1.1 Aim of plan

The aim of the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan (PNERP) Implementing Plan for a Transborder Nuclear Emergency, is to prescribe the measures that should be undertaken to deal with a nuclear emergency caused by an accident or event occurring at a nuclear installationfootnote * outside Ontario, which could affect the province.

(Note : A nuclear emergency caused by the Fermi 2 Nuclear Generating Station in Michigan State is covered in the Fermi 2 Nuclear Emergency Response Plan, and is not considered in this plan).

1.2 Scope of plan

1.2.1 This Implementing Plan should be read and applied in the context of the PNERP, Master Plan.

1.2.2 In case of any apparent differences between the provisions of the PNERP Master Plan and this Implementing Plan, the latter being more detailed and specific is applicable.

1.2.3 Together, these two plans focus on provincial level actions and should therefore be supplemented by the appropriate municipal and other plans and procedures (section 1.3 below).

1.3 Other plans and procedures

1.3.1 Any jurisdictions and organizations that have, or are assigned responsibility for responding to a transborder nuclear emergency should develop appropriate plans/procedures for carrying out their roles and tasks.

1.3.2 Municipalities with areas within the Secondary Zone (section 2.5) of a transborder nuclear installation should include an appropriate reference to the relevant provisions of this plan in their Municipal Emergency Plan.
