(Reference:Section 4.9.4)

Appendix 1 Guidelines for assigning sector safety status

Sector Status Colour Dose Rate
Green Up to 1 µSv/h or
Up to 0.1 mrem/h
Yellow 1 µSv/h - 25 µSv/h or
0.1 mrem/h – 2.5 mrem/h
Orange 25 µSv/h - 1000 µSv/h or
2.5 mrem/h – 100 mrem/h
Red >1000 µSv/h or
> 100 mrem/h

Appendix 2 Precautionary measures for each safety status

Safety status Precautionary measures for emergency workers and helpers

No precautions necessary. No limit on stay period.

Yellow Restriction of drinking water, milk and other foodstuffs and beverages.
  1. Pregnant workers shall not enter the sector.
  2. Report to the Emergency Worker Centre (EWC) before entering the sector. 
  3. Carry personal monitoring devices and observe all precautions prescribed by the EWC.
  4. Dosimetersshould be checked every hour. Exit from the sector if the reading reaches 40 mSv (4rem), or any lower personal limit prescribed by the EWC.
  5. If duties permit, remain under shelter or inside a vehicle. If working outside, wear an outer garment such as a plastic raincoat.
  6. Stay in the sector shall be limited to 4 hours, or the time prescribed by the EWC.
  7. Report again to the EWC on leaving the sector.
  1. Pregnant emergency workers and helpers shall not enter the sector.
  2. Report to the Emergency Worker Centre (EWC) before entering the sector.
  3. Enter the sector accompanied by a qualified escort provided by the reactor facility and shall carry personal monitoring devices. They shall observe any precautions prescribed by the EWC.
  4. Dosimetersshould be checked every 30 minutes. Exit from the sector if the reading reaches 40 mSv (4 rem), or any lower personal limit prescribed by the EWC.
  5. If duties permit, remain under shelter or inside a vehicle. If working outside, wear an outer garment such as a plastic raincoat.
  6. Stay in the sector shall be limited to one hour, or the time prescribed by the EWC.
  7. Report again to the EWC on leaving the sector.

Appendix 3 Dose limits for off site emergency workers and helpers

DEFAULT Effective Dose limit during emergency for non-licensee Off-site Emergency Workers and Helpers VOLUNTARY* Effective Dose Limit for non-licensee Off-site Emergency Workers and Helpers
50 mSv (5 rem) over the duration of the response. 100 mSv (10 rem) over the duration of the response.

*Voluntary requires documented informed consent.

(Source: Health Canada, Canadian Guidelines for Protective Actions during a Nuclear Emergency (Draft 2016))