Whitlowgrass (Brassicaceae family):
Draba verna L.
EPPO code:
Other names:
Spring whitlowgrass

Species information

Annual, winter annual.
Reproduces by seed.
Whitlowgrass emerges in the fall or early spring and usually completes its life cycle by mid-May.
Although it is most often found in cereal crops, whitlowgrass has also been found in soybean and corn crops. Recent surveys found it to be most prominent in south-central Ontario.
Whitlowgrass does not impact yield, even in cereal crops where it is often found.

Identification clues


Very small (1 mm), round to club shaped with a short petiole, rapidly masked by leaves.
First leaves:
The plant’s first leaves appear as a basal rosette of oblong leaves that are covered in small, fine hairs.
Mature leaves:
Similar to first leaves.

Mature plant

Whitlowgrass does not have stem leaves. The bolting, wiry stem that rises from the basal rosette does, however, produce several small, white flowers.
The flowers of whitlowgrass are extremely small and have a yellow centre. The flower has four white petals that are so deeply lobed as to give it the appearance of having eight petals instead.
Seedpods are flat, football shaped and about 3 mm long.

Often mistaken for

I know it's not Shepherd’s purse because whitlowgrass flowers much earlier than shepherd’s purse, has a much smaller basal rosette (about the size of a dime) and the seedpods are football shaped in comparison to the heart-shaped seedpods of shepherd’s purse.

I know it's not Canada fleabane because whitlowgrass has narrower basal leaf blades that are much hairier than those of Canada fleabane.

Flowering plant in a winter wheat field during early May
Flowering plant in a winter wheat field during early May.
Close up of a rosette with hairy, oblong, basal leaves
Close up of a rosette with hairy, oblong, basal leaves.
A plant with the football-shaped seedpods in mid-April
A plant with the football-shaped seedpods in mid-April.
A cluster of flowering plants during early May
A cluster of flowering plants during early May.
Heavy infestation in a winter wheat crop during late April
Heavy infestation in a winter wheat crop during late April.