The currently in-force emergency type assignments are laid out in OIC 1157/2009, depicted on the next page. Since the OIC was issued, the following changes have been made:

  • Where the OIC lists Government Services, responsibility has been transferred to Treasury Board Secretariat.
  • Ministry names have been updated as follows:

Previous ministry name

Current ministry name

  • Community and Social Services
  • Children, Community and Social Services
  • Community Safety and Correctional Services
  • Solicitor General
  • Energy and Infrastructure
  • Energy, Northern Development and Mines
  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
  • Environment, Conservation and Parks
  • Government Services
  • Government and Consumer Services (delegated to Treasury Board Secretariat)
  • Health and Long-Term Care
  • Health
  • Long-Term Care
  • Natural Resources
  • Natural Resources and Forestry
  • Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
  • Energy, Northern Development and Mines
  • Natural Resources and Forestry

The text of OIC 1157/2009 is reproduced as follows:

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that:

PURSUANT to subsection 6(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E9, as amended, all ministers are responsible for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of any emergency that affects the continuity of operations and services in their respective ministries.

In addition to the above, the following ministers are responsible for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of the type of emergency assigned.


Type of emergency

Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Farm animal disease; food contamination; agriculture plant disease and pest infestation

Attorney General

Any emergency related to the administration of justice including the operation of the courts; and provision of legal services to government in any emergency

Community and Social Services

Any emergency that requires emergency shelter, clothing and food; victim registration and inquiry services; personal services

Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • Any emergency that requires the coordination of provincial emergency management
  • Nuclear and radiological
  • Severe weather
  • War and international
  • Any other peacetime emergency not listed herein
  • Building structural collapse
  • Explosion and structural fire
  • Space object crash
  • Terrorism
  • Civil disorder
  • Any emergency that requires the continuity of provincial government services

Energy and Infrastructure

Energy supply


Spills of pollutants to the natural environment including fixed site and transportation spills

Drinking water

Health and Long-Term Care

Human health, disease and epidemics; health services during an emergency


Any emergency that affects worker health and safety

Government Services

Any emergency that affects labour relations and human resource management in the provincial governmentfootnote 18

Municipal Affairs and Housing

Any emergency that requires the coordination of extraordinary provincial expenditures

Natural Resources

  • Forest Fires
  • Floods
  • Drought/low water
  • Dam failures
  • Crude oil and natural gas exploration and production, natural gas and hydrocarbon underground storage and salt solution mining emergencies
  • Erosion
  • Soil and bedrock instability

Northern Development and Mines

Abandoned mine hazards

Any emergency that requires the support of provincial emergency management in Northern Ontario



AND THAT Order in Council number 777/2009 dated May 13, 2009 be revoked.

Original signed as recommended by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and Concurred by the Chair of Cabinet.

Original Approved and Ordered Jun 15, 2009 by the Lieutenant Governor.


  • footnote[18] Back to paragraph As noted above, this is now the responsibility of the Treasury Board Secretariat.