Poisonous to horses when consumed.
Horsetail (Equisetaceae family):
Equisetum arvense L.
EPPO code:
Other names:
Horse-pipes, joint grass, mare’s tail

Species information

Field horsetail reproduces by spores, and most commonly, by rhizomes.
The spore-producing reproductive shoots of field horsetail emerge first, typically in early May. The green vegetative shoots emerge shortly after.
Field horsetail is found throughout Ontario. It is very common in poorly drained soil but can be found in well drained gravely or sandy soils.
Field horsetail contains thiaminase, an enzyme that will cause thiamine deficiency in horses. The side effects include weakness, a rapid pulse and muscular exhaustion (Kingsbury, 1964). This weed is rarely lethal to cattle (Kinsbury, 1964), most likely because thiamine can be produced in the rumen.
Very little data exists on crop yield loss from field horsetail competition. When field horsetail at a density of 1.6 million shoots/acre was left uncontrolled all season, corn silage yields in Quebec were reduced by 95%. In contrast, an Ontario study concluded that field horsetail is not a serious competitor with corn. When left uncontrolled, corn grain yields were only reduced once (by 13%) in four experiments. However, the study provided no information as to the density of field horsetail in each of the experiments, and one can assume that yield loss relationships are density-dependent.

Identification clues

Reproductive shoots:
The reproductive shoots of field horsetail are light brown to gray, unbranched and hollow stemmed with a spore-producing cone on top.
Vegetative shoots:
The first leaves of field horsetail are circular, flat and rounded with wavy margins. Its second leaf is similar, but with toothed margins.
Creeping, horizontal rhizome

Often mistaken for

I know it's not Scouring rush because field horsetail is much shorter with many green branches and resembles a pine tree. Scouring rush, on the other hand, is taller, lacks branches and resembles a green bamboo pole.

Horsetail in winter wheat during early May with the brownish spore- producing shoots and the green, pine tree-like vegetative shoots
Horsetail in winter wheat during early May with the brownish spore- producing shoots and the green, pine tree-like vegetative shoots.
A close-up of the brown spore- producing shoot, which emerges first in spring
A close-up of the brown spore- producing shoot, which emerges first in spring.
A close-up of the vegetative shoot
A close-up of the vegetative shoot.
A vegetative shoot in winter wheat during mid-May
A vegetative shoot in winter wheat during mid-May.
An infestation of vegetative shoots prior to planting soybeans in early June
An infestation of vegetative shoots prior to planting soybeans in early June.