Your feedback is important to the Ministry of the Attorney General. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. Thank you in advance for your participation. Survey results are published in the Court Services Division Annual Report.

Your privacy is important to us. Do not include personal information that could identify you or another person, such as:

  • a name
  • address
  • phone number

If you choose to provide personal information, it will be handled according to our Privacy Statement.

All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Click or tap calendar icon to search for a date.
3. Indicate the type of mediation used.
4. The format of the mediation services was convenient, including: timing, location, online platform, etc.
5. Overall, how satisfied were you with the quality of the mediation services you received?
6. What was the outcome of your mediation?
7. If partial agreement, what are the next steps:
8. How did you find out about the family mediation services?
(Select all that apply)
9. What is the main reason you participated in family mediation?
(Select all that apply)
Questions Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
11. Have you used any other family justice services?
(Select all that apply)

Your privacy matters

Information that does not identify you may be used to measure website use, performance and improve our services.

Your information will not be placed on mailing lists or released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law.

For questions on how personal information collected on this page will be used, please see our Privacy Statement or contact