including service pack installation and upgrades) to their systems after the initial acceptance of their data format by the ministry, the emitter should verify that the formats have not changed. If the data is no longer importable into the ministry’s database, the ministry will provide guidance about the problems and the emitter may be asked to resubmit the data.

Table 8: Station Registration Template

Download Station Registration Template

Table 9: Excel Data Submission
Date Time TRS PM2.5 Temp Wind Speed Wind Direction
04/01/2006 1:00 −0.031 3.5 0.02 14.4 8
04/01/2006 1:30 −0.026 3.967 −0.148 15.067 4.2
04/01/2006 2:00 0.004 3.8 −0.114 11.467 6.6
04/01/2006 2:30 0.006 3.267 −0.249 10.533 12.9
04/01/2006 3:00 −0.002 6.867 −0.484 9.133 11.3
04/01/2006 3:30 −0.019 1.833 −0.517 5.467 10.4
04/01/2006 4:00 −0.002 5.55 −0.585 3.4 342.8

Table 10: CSV Data Submission

05/29/2007,01:30,No Data,No Data,No Data

Table 11: Sample of Non-Continuous Data Format for Submission

Download Sample of Non-Continuous Data Format for Submission

Appendix 4: Sample Edit Log Table

Table 12: Sample edit log table

Download Sample Edit Log Table

Examples of Acceptable Edit Actions

  • Add offset of
  • Delete hours
  • Zero Correction
  • Slope Correction
  • Manual data entry for missing, but collected data
  • Invalidating span & zero check data
  • Invalidating data due to equipment malfunctions and power failures.
  • Invalidating data when instrumentation off-line
  • Marking data as out-of-range

Appendix 5: Wind Speed and Direction Calculations

The following equations used to calculate wind speed and wind direction values were taken from the US EPA document entitled QA Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Vol. IV: Meteorological Measurements, Version 1.0 (Draft) EPA-454/D-06-001, October 2006.

Wind Speed Average Calculation

  1. Horizontal wind speed (WSA) is scalar horizontal wind speed
  2. Horizontal wind speed (WSA) may be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour calculations of mean (scalar) horizontal wind speed.
  3. The following is the standard form of the equation used for calculating scalar, or horizontal wind speed (WSA):

    WSA equals StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript WS Subscript i Baseline Over N EndFraction


    instantaneous horizontal wind speed (scalar)
    number of instantaneous samples (typically 1 second)

Horizontal Wind Direction

  1. Horizontal wind direction is a circular function with values limited to between 001 and 360 degrees.
  2. The hourly calculation of wind direction mean is a crossover-corrected average of the instantaneous wind direction samples.
  3. A crossover algorithm for handling wind direction crossover through north is used that compares the current instantaneous wind direction value to the average of all the preceding wind direction values for the pertinent averaging period. If a difference of more than +180 degrees is found, 360 degrees is subtracted from the current value; or if a difference of less than −180 degrees is found, then 360 degrees is added.
  4. The following is the equation used for calculating the mean horizontal wind direction (WDA):

    WDA equals StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript WD Subscript i Baseline Over N EndFraction


    instantaneous horizontal wind direction (scalar)
    number of instantaneous samples

Sigma Theta Calculation

  1. Sigma theta calculation is the standard deviation of the horizontal wind direction.
  2. The standard deviation of the horizontal wind direction, or sigma theta, is calculated from the instantaneous wind direction samples. An algorithm similar to the crossover algorithm used for horizontal wind direction is used for sigma theta.
  3. Sigma theta can be calculated and averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour means.
  4. It has been suggested that the upper limit of sigma theta should be limited to 103.9 degrees (Yamartino, 1984). The equations used do not impose a limit to the range of possible sigma theta values recorded to eliminate any bias that an upper limit may impose.
  5. The following is the form of the equation used for computing sigma theta from horizontal wind direction (WD):

    SigmaTheta equals left-bracket StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript left-parenthesis WD Subscript i Baseline minus WDA right-parenthesis squared Over N minus 1 EndFraction right-bracket Superscript 0.5 Baseline


    mean horizontal wind direction
    number of instantaneous samples

Vertical Wind Speed Calculation

  1. Vertical wind speed is the vertical component of wind flow. Vertical wind flow can be positive (upward), or negative (downward).
  2. Vertical wind speed (VWSI) can be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour means (VWSA).
  3. The following is the form of the equation used for calculating mean vertical wind speed:

    VWSA equals StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript VWS Subscript i Baseline Over N EndFraction


    instantaneous vertical wind speed (scalar)
    number of instantaneous samples

Sigma w Calculation

  1. Sigma w is standard deviation of the mean vertical wind speed (VWSA).
  2. Sigma w can be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour means.
  3. The following is the form of the equation used for calculating sigma w:

    SigmaW equals left-bracket StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript left-parenthesis VWS Subscript i Baseline minus VWSA right-parenthesis squared Over N minus 1 EndFraction right-bracket Superscript 0.5 Baseline


    instantaneous vertical wind speed (scalar)
    number of instantaneous samples

Sigma Phi Calculation

  1. Sigma phi is calculated using the Sigma w and horizontal wind speed (WSA) data channels.
  2. Sigma phi can be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour means.
  3. The following is the form of the equation used for calculating sigma phi:

    SigmaPhi equals StartFraction SigmaW Over WSA EndFraction

    The above equation yields sigma phi in units of radians and it is converted to degrees using the following equation:

    Sigma phi (degrees) = Sigma phi (radians) * 57.2958

Resultant, or Vector Wind Speed and Direction Calculation

  1. The hourly calculation of resultant or vector wind speed and direction provide a vector mean of all of the instantaneous samples of wind direction and wind speed sampled each hour.
  2. Sigma phi can be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour averages.
  3. The following are the equations used for calculating vector wind speed and vector wind direction:

    U equals StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript left-bracket WS Subscript i Baseline sine left-parenthesis WD Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis right-bracket Over N EndFraction.

    V equals StartFraction Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript left-bracket WS Subscript i Baseline cosine left-parenthesis WD Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis right-bracket Over N EndFraction.

    WDR = arctangent left-parenthesis StartFraction U Over V EndFraction right-parenthesis plus Flow. where: Flow equals vertical-line Subscript negative 180 degree arctangent left-parenthesis StartFraction U Over V End Fraction right-parenthesis greater-than positive 180 degree Superscript positive 180 degree arctangent left-parenthesis StartFraction U Over V EndFraction right-parenthesis less-than positive 180 degree.

    WSR equals left-parenthesis U squared Baseline plus V squared Baseline right-parenthesis Superscript 0.5 Baseline.


    east-west component of wind
    north-south component of wind
    resultant wind direction (vector average)
    resultant wind speed (vector average)

Sigma v Calculation

  1. Sigma v is the standard deviation of the instantaneous wind speed normal to the hourly resultant wind direction.
  2. Sigma phi can be averaged into 1-minute, short term (e.g., 5-minute), and 1-hour means.
  3. The following are the equations used for the calculation of sigma v:

    SigmaV equals left-bracket StartFraction left-parenthesis Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript u Subscript i Baseline squared Baseline right-parenthesis cosine squared Baseline WDR minus 2 left-parenthesis Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscipt N Endscript U Subscript i Baseline V Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis sine WDR right-parenthesis left-parenthesis cosine WDR right-parenthesis plus left-parenthesis Sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript N Endscript V Subscript i Baseline squared Baseline right-parenthesis sine squared Baseline WDR Over N minus 1 EndFraction right-bracket. where: u Subscript i Baseline equals WS Subscript i Baseline sine WD Subscript i Baseline and V Subscript i Baseline equals WS Subscript i Baseline cosine WD Subscript i Baseline.

Appendix 6: Calculation Procedure for Method Detection Limit (MDL)

This appendix has been reproduced from the original MOECC guidance document Estimation of Analytical Method Detection Limits, originally published in 1988 and revised in 1991.

Introduction and Background

The Method Detection Limit (MDL) is a statistically defined decision point such that measured results falling at or above this point are interpreted to indicate the presence of analyte in the sample with a specified probability, and assumes that there are no known sources of error in identification or biases in measurement.

For the purposes of this protocol, the MDL is defined as having a confidence limit of 99%. This confidence limit defines the multiplication factor used from Student’s t-tables relating MDL to the analytical precision. This Student’s t-value depends on the amount of data used to calculate the analytical precision. In general, analytical precision will depend on the analytical conditions and the sample matrix. When possible, precision will be determined by replicate analysis of typical low-level samples, with sufficient replication to provide a reasonable estimate.

It should be noted that when MDL estimates are developed using clean samples (e.g., reagent [blank] water) they represent an optimum achievable value. Laboratory MDLs (>LMDLs) obtained in this fashion are very useful for establishing performance criteria and allowing comparison of inter-laboratory method capabilities, but may not be applicable in defining the quantitation capability for other samples which introduce matrix effects.

The following protocol represents a modification to that documented in the Federal Register / Vol. 49, No. 209 / Friday, October 26, 1984 / Appendix B to Part 136 – Revision 1.11. This modification restricts the options listed in the original document and gives more direct instructions at other option points.

Scope and Application

This protocol is designed for application to a wide variety of sample types ranging from reagent (blank) water fortified with a known concentration of analyte to wastewater containing analyte. The MDL for an analytical procedure may vary as a function of sample type. The protocol requires a complete, specific, and well defined analytical method. It is essential that all sample processing steps of the analytical method be included in the determination of the MDL.

Since the MDL procedure was designed for application to a broad variety of physical and chemical methods, it was made device or instrument independent. There are four options available for estimating the analytical precision:

  1. accumulation of a large number of in-run replicate analyses of typical samples at levels not exceeding 10 times the estimated MDL;
  2. accumulation of in-run replicate analyses of laboratory reagent quality water spiked with a known amount of the target analyte(s) at levels not exceeding 10 times the estimated MDL;
  3. analysis of eight replicate aliquots of a typical low level sample at levels not exceeding 10 times the estimated MDL; and,
  4. analysis of a series of eight replicate aliquots of laboratory reagent quality water spiked with a known amount of the target analyte(s) at a level not exceeding 10 times the estimated MDL.

Note: When applied for parameters regulated under O. Reg. 419/05, Schedule 1, 2 and 3 standards, Point of Impingement (POI) guidelines and Ambient Air Quality Criteria (AAQC), one-tenth of the standard shall be used in place of the “estimated MDL” in the above options. This will be considered the Reporting MDL (RMDL) value referred to in the procedure below.

Organic Analytes

This protocol requires that option d) in the Scope and Application be used. The fortification of laboratory reagent (blank) water with a known level of analyte is required to standardise the protocol for all laboratories and minimise the problems associated with analyzing duplicate or replicate samples or finding a standard “matrix” for organics analysis. The analytical precision is established based on eight replicate analyses and the estimated MDL is derived from a combination of these measurements and the appropriate value from t-test tables. This option is not intended to assess the effect of the matrix on the values obtained but rather to define a standardised approach in the development and application of inter-laboratory performance criteria for the program.

Conventionals, Metals and Inorganics

This protocol allows any of the options a), b), c) or d) in the Scope and Application to be used. For options a) and b), the laboratory should review recent data on in-run replicates (data accumulated within the preceding 12-month period, or less) and apply the formula as outlined in Step 6.6.3 to at least 40 data pairs.


  1. Make an estimate of the MDL using one of the following:
    1. the concentration value that corresponds to an instrument signal/noise ratio of 3:1;
    2. the concentration equivalent of three times the standard deviation of replicate instrumental measurements of the analyte in reagent water;
    3. that region of the standard curve where there is a significant change in sensitivity (e.g., a break in the slope of the standard curve); and,
    4. Instrumental limitations.

    It is recognised that the experience of the analyst is important to this process. However, the analyst must include the above considerations in the initial estimate of the detection limit.

  2. Prepare reagent (blank) water that is as free of analyte as possible. Reagent or interference-free water is defined as a water sample in which analyte and interferent concentrations are not detected at the MDL of each analyte of interest. Interferences are defined as systematic errors in the measured analytical signal of an established procedure caused by the presence of interfering species (interferent). The interferent concentration is presupposed to be normally distributed in representative samples of a given matrix. The use of commercially obtained or laboratory prepared organic free water is acceptable, but clearly indicate what was used.
  3. If the MDL is to be determined in reagent (blank) water, prepare a laboratory standard (analyte in reagent water) at a concentration which is at least five times, but not to exceed 10 times the estimated MDL. If this is the case, proceed to Step 6.
  4. When a "real" sample is being used for the MDL determination, analyse the sample. If the measured level of the analyte is in the recommended range of one to five times the estimated MDL, proceed to Step 6.
  5. If the measured level of analyte is less than the estimated MDL, add a known amount of analyte to bring the level of analyte between five and 10 times the estimated MDL.

    If the measured level of analyte is greater than five times the estimated MDL, there are two options:

    1. Obtain another sample with a lower level of analyte in the same matrix, if possible.
    2. The sample may be used as is for determining the MDL, if the analyte level does not exceed 10 times the MDL of the analyte in reagent water. The variance of the analytical method changes as the analyte concentration increases from the MDL, hence the MDL determined under these circumstances may not truly reflect method variance at lower analyte concentrations.
  6. Take eight aliquots of the sample to be used to calculate the MDL and process each through the entire analytical method. Make all computations according to the defined method with final results in the method reporting units.

    If a blank measurement is required to calculate the measured level of analyte, obtain a separate blank measurement for each sample aliquot analysed. Calculate a result (x) for each sample/blank pair.

  7. For option c) and d) above, take eight replicates of a typical low level sample or spiked reagent water and calculate the standard deviation (S) of the replicate measurements as follows:

    S equals StartRoot StartFraction Sigma-summation Endscript left-parenthesis x Subscript i Baseline minus x over-bar right-parenthesis squared Over left-parenthesis n minus 1 right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot.

    xi = the analytical results in the final method reporting units for the eight replicate aliquots (i = 1 to 8)
    X overbar = the average of the eight replicate measurements

  8. For option a) and b) above, for the assessment of historic within run replicate analysis data, calculate the standard deviation (S) of the replicate measurements as follows:

    S equals StartRoot StartFraction Sigma-summation Endscript left-parenthesis x Subscript 1 Baseline minus x Subscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis Subscript i Baseline squared Baseline Over left-parenthesis 2n right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot.

    x1, x2 = the two replicate results for each of the n replicate pairs (minimum n = 40)

  9. Compute the MDL as follows:

    MDL = t(n-1, α = 0.01)S

    where: t(n-1,α 0.01) is the Student’s t value appropriate for a 99% confidence level given the degrees of freedom n-1.
    S = the standard deviation as determined above

    Tables of Student’s t Values at the 99% Confidence Level
    Number of Replicates Degree of Freedom (n-1) t (n-1)
    7 6 3.143
    8 7 2.998
    9 8 2.896
    10 9 2.821
    11 10 2.764
    16 15 2.602
    21 20 2.528
    26 25 2.485
    31 30 2.457


Record the calculated MDL to two significant figures (e.g. 0.032). The analytical method used must be specifically identified by number or title, and the MDL for each analyte expressed in the appropriate method reporting units. If the analytical method permits options which affect the MDL, these conditions must be specified with the MDL value. Report the mean analyte level with the MDL and indicate if the MDL procedure was iterated. If a laboratory standard, or a sample that contained a known amount of analyte, was used for this determination, also record the mean recovery.

Treatment of Outliers

Single Analyte Methods

If one of the results can be shown to be an 'outlier' by the Dixon test (described below), and the LMDL calculated for the remaining seven replicates (3.143 times S) is less than the RMDL, this latter estimate of the LMDL will be accepted.


Certain methods permit analysis of several analytes within a single 'scan'. The MDL for each analyte in the scan must be less than the corresponding RMDL. When the LMDLs tend to bracket the RMDLs, the overall method is not sensitive enough and, therefore, the LMDLs will not be considered acceptable.

However, if only a few of the LMDLs in a 'scan' exceed their respective RMDLs, there may be outliers within the set of eight replicates for these non-complying analytes. If this can be confirmed, as described above, for each of the non­complying analytes, then the LMDL based on seven replicates (3.143 times S) will be accepted for those few analytes.

To forestall the possibility that one replicate sample may be an outlier for all or most analytes in the scan, and that the calculated LMDLs will therefore be greater than the RMDL for several analytes, the analyst may choose the following option:

  • perform 11 replicates (rather than eight);
  • for each analyte, note which replicate gives the highest and the lowest results;
  • reject the sample replicate containing the greatest number of high results;
  • reject the sample replicate containing the greatest number of low results;
  • reject the sample with the greatest number of high and low results; and,
  • calculate LMDLs for each analyte using the remaining eight replicate samples.

If this procedure fails to indicate an LMDL for each analyte which is below the respective RMDL, redefine the method (for example, larger sample aliquot, different range expansion, etc.), retrain staff, and repeat the entire procedure for estimating RMDL for all analytes in the scan. Discard all previous replicate data.

Outlier procedure: Dixon’s Test for sample size n = 8 to 10.

  1. sort the replicate values from lowest to highest r1, r2, … r(n−1), rn;
  2. determine the difference between the suspect value and its nearest neighbour
    r1 − r2 (or rn − r(n−1),);
  3. determine the difference between the suspect value and the next to last value at the opposite end of the sorted list of values r1 − r(n−1), (or r − r2);
  4. calculate the ratio of ii) divided by iii); and,
  5. if the ratio is greater than 0.55, the value r1 (or rn) is considered to be an outlier
    (< 5% risk of error).

Natrella, M.G. "Experimental Statistics", NBS Handbook 91 (1966), USGPO, Washington, D.C.

Appendix 7: Ambient Monitoring Running Average Exceedances

This appendix has been prepared to clarify the requirements of reporting exceedances to the ministry using running averages, which is applicable for ambient monitoring data only. This guidance outlines the ministry’s minimum expectations with respect to reporting. It does not reference the total number of potential offences that may have occurred during an averaging period.

Section 3.1 of the Operations Manual stipulates that the requirements for reporting exceedances to the ministry are based on running averages, which are explained through different examples, as shown below. The examples are organised by averaging time, which in turn depend on the contaminant’s standard, guideline limit, or AAQC, and on whether O. Reg. 419/05 Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 applies.

Hourly Running Average

Hourly running averages may be computed from 1-minute or 5-minute data. Examples 1-3 illustrate 5-minute SO2 average concentrations and resultant hourly running averages.

Example 1: SO2 1 Hr Running Avg.
1-hr Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) SO2 1-hr Runnning Avg. (ppb)
14-April 23:50 121 74
14-April 23:55 1392 75
15-April 00:00 1692 80
15-April 00:05 1922 87
15-April 00:10 2292 99
15-April 00:15 2682 115
15-April 00:20 2932 134
15-April 00:25 3042 155
15-April 00:30 3122 177
15-April 00:35 3162 199
15-April 00:40 3192 224
15-April 00:45 3262 249
15-April1 00:501 3812 2711
15-April 00:55 304 2845
15-April 01:00 286 2945
15-April 01:05 257 3003
15-April 01:10 234 3003
15-April 01:15 229 2975
15-April 01:20 221 2915
15-April 01:25 213 2835
15-April 01:30 218 2755
15-April 01:35 197 2655
15-April 01:40 176 2545
15-April 01:45 163 2404
15-April 01:50 152 221
15-April 01:55 148 208
15-April 02:00 121 194
15-April 02:05 117 182
15-April 02:10 94 171
15-April 02:15 89 159
15-April 02:20 37 144
15-April 02:25 39 129
15-April 02:30 45 115
15-April 02:35 48 102
15-April 02:40 59 93
15-April 02:45 76 85
15-April 02:50 92 80

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

In Example 1, 11 consecutive hourly running averages exceed the 250 ppb standard within a single averaging period, but this only constitutes a single exceedance. The exceedance would be reported as follows: An exceedance of the SO2 1-hour standard occurred at 00:50 EST on April 15 when the 1-hour running average was 271 ppb. During the exceedance period, successive running averages ranged between 240 ppb and 300 ppb.

Example 2: SO2 1 Hr Running Avg.
1-hr Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) SO2 1-hr Runnning Avg. (ppb)
09-September 06:25 106 117
09-September 06:30 113 114
09-September 06:35 119 113
09-September 06:40 126 113
09-September 06:45 1342 114
09-September 06:50 1622 117
09-September 06:55 1782 121
09-September 07:00 2032 129
09-September 07:05 2242 138
09-September 07:10 2392 149
09-September 07:15 2472 162
09-September 07:20 3342 182
09-September 07:25 3842 205
09-September 07:30 3672 226
09-September 07:35 3412 245
09-September1 07:401 3072 2601
09-September 07:45 2832 2725
09-September 07:50 2662 2815
09-September 07:55 2862 2905
09-September 08:00 2092 2913
09-September 08:05 1932 2885
09-September 08:10 1872 2845
09-September 08:15 1612 2775
09-September 08:20 2022 2665
09-September 08:25 2572 2555
09-September 08:30 2982 2495
09-September 08:35 3162 2474
09-September1 08:401 3622 2521
09-September 08:45 237 2485
09-September 08:50 213 2435
09-September 08:55 124 2305
09-September 09:00 298 2375
09-September 09:05 278 2445
09-September 09:10 261 2515
09-September 09:15 235 2575
09-September 09:20 213 2583
09-September 09:25 198 2535
09-September 09:30 168 2425
09-September 09:35 124 2264

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

In Example 2, the first hourly SO2 exceedance occurred at 07:40 on September 9. It reflects a running average from 06:45 to 07:40. Although this period includes parts of two “clock” hours, it is 60 minutes long and thus is only one exceedance. Also, once a particular 5-minute value contributes to calculating an exceedance, it cannot be used to calculate a second exceedance. Therefore, the next 1-hour SO2 exceedance cannot begin until one hour after the previous exceedance was determined, which in this case is at 08:40. The exceedance would be reported as follows: An exceedance of the SO2 1-hour standard occurred at 07:40 on September 9 when the 1-hour running average was 260 ppb. During the exceedance period, successive running averages ranged from a minimum of 247 ppb to a maximum of 291 ppb. This was immediately followed by a second exceedance which began at 08:40 on September 9, at which time the 1-hour SO2 running average was 252 ppb. During this period, the concentration ranged between a minimum of 226 ppb and a maximum of 258 ppb.

Example 3: SO2 1 Hr Running Avg.
1-hr Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) SO2 1-hr Runnning Avg. (ppb)
12-August 14:10 98 133
12-August 14:15 106 129
12-August 14:20 109 125
12-August 14:25 114 123
12-August 14:30 119 121
12-August 14:35 125 121
12-August 14:40 127 122
12-August 14:45 139 123
12-August 14:50 147 124
12-August 14:55 159 125
12-August 15:00 162 127
12-August 15:05 174 132
12-August 15:10 181 139
12-August 15:15 189 145
12-August 15:20 1912 152
12-August 15:25 2292 162
12-August 15:30 2462 172
12-August 15:35 2892 186
12-August 15:40 3022 201
12-August 15:45 2842 213
12-August 15:50 2562 222
12-August 15:55 2312 228
12-August 16:00 2842 238
12-August 16:05 2562 245
12-August 16:10 2312 249
12-August1 16:151 2362 2531
12-August 16:20 184 2525
12-August 16:25 178 2485
12-August 16:30 234 2475
12-August 16:35 273 2465
12-August 16:40 297 2454
12-August 16:45 324 2495
12-August 16:50 316 2545
12-August 16:55 303 2603
12-August 17:00 258 2585
12-August 17:05 216 2545
12-August 17:10 176 2505

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 3 illustrates that one exceedance period may incorporate periods where the average may exceed the standard or guideline, while others do not. However, all of these high values fall within a one hour span and use part of the data that resulted in the exceedance at 16:15. In this case, the exceedance would be reported as follows: An exceedance of the SO2 1-hour running average occurred at 16:15 on August 12 with a concentration of 253 ppb. During the exceedance period, running averages ranged from a minimum of 245 ppb to a maximum of 260 ppb.

Half-Hour Running Average

When reporting exceedances using half-hour running averages, the same principle as described above applies. That is, none of the data used to calculate one exceedance should be used for computing additional exceedances. The following examples illustrate 30-minute running average concentrations for NO2.

Example 4: NO2 ½ Hr Running Average
Half-hour Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) NO2 ½ Hr Running Avg. (ppb)
18-May 06:45 125 121
18-May 06:50 169 135
18-May 06:55 194 152
18-May 07:00 169 163
18-May 07:05 1942 174
18-May 07:10 2142 182
18-May 07:15 2392 197
18-May 07:20 2692 213
18-May 07:25 2962 230
18-May1 07:301 3082 2531
18-May 07:35 286 2695
18-May 07:40 254 2753
18-May 07:45 235 2755
18-May 07:50 221 2675
18-May 07:55 199 2514
18-May 08:00 171 228
18-May 08:05 149 205
18-May 08:10 126 184
18-May 08:15 105 162
18-May 08:20 84 139
18-May 08:25 77 119
18-May 08:30 61 100
18-May 08:35 57 85
18-May 08:40 55 73
18-May 08:45 49 64
18-May 08:50 56 59
18-May 08:55 72 58
18-May 09:00 86 63

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 4 illustrates six consecutive 30-minute running averages within a half-hour period which results in one half-hour NO2 exceedance at 07:30 on May 18. This exceedance would be reported as follows: An exceedance of the NO2 half-hour standard occurred at 07:30 EST on May 18 with 253 ppb. During the exceedance period, successive running averages ranged from a minimum of 251 ppb to a maximum of 275 ppb.

Example 5: NO2 ½ Hr Running Average
Half-hour Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) NO2 ½ Hr Running Avg. (ppb)
17-January 07:10 196 177
17-January 07:15 2142 190
17-January 07:20 2632 207
17-January 07:25 2712 224
17-January 07:30 2782 224
17-January 07:35 2642 248
17-January1 07:401 2372 2551
17-January 07:45 2262 2573
17-January 07:50 2352 2525
17-January 07:55 2472 2485
17-January 08:00 2612 2455
17-January 08:05 2482 2424
17-January1 08:101 3062 2541
17-January 08:15 2812 2633
17-January 08:20 1872 2555
17-January 08:25 2342 2534
17-January 08:30 2892 2585
17-January 08:35 2762 2625
17-January1 08:401 2542 2541
17-January 08:45 2412 2475
17-January 08:50 267 2605
17-January 08:55 2532 2633
17-January 09:00 2192 2524
17-January 09:05 3012 2565
17-January1 09:101 2862 2611
17-January 09:15 267 2663
17-January 09:20 242 2615
17-January 09:25 227 2575
17-January 10:25 224 2585
17-January 11:25 260 2514

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 5, on the other hand, illustrates non-consecutive half-hour exceedances spread across half-hour clock-based periods. Example 5 illustrates a total of four exceedances, one at 07:40, the second at 08:10, the third at 08:40 and the fourth at 09:10, on January 17. The exceedances should be reported as follows: four NO2 half-hour running average exceedances occurred on January 17 at 07:40, 08:10, 08:40, and at 09:10, at concentrations of 255, 254, 254 and 261 ppb, respectively. During the first exceedance event, NO2 half-hour running averages ranged from a minimum of 242 ppb to a maximum of 257 ppb. During the second exceedance period, NO2 half-hour running averages ranged from a minimum of 253 to a maximum of 263 ppb. The third exceedance event ranged from a minimum of 252 to a maximum of 263 ppb. The forth exceedance event ranged from a minimum of 251 to a maximum of 266 ppb.

Example 6: NO2 ½ Hr Running Average
Half-hour Standard = 250 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) NO2 ½ Hr Running Avg. (ppb)
03-March 08:10 173 161
03-March 08:15 189 172
03-March 08:20 226 186
03-March 08:25 198 192
03-March 08:30 175 192
03-March 08:35 1972 193
03-March 08:40 2632 208
03-March 08:45 2572 219
03-March 08:50 2482 223
03-March 08:55 2892 238
03-March1 09:001 2962 2581
03-March 09:05 264 2703
03-March 09:10 238 2655
03-March 09:15 213 2585
03-March 09:20 206 2515
03-March 09:25 197 2364
03-March 09:30 176 216
03-March 09:35 203 206
03-March 09:40 2142 202
03-March 09:45 1932 198
03-March 09:50 2552 206
03-March 09:55 2962 223
03-March 10:00 2962 243
03-March1 10:051 2722 2541
03-March 10:10 241 2595
03-March 10:15 228 2653
03-March 10:20 202 2565
03-March 10:25 197 2395
03-March 10:30 176 2194

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable exceedances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 6 illustrates non-consecutive half-hour exceedances resulting in two exceedances: one at 09:00 and the second at 10:05 on March 3. The exceedances should be reported as follows: There were two NO2 half-hour running average exceedances that occurred on March 3 at 09:00 and 10:05 with concentrations of 258 and 254 ppb, respectively. The first exceedance episode ranged from a concentration of 236 ppb to a maximum of 270 ppb. The second exceedance event included 5-minute values that ranged from a minimum of 219 ppb to a maximum of 265 ppb.

Ten-Minute Running Average

The same reporting principle applies to exceedances of 10-minute standards such as total reduced sulphur (TRS) compounds. Examples 7 through 9 illustrate 10-minute running averages for TRS concentrations.

Example 7: TRS 10 Min Running Average
10-min Standard = 9 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) TRS 10-min Running Avg. (ppb)
06-June 07:20 0.0 0.0
06-June 07:25 0.0 0.0
06-June 07:30 0.0 0.0
06-June 07:35 0.0 0.0
06-June 07:40 0.0 0.0
06-June 07:45 3.2 1.6
06-June 07:50 13.02 8.1
06-June1 07:551 21.02 17.01,3
06-June 08:00 9.02 15.04
06-June1 08:051 32.02 20.51,3
06-June 08:10 8.02 20.04
06-June1 08:151 28.02 18.01,3
06-June 08:20 7.02 17.54
06-June1 08:251 26.02 16.51,3
06-June 08:30 5.02 15.54
06-June1 08:351 21.02 13.01,3
06-June 08:40 4.02 12.54
06-June1 08:451 15.02 9.51,3
06-June 08:50 2.0 8.54
06-June 08:55 7.0 4.5
06-June 09:00 3.0 5.0
06-June 09:05 14.0 8.5
06-June 09:10 2.0 8.0
06-June 09:15 4.0 3.0
06-June 09:20 0.0 2.0
06-June 09:25 0.0 0.0

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 7 illustrates six 10-minute TRS exceedances spread across multiple clock periods: 07:55, 08:05, 08:15, 08:25, 08:35 and 08:45 on June 6. During the exceedance period, successive running averages ranged from a minimum of 8.5 ppb to a maximum of 20.5 ppb.

Example 8: TRS 10 Min Running Average
10-min Standard = 9 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) TRS 10-min Running Avg. (ppb)
04-October 08:05 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:10 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:15 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:20 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:25 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:30 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:35 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:40 0.0 0.0
04-October 08:45 5.1 2.6
04-October 08:50 9.42 7.3
04-October1 08:551 15.12 12.31,3
04-October 09:00 7.7 11.44
04-October 09:05 10.0 8.9
04-October 09:10 0.6 5.3
04-October 09:15 0.0 0.3
04-October 09:20 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:25 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:30 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:35 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:40 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:45 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:50 0.0 0.0
04-October 09:55 0.0 0.0
04-October 10:00 0.0 0.0
04-October 10:05 0.0 0.0
04-October 10:10 0.0 0.0

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 8 shows a 10-minute TRS exceedance which crosses between two clock-based periods. In this example only one 10-minute TRS exceedance at 08:55 on October 4 should be reported. The 10-minute TRS running average at 09:00 is not a second exceedance, since the 5-minute data used for the computation was part of the previous 10-minute TRS exceedance. The exceedances should be reported as follows: There was one TRS 10-minute running average exceedance that occurred on October 4 at 08:55 with 12.3 ppb. The exceedance period included concentrations ranging from a minimum of 11.4 ppb to a maximum of 12.3 ppb.

Example 9: TRS 10 Min Running Average
10-min Standard = 9 ppb
Date Hour (EST) 5-min Avg. (ppb) TRS 10-min Running Avg. (ppb)
05-December 09:30 0.0 0.0
05-December 09:35 0.0 0.0
05-December 09:40 3.9 1.9
05-December 09:45 7.92 5.9
05-December1 09:501 14.32 11.11,3
05-December 09:55 7.2 10.84
05-December 10:00 9.62 8.4
05-December1 10:051 9.42 9.51,3
05-December 10:10 8.4 8.94
05-December 10:15 2.4 5.4
05-December 10:20 15.22 8.8
05-December1 10:251 7.82 11.251,3
05-December 10:30 13.2 10.54
05-December 10:35 5.4 9.3
05-December 10:40 2.3 3.9
05-December 10:45 1.6 2.0
05-December 10:50 4.3 3.0
05-December 10:55 5.8 5.1
05-December 11:00 7.6 6.7
05-December 11:05 8.9 8.3
05-December 11:10 4.2 6.6
05-December 11:15 0.0 2.1
05-December 11:20 0.0 0.0
05-December 11:25 0.0 0.0
05-December 11:30 0.0 0.0
05-December 11:35 0.0 0.0

1 Date, time and exceedance value reported.
2 Range of 5-minute measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 9 illustrates blocks of time that include non-consecutive exceedances, calculated from running averages, which occur across and within a 10-minute clock based period. Example 9 illustrates three 10-minute TRS exceedances, which are at 09:50, 10:05 and 10:25 on December 15. The exceedances should be reported as follows: There are three TRS 10-minute running average exceedances which occurred on December 15; at 09:50, 10:05 and 10:25, with concentrations of 11.1, 9.5 and 11.5 ppb, respectively. During the exceedance period, successive running averages ranged from a minimum of 8.9 ppb to a maximum of 11.5 ppb.

24-Hour Running Average

Daily running averages may be calculated from 1-hour averages. Examples 10 through 12 illustrate 24-hour PM10 running averages within and across 24-hour clock-based periods.

Example 10: PM10 24 Hr Running Average
Daily AAQC = 50 µg/m3
Date Hour (EST) 1-Hour Avg. (µg/m3) PM10 24-Hr Running Avg. (µg/m3)
06-May1 03:001 1482 561
06-May 04:00 123 605
06-May 05:00 107 635
06-May 06:00 95 655
06-May 07:00 84 675
06-May 08:00 68 685
06-May 09:00 52 693
06-May 10:00 43 693
06-May 11:00 39 693
06-May 12:00 32 693
06-May 13:00 26 685
06-May 14:00 55 693
06-May 15:00 66 693
06-May 16:00 47 675
06-May 17:00 36 655
06-May 18:00 27 615
06-May 19:00 21 595
06-May 20:00 34 575
06-May 21:00 28 555
06-May 22:00 19 545
06-May 23:00 17 535
07-May 00:00 14 515
07-May 01:00 15 515
07-May 02:00 12 504
07-May 03:00 18 45
07-May 04:00 23 41
07-May 05:00 27 37
07-May 06:00 24 34
07-May 07:00 21 32
07-May 08:00 24 30
07-May 09:00 19 29

1 Date, time and non-conformance value reported.
2 Range of hourly measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable non-conformances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 10 illustrates one 24-hour PM10 non-conformance on May 6 at 03:00. In this case, the next non-conformance cannot occur until at least 24 hours after the first non-conformance, on May 7 at 03:00. The exceedances should be reported as follows: There was one 24-hour PM10 running average non-conformance that occurred on May 6 at 03:00 with a concentration of 56 µg/m3. During the non-conformance period, daily running averages ranged from a minimum of 50 µg/m3 to a maximum of 69 µg/m3.

Example 11: PM10 24 Hr Running Average
Daily AAQC = 50 µg/m3
Date Hour (EST) 1-Hour Avg. (µg/m3) PM10 24-Hr Running Avg. (µg/m3)
16-July 21:00 462 47
16-July 22:00 572 48
16-July 23:00 522 49
17-July1 00:001 592 511
17-July 01:00 56 525
17-July 02:00 48 535
17-July 03:00 36 535
17-July 04:00 26 535
17-July 05:00 22 525
17-July 06:00 56 535
17-July 07:00 63 545
17-July 08:00 58 555
17-July 09:00 58 565
17-July 10:00 59 575
17-July 11:00 60 575
17-July 12:00 63 583
17-July 13:00 63 583
17-July 14:00 56 583
17-July 15:00 52 583
17-July 16:00 57 583
17-July 17:00 44 555
17-July 18:00 37 535
17-July 19:00 32 525
17-July 20:00 24 495
17-July 21:00 21 485
17-July 22:00 17 475
17-July 23:00 14 454
18-July 00:00 17 43
18-July 01:00 19 42
18-July 02:00 21 41
18-July 03:00 27 40

1 Date, time and non-conformance value reported.
2 Range of hourly measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable non-conformances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 11 illustrates a 24-hour period where 20 of the hours had values above the PM10 benchmark. In this example, there is one daily PM10 non-conformance of the AAQC which occurred at midnight (00:00), with a concentration of 51 µg/m3. During the non-conformance period, daily running averages ranged from a minimum of 45 µg/m3 to a maximum of 58 µg/m3.

Example 12: PM10 24 Hr Running Average
Daily AAQC = 50 µg/m3
Date Hour (EST) 1-Hour Avg. (µg/m3) PM10 24-Hr Running Avg. (µg/m3)
10-August 23:00 1292 39
11-August 00:00 1182 43
11-August 01:00 962 46
11-August 02:00 792 49
11-August1 03:001 1262 541
11-August 04:00 83 565
11-August 05:00 81 595
11-August 06:00 45 605
11-August 07:00 21 605
11-August 08:00 25 605
11-August 09:00 27 605
11-August 10:00 36 615
11-August 11:00 49 625
11-August 12:00 31 633
11-August 13:00 23 625
11-August 14:00 27 625
11-August 15:00 16 625
11-August 16:00 11 615
11-August 17:00 19 605
11-August 18:00 17 585
11-August 19:00 13 555
11-August 20:00 9 515
11-August 21:00 7 495
11-August 22:00 16 465
11-August 23:00 10 415
12-August 00:00 8 365
12-August 01:00 9 335
12-August 02:00 14 304
12-August 03:00 21 26
12-August 04:00 29 24
12-August 05:00 33 22
12-August 06:00 28 21

1 Date, time and non-conformance value reported.
2 Range of hourly measurements that contribute to the exceedence value reported.
3 Maximum of the range.
4 Minimum of the range.
5 These values should not be used to calculate the number of reportable non-conformances.

The reported exceedance is the first value (in bold), and the range of runnning average values for that period should also be reported (including maximum and minimum).

Example 12, on the other hand, illustrates a 24-hour period that contains non-consecutive running averages which are higher than the benchmark and span two calendar days. However, only one 24-hour PM10 non-conformance should be reported in Example 12, which occurred on August 11 at 03:00, with a concentration of 54 µg/m3. During the non-conformance period, daily running averages ranged from a minimum of 30 µg/m3 to a maximum of 63 µg/m3.

Glossary of Terms

A check by ministry staff of the performance of an air quality monitoring system operated by the emitter or their site operator. The field component of the audit consists of assessing compliance/conformance of the sites with established criteria, and in conducting instrument performance checks with certified calibration devices to ensure that the instruments are operating within acceptable tolerances. The other component consists of reviewing documents and procedures to ensure that proper information management practices/procedures have been implemented by the emitter or its site operator, and are followed.
Calibration Check
A test of the accuracy of an instrument using a certified calibration device traceable to a primary standard. If the difference in accuracy between the instrument and the calibration device is greater than ±5%, a calibration of the instrument should be performed.
An instrument adjustment with a certified calibration device traceable to a primary standard following an audit or a calibration check when the accuracy of the instrument deviates by more than 5% from the required set point. Instrument calibrations are performed by site operators and not by the inspectors.
Certification of calibrators
A test of the accuracy of a calibration device traceable to a primary standard. At least once per year, formal certification of calibration devices by a certification authority is required.
Continuous monitoring
Monitoring performed with fully automated instrumentation that collects data on a very short time scale (e.g., every second or minute) such as an ozone or sulphur dioxide analyzer thereby providing realtime data.
Cycling time
The time required to complete the active measurement cycle (sample collection, analysis and measurement) and to produce an output.
The person in occupation or having the charge, management or control of a facility that emits air contaminants into the natural environment.
External performance check
QA/QC procedure carried out external to an instrument with a certified calibration unit (e.g., calibrator, gas cylinder, etc., referenced to a primary standard). It is synonymous to a calibration check.
Fall time to 95%
The time interval between initial response (the first observable change in analyser output) and a level of signal output, which is 95% of the steady state output after a step decrease in input concentration.
Internal performance check
QA/QC procedure carried out ‘within’ the analyzer and, as such, consists in all instruments checks not done with a calibrator.
The maximum deviation between the actual analyser output reading and the predicted analyser output from a least square fit to the actual readings.
Minimum Detection Limit
The lowest concentration that can be detected by the analyser with confidence. It is defined as twice the noise level of the analyser.
Spontaneous short duration deviations in the analyser output, about the mean output, which are not caused by input concentration changes.
Non-continuous sampling
Sampling conducted with discrete samplers that collect a sample, typically over a 24-hour period such as a Hi-Vol sampler. Samples are collected on a set schedule, such as once every 6th day.
Operating humidity range
The maximum level of moisture content of the ambient air in the environment surrounding the analyser, in which the analyser will meet all performance specifications.
Operating Ranges
The ranges corresponding to the full-scale output of the analyser.
Operating Voltages
The minimum and maximum line voltages in which the analyser will meet all performance specifications.
Operating temperature range
The minimum and maximum ambient temperature, of the environment surrounding the analyser, in which the analyser will meet all performance specifications.
The degree of variation about the mean of repeated measurements of the same pollutant concentration by the analyser, expressed as standard deviation about the mean.
Primary standard
The reference standards used by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) against which other standards (secondary) are compared with for accuracy. The certification of calibration devices used must be traceable to a primary standard through secondary standards.
Sampling inlet; The point of entry of an air sample into an air quality monitoring system. A probe’s siting must meet criteria to ensure that a representative and unbiased sample is collected.
A person or organization that has established or is undertaking air monitoring other than the MOECC or an emitter, or contractor employed by an emitter, as defined herein.
Rise time to 95%
The time interval between initial response (the first observable change in analyser output) and a level of signal output, which is 95% of the steady state output after a step increase in input concentration.
Running Average
A running average is a calculation to analyse data points by creating a series of different subsets of the full data set. It is also called a moving mean or a rolling mean.
Span Drift
The percent change in analyser output response to a constant upscale pollutant concentration over a period of unadjusted continuous operation.
Station operator
The person that performs the regular operation and maintenance of the station. This can be the emitter or a third party retained by the emitter.
Verification of Calibrators
A check of the gas calibration devices used by site operators in the field by ministry audit staff with their calibrators. This is to be done between the annual formal certifications and does not constitute a certification.
Zero Drift
The change in analyser output response to a constant zero air input concentration over a period of unadjusted continuous operation.


Ambient Air Quality Criteria as defined and listed in O. Reg. 419/05
Analysis and Air Quality Division of Environment Canada
American Society for Testing and Materials
Beta Attenuation Monitor, more commonly known as a beta gauge monitor used to measure (in real-time) concentrations of particulate matter, mostly in the PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions
Acronym for basic input/output system, the built-in software that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk.
Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation
Combined Assessment of Modelling and Monitoring; a study conducted under O. Reg. 419/05, Section 11(1), Paragraph 3, with the purpose of refining emission rates for modelling
Cubic centimetres per minute
Cubic feet per minute
Code of Federal Regulations (U.S.)
Central Standard Time
Comma Separated Values. A data format with values separated by a comma
Data Acquisition System. The hardware/software of a system used to collect data electronically
Delta Cal
Trade name for a device used to calibrate flow, temperature and ambient pressure
Pressure differential
Digital voltmeter
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Compliance Approval
Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada)
The Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch of the ministry
Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report. This is one of the key documents required in the application package for an Air Certificate of Approval from the ministry
Eastern Standard Time
Fluorinated ethylene propylene
Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
Geographic Information System
Hydrogen sulphide
Inside diameter
in. of Hg
Inches of mercury (unit of barometric pressure)
Kilometres per hour
Liters per minute
Laboratory Services Branch of the ministry
Liquid crystal display
Cubic metre
Method Detection Limit (analytical lab methods). In this document it is defined as the smallest measurable amount, where the risk of a false positive is 1%, or conversely the confidence level is 99%.
Milliliters per minute
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (Ontario)
United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which is the source of the primary reference standards for the monitoring/sampling methods listed in this document
Nitric oxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Oxides of nitrogen, principally nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Outside diameter
nanograms per cubic metre
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, commonly known as dioxins
Polychlorinated dibenzofurans, commonly known as furans
Portable document format
Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than about 10 microns; also known as inhalable particulate matter
Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than about 2.5 microns; also known as fine particulate matter or respirable particulate matter
Point of Impingement as defined in O. Reg. 419/05
Concentration of a gaseous contaminant expressed in parts per billion by volume of air sampled
Concentration of an air contaminant expressed in picograms (10−12 gram) per cubic metre of air sampled
Polyurethane Foam cartridge used for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) in air
Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs to ensure the collection and reporting of data of acceptable quality
Request for proposal
Resistance temperature detector
Standards Council of Canada which accredits analytical laboratories in Canada
Sulphur dioxide gas
Standard Operating Procedure for monitoring/sampling of air contaminants
Synchronised Hybrid Ambient Real-time Particulate
Suspended Particulate matter is all airborne, finely divided solid or liquid material. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small that individual particles can only be detected using microscopy techniques. See Particulate Matter (PM) Basics
Station Temperature (for Air Quality Monitoring stations)
Tapered Oscillating Microbalance. A particulate monitor for determining (in real-time) concentrations of particulate matter, mostly in the PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions
Toxicity Equivalent values are obtained by determining the relative toxicity of a doxin or furan congener to that of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) and using these factors for each of the members of a mixture to assign a toxicity to the whole.
Trade name for a device used to calibrate flow, temperature and ambient pressure
Total Reduced Sulphur compounds consisting mostly of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and mercaptans
Total Reduced Sulphur Temperature (temperature of high temperature TRS converter)
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Upper Risk Thresholds for air contaminants as listed in schedule 6 of O. Reg. 419/05
Ultraviolet light
Microgram (10−6 gram) per cubic metre of air sampled
Micron (or micrometre) which is 10−6 of a metre
Volatile Organic Compounds some of which play an important role in the formation of ozone and smog aerosols
Vertical Wind Speed Average
Well Impactor Ninety Six, an impactor designed to provide a particle cut-point of 2.5 microns
World Meteorological Organization


1 National Air Pollution Surveillance Network Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines, Environment Canada, Environment Protection Service, Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate, Pollution Measurement Division, Environmental Technology Centre, Ottawa, Ontario. Report No. AAQD 2004-1 (Originally published as Report No. PMD 95-8, December 1995).

2 ISO/IEC17025:2005 - General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Available at ANSI webstore.

3 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Volume 5, Part 58, Appendix D (Network Design Criteria for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring) and Appendix E (Probe and Monitoring Path Siting Criteria),EPA 1999. Revised July 1, 1999.

4 Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for regulatory Modeling Applications. EPA 2000. EPA-454/R-99-005, Section 3 (Siting and Exposure), February 2000.

5 Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. WMO 2008. World Meteorological Organization-No. 8, 7th edition, Geneva Switzerland.