The Soldiers’ Aid Commission is committed to ensuring that it provides the best administering mechanism of applications for financial assistance requested by Veterans who enlisted in the Canadian armed forces, or served with one of the Allied forces overseas, or with the armed forces in Canada during the Second World War or the Korean War. This assistance is also extended to any dependent relative of any Veteran of these wars.

Members of the Commission are dedicated to providing a relevant and useful service in the most effective and efficient way.

Executive summary

In 2010-2011, the Ministry of Community and Social Services provided the Soldiers’ Aid Commission with funding in the amount of $253,200. The annual allotment included an additional $100,000, which was approved in November 2006 when the Commission’s mandate was expanded to include financial assistance to Veterans that served in the armed forces in Canada.

The work of the Commission does not generate revenue.

In 2013-2014 the Commission received 161 applications for financial assistance from Veterans or their dependent relatives. Assistance was provided to 151 applicants, which resulted in expenditures of $164,835.38.


The Soldiers’ Aid Commission is an Operational Service Agency, established in 1915, “to take care of and to find employment for members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force…”

The Soldiers’ Aid Commission receives its legislative authority from the Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act, R.S.O. 1960, and the Soldiers’ Aid Commission Amendment Act, 1970.

The Commission operates at arms length from government. The members are appointed by Order-in-Council and do not have fixed terms of appointment. It is stipulated in the legislation that, “The Lieutenant Governor in Council may add such persons from time to time as members of the Commission as he deems advisable or may appoint a member in place of any member dying or retiring or becoming incapable of acting”. The Commission selects candidates for Commissioners, recommends appointees to the Minister and elects its Chairperson. These members serve without remuneration but may claim out-of- pocket expenses.

The Ministry of Community and Social Services’ Operations Division, Services and Supports Branch is responsible for the administration of the legislation under which the Commission operates.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Commission and the ministry was signed on August 17, 2011 for a five-year term.

The mandate of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission is to administer applications for financial assistance made by Veterans and their dependent relatives. An eligible Veteran is a person in financial need who resides in Ontario, enlisted in the Canadian armed forces and served overseas or served with the armed forces in Canada during the First or Second World Wars or the Korean War.

An eligible dependent is the spouse of an eligible Veteran with whom the Veteran lived at the time of the Veteran’s death, or as a spouse in a common-law union of reasonable duration.

The Commission accepts applications for financial assistance made by Veterans in need or their dependents by way of the Royal Canadian Legion, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Navy Benevolent Funds. Officials in Veterans’ Affairs Canada offices, throughout Ontario, screen the appropriateness of the requests, after which they then make referrals to the Commission.

Financial assistance is available to resolve a specific situation when all other resources have been exhausted. Funding is provided on an individual basis and is not provided for long-term, ongoing assistance.

The Soldiers’ Aid Commission provides funds for the following:

  • Health-related items such as hearing aids, glasses, prescription and dental needs
  • Home-related items such as rent, repairs, moving costs, furniture, replacement/repair of roof and furnace
  • Specialized equipment such as assistive devices, wheelchairs and prosthetics, and
  • Personal items such as clothing and other specialized support services.


The Soldiers’ Aid Commission comprises a Chairperson and six Commissioners.

The current membership of the Commission is as follows:
Position Member Name Tenure
Chair Smith, J. William 15-Oct-1986
Member Rowe, Colin 18-Dec-2002
Member Stapleton, John 14-May-2003
Member Thomas, William Earle 25-Jun-2008
Member Harris, Alfred H. L. 25-Jun-2008
Vacant Brooks, Homer 09-Jul-2008
Vacant N/A N/A

A vacancy in the ranks of the Commission was created with the unexpected passing of Mr. William Seyers on December 28, 2012.

The ministry provides the Commission with administrative support and a meeting room for its monthly meetings in Toronto.

Environmental scan

Operating under its expanded mandate, in 2012-2013 the Commission received 148 applications and approved 143 of these applications. Total financial assistance provided to Veterans in need was $162,555.12.

2013-2014 saw an increase in applications from 148 to 161. The total amount of financial assistance provided was $164,835.38.

The Commission saw an increase in applications in 2013-2014. A restructuring of the Veterans Affairs offices and a centralization of their referral system is seen as one of the factors affecting the number of applications and the Commission will work with their counsellors to streamline the process.

The Commission is now approving assistance to eligible Merchant Navy and Allied Veterans consistent with federal changes.

Over the past year the Commission experienced continued interest in its services from men and women of the Canadian armed forces who have served in peacekeeping roles throughout the world, such as Afghanistan. The Commission has been unable to provide financial services to these Veterans as they do not qualify within the Commission’s current mandate.

Strategic directions

In the upcoming fiscal year, the Commission will revise the eligibility rate and referral period to reflect the rising cost of living and the cost of devices that the aging applicants need to improve their quality of life.

The Commission will continue to follow the Ministry’s procedures operating in accordance with all administrative policies as established and specified in all Management Board and Treasury Board Directives and or Guidelines.

The Commission received over 850 enquiries in 2013- 2014 in regard to the provision of financial assistance to Veterans that have served as peacekeepers in recent conflicts. However, expansion in this area is not seen as part of the Commissions’ mandate.

Overview of commission’s current and forthcoming programs

As noted, the Commission’s core business is the provision of financial assistance to eligible Veterans and their dependents in need.

The Commission provides financial assistance under two basic categories:

  • Minor disbursement assistance and
  • Major disbursement assistance

Minor disbursement assistance:

In 2010-2011 minor assistance was increased from items up to $200.00 in value to $300.00. Any Commission member or designated employee may approve a request under $300.00.

On behalf of the Commission, counsellors in District DVA offices may grant up to $50.00 to eligible Veterans without prior authorization, and between $50.00 and $100.00 to eligible applicants with telephone authorization from the Commission. The DVA bills the Commission on a monthly basis for reimbursement of grants made on behalf of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission. These grants are then reviewed and approved at the Commission’s next meeting.

Major disbursement assistance:

Major assistance includes items and services ranging from $300.00 to $1500.00 in value. The amount may be increased up to as much as $2000.00 at the discretion of the Commission to avoid unnecessary hardship. All applications for major assistance are reviewed at the Commission’s monthly meetings. Those which require urgent attention are approved in a timely fashion and then reviewed at the next scheduled Commission meeting. Financial assistance can only be granted once in any 12-month period.

In the event of an emergency application where funds are required immediately, two commissioners, after considering the eligibility and urgency of the application, may review and approve the application. The application is then discussed at the next Soldiers’ Aid Commission meeting.

The Commission is not considering any changes to its core business in 2014- 2015.

Resources needed to meet goals and objectives

The Commission is not requesting any additional financial or capital resources to continue its core services or to meet the proposed expansion of its mandate.

Financials: proposed operating expenditures, projected revenues and funding requirements

In 2013-2014 the Commission requested $189,900.00 of its full allotment of $253,200.

In 2013-2014 assistance was provided to 151 applicants, which were all major disbursements.

This resulted in expenditures of $164,835.38. As per the requirements of the Agency Establishment and Accountability Directive 2010, unused funding of $25,064.62 was returned to the Minister of Finance at the end of fiscal 2013- 2014. For the 2014-2015 fiscal year, the Commission will receive quarterly transfer payments of $63,300.

In 2014-2015 the Commission expects to continue to operate within its funding base of $253,200. It is anticipated that financial assistance of approximately $200,000 will again be provided to approximately 200 eligible Veterans and/or dependent relatives.

The Commission does not receive revenue from any source other than government.

Financials: proposed capital expenditures

In 2013-2014 the Commission did not have any capital expenditures and did not hold any capital assets. In the upcoming fiscal year the Commission does not project any new capital initiatives.

Summary of staff numbers

Each Commissioner is appointed by an Order in Council and performs duties on a voluntary basis without remuneration.

The ministry provides the Commission with one FTE (Operations Clerk), who provides administrative support. The employee is a member of the Ontario Public Services Employee Union.

Performance measures and targets

Goals: Performance Measures Targets Achievements
1. Receive and processing of approximately 200 applications for financial assistance.* # of Applications Received and approved

process 200 applications

161 applications received
151 applications approved.
1. Receive and processing of approximately 200 applications for financial assistance.* As above

process approximately 200

1. Receive and processing of approximately 200 applications for financial assistance.* As above

As above

2. Renew Memorandum of Understanding New MOU was signed by Commission and Minister August 17, 2011 MOU signed

* The Commission is unable to accurately project the number of applications it will receive.

Risk assessment and management

In May 2012, a risk assessment was completed by the Commission and ministry staff. For 2014-2015 there are no risks identified that will potentially inhibit the Commission from fulfilling its mandate within the prescribed funding allotment.