Forest Management Plan extensions

What is a Forest Management Plan extension?

A FMP extension adds time to the period of a FMP so the plan can continue to be implemented. There are no changes to the approved operations. There are two types of FMP extensions: a short-term FMP extension of up to three months and a long-term FMP extension. FMP Extensions provide further opportunities to extend a FMP where operations approved under the current FMP are available and not expected to be completed by the end of the FMP period.

Where can I get information on a Forest Management Plan extension?

Information on a FMP extension, including the draft FMP extension, is available at the office of the sustainable forest licensee and on the Natural Resources Information Portal.

How can I get involved in the preparation of a Forest Management Plan extension?

There is no consultation on short-term extensions.

If you are interested in the FMP, or are directly affected by planned operations in the long-term FMP extension, you will receive a notice about the FMP extension. You will have 15 days from the date of the notice to comment on the FMP extension.

Here are some examples of information that you may be interested in reviewing and providing input on:

  • existing agreements you have with the forest manager regarding the completion of operations
  • the location of forest operations during the FMP extension
  • information relating to values and important ecological features that could be affected by forest operations

Where can I view an approved Forest Management Plan extension?

FMP extensions are available at the office of the sustainable forest licensee and on the Natural Resources Information Portal.

If you are interested in discussing the approved plan extension, you can arrange an appointment at the local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry work center.

Forest Management Plan amendments

What is a Forest Management Plan amendment?

An amendment is a change that may be needed at any time during the implementation of a FMP. A significant change may require extra planning or consultation. An example of an amendment is changing the location of harvest operations.

What are the different types of Forest Management Plan amendments?

There are four types of amendments: administrative, minor, major and amendment to the long-term management direction.

Who can request a Forest Management Plan amendment?

Any person can make a written request to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district manager to amend a FMP. Requested amendments will be categorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district manager, in consultation with the local citizens’ committee and the plan author, as either administrative, minor, or major.

Only the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regional director can require an amendment to the long-term management direction of an approved FMP and only to address:

  • changes in legislation and policy, or
  • a major disturbance that occurred on the management unit (e.g. forest fire).

How can I become involved with the different types of Forest Management Plan amendments?

Administrative amendments

These amendments are usually simple corrections or small changes to the FMP that have limited potential to impact operations. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry does not consult on administrative amendments.

Minor/major amendments

These amendments require additional planning and consultation. The planning team wants to hear from people and organizations interested in, and affected by, minor or major amendments. Notices are sent to people and organizations on the mailing list. Notices may also be posted in media (e.g. newspapers, digital media such as online news sources, social media) and on the Natural Resources Information Portal.

Here are some examples of information that you may be interested in reviewing and providing input on:

  • the proposed locations of roads and locations where aggregates may be extracted
  • the use management strategies for proposed roads
  • the proposed locations of harvest, renewal, and tending operations
  • the location of values or important ecological features
  • how impacts to values or important ecological features will be prevented, minimized, or mitigated during forest operations
  • whether you have information relating to values and important ecological features that could be affected by forest operations

For minor and major amendments, the notices will provide a date by which comments must be received. Members of the planning team and local citizens’ committee will be available to answer questions and discuss any concerns you have about the amendment.

Long-term management direction amendments

This type of amendment requires a change to the strategic direction of the FMP and has three consultation stages. At each stage, notices are sent to people and organizations on the mailing list. Notices may also be posted in media (e.g., newspapers, digital media such as online news sources, social media) and on the Natural Resources Information Portal.

At each stage you can review and comment on maps and relevant information associated with the amendment. This information includes:

  • proposed changes to the long-term management direction and the summary of the proposed long-term management direction for the forest
  • areas that may be reasonably harvested, and any changes to the preferred harvest areas for the remainder of the FMP
  • changes to primary road corridors, and any alternative corridors
  • proposed areas for harvest, renewal and tending operations
  • proposed locations of roads and locations where aggregates may be extracted
  • the use management strategies for proposed roads
  • any new information about values or important ecological features that may exist on the management unit that can be used in planning

You will be asked to provide input within a specific timeframe. Members of the planning team and local citizens’ committee will be available to answer questions and discuss any concerns you have about the amendment.

What if I have an unresolved issue on a minor, major, or long-term management direction amendment?

There is an opportunity to request issue resolution on minor, major, or long-term management direction amendments. If you raised a concern with the plan author for these types of amendments and it has not been addressed to your satisfaction, you can request issue resolution with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district manager. If your issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can request issue resolution with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regional director.

Where can I view an approved forest management plan amendment?

FMP amendments are available at the office of the sustainable forest licensee and on the Natural Resources Information Portal. If you are interested in discussing the approved amendment, you can arrange an appointment at the local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry work centre.

Related links

Forest management policies
Forest management planning
Forest management guides
Forest monitoring
Forest renewal