Introduction to municipal finance

The municipal councillor’s guide provides a comprehensive overview of the role of council, local government, municipal finance and other relevant topics

Government Finance Officers Association’s best practice guidelines offers information for financial staff on matters related to accounting, economic development and other topics

Municipal fiscal sustainability

Meeting financial and service obligations today and in the future.

Safeguarding your municipality’s future

This presentation from the 2016 Association of Municipalities Ontario Conference covers topics such as infrastructure financing, debt, reserves, and intergenerational equity.

Asset management planning

Coordinating decisions regarding the building, operating, maintaining, renewing, replacing and disposing of infrastructure assets.

Municipal asset management plans

The Building together guide explains the importance and the features of an asset management plan for municipal officials with descriptions and examples.

The Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s asset management resources

The Association of Municipalities of Ontario has a list of resources on municipal asset management in Ontario.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ asset management and sustainability resources

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has compiled a list of links to resources focusing on infrastructure planning and asset management and their role in helping municipalities become more resilient to a changing climate. This curated list includes resources on sustainability and climate change adaptation and mitigation for Canadian cities and towns of all sizes.

Local Government Asset Management Working Group of British Columbia

What are other provinces doing in the area of asset management planning? British Colombia has put together this comprehensive list of resources on asset management planning including material from past presentations and workshops.

Economic development

Municipalities have access to certain planning and financial tools that can be used to support a range of local objectives such as:

  • affordable housing
  • economic development
  • small business growth

Business improvement

The Business improvement area handbook provides information about how to establish and operate a business improvement area in Ontario.