
  1. Sweet cherries - Hedelfingen , Vista, Viva, Vega, Vogue, Viscount and Van, and the Bing variety. Two new varieties Vandelay and Tehranivee were introduced in 1996.
  2. Sour cherries - Montmorency.


Raw sweet cherries: 1 cup (250 mL) contains 81 calories, and is a source of Vitamin C and potassium.


It's native to Asia and has been cultivated by many different people throughout the ages, from the ancient Romans and early Britons to the Chinese, Japanese and Persians.

Today, cherry trees are grown literally throughout the world.

Buying and storing

Look for a supple exterior and a bright colour. Keep them dry and discard any crushed fruit - their juice can spoil the fruit around them.

Both the sweet and sour types should be refrigerated as soon as possible, although the sweets are more durable. Chilling not only preserves, but also seems to improve the flavour.

Sour cherries can be purchased in a Fresh Chilled Pack or Frozen at your local grocery stores.


Rinse in cool water and drain, in a single layer, on paper towel.

Both sweet and sour can be made into jams, preserves or brandied.

Sour cherries are popular for pies. They're also suitable for making cooked fruit compotes, flans, clafoutis, soufflés and cherries jubilee, as well as spirits such as kirsch and eaux-de-vie.


  • Pit.
  • Pack in dry sugar using 1 cup (250 mL) sugar to 4 cups (1 L) fruit; or pack in heavy syrup to cover.