The Vision for Ontario’s Live Music Industry contains numerous recommendations to foster growth of the live music sector in Ontario and provide a platform for increased industry collaboration. The work of the Ontario Live Music Working Group will now shift towards setting priorities, developing plans to actualize the recommendations, and encouraging engagement across the live music sector in order to bring this Vision to life.

Key to the success of the Vision for Ontario’s Live Music Industry is forging strong linkages between the various organizations that have an interest in the sector’s success, within and outside of the live music industry, with government bodies at all levels, and among industry players big and small.

For its part, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will continue to support the industry government collaboration represented by the Ontario Live Music Working Group, and its future work towards the development of an Ontario Live Music Strategy informed by the Vision.

This Vision represents a ground-breaking conversation about the province’s live music industry. We hope it will generate new dialogue within our sector, and among the diverse elements of our province’s broader music industry. A key tenet of this Vision is inclusivity and bridgebuilding across the diverse landscape of Ontario’s music industry. This Vision is intended to reinforce the importance of all music organizations and associations working together to build more productive relationships. We invite all elements of the music industry from artists, associations and collective societies, to managers, agents, promoters, venue operators, fans, government, businesses, and anyone else who wants to advance the interests of Ontario’s live music industry, to help to bring this Vision to life.