Ministère du Procureur Général

Bureau du recours civil à l’égard d’activités illicites (RCAI)

Avis 564-17 publié en application du Règlement de l’Ontario 498/06

le procureur général de l’ontario

- et -

68 528 $ en devise canadienne (en matière réelle)

Le présent avis concerne des fonds confisqués en rapport avec des activités contraires à la Loi sur les valeurs mobilières (Ontario), qui se sont produites entre le 22 août 2006 et le 31 décembre 2009.

L’affaire est aussi connue comme étant liée aux sociétés ou parties suivantes : Rezwealth Financial Services Inc. (Rezwealth), Tiffin Financial Corporation (Tiffin Financial), 2150129 Ontario Inc. (215 Inc.), 1778445 Ontario Inc. (177 Inc.), Sylvan Blackett, Willoughby Smith, Pamela Ramoutar, Justin Ramoutar et Daniel Tiffin.

L’instance civile de confiscation susmentionnée, introduite en vertu de la Loi sur les recours civils, a entraîné le dépôt de la somme de 68 528 $ dans un compte spécial.

Les particuliers ou autres personnes qui ont subi des pertes pécuniaires ou non pécuniaires (dommages pécuniaires ou autres), par suite de l’activité illégale qui a donné lieu à l’introduction de la présente instance, ont le droit de présenter une demande d’indemnisation.

La Couronne, une municipalité ou un organisme public faisant partie de l’une des catégories d’organismes publics précisées dans le Règlement, et ayant subi des pertes pécuniaires par suite de l’activité illégale qui constituent des frais engagés pour remédier aux effets de cette activité, ont aussi le droit de déposer une demande d’indemnisation.

Toutes les demandes doivent être conformes à l’article 6 du Règlement de l’Ontario 498/06; sinon, elles seront refusées. On peut consulter le Règlement 498/06 à l’adresse :

Pour obtenir une formule de demande ou des renseignements sur votre droit à une indemnité, veuillez communiquer avec le RCAI (dans toute l’Amérique du Nord) en composant le numéro sans frais Sans frais : 1 888 246-5359, par courriel à, par télécopieur au 416 314-3714 ou en écrivant à l’adresse suivante :

Bureau du recours civil à l’égard d’activités illicites (RCAI)

Ministère du Procureur général

77, rue Wellesley Ouest, C.P. 555

Toronto (Ontario) Canada M7A 1N3

Toutes les demandes dûment remplies doivent faire référence à l’avis 564-17. Elles doivent parvenir au RCAI au plus tard le 18 mai 2018, à 17 h (HNE), faute de quoi elles ne seront pas examinées. Les demandes dûment remplies peuvent être présentées par écrit à l’adresse ci-dessus ou par voie électronique à l’adresse de courriel ci-dessus ou encore par télécopieur.

Vous pourriez ne pas être admissible à une indemnité si vous avez participé ou contribué à l’activité illégale donnant lieu à l’instance. Même si vous êtes admissible à une indemnité, votre demande pourra être refusée si vous n’êtes pas en mesure de la justifier.


Arrêtés du Conseil du Trésor pour 2016-2017

No. Vote/Item Date Amount Ministry Explanation
1 401-1 September 27, 2016 $500,000 Cabinet Office Disaster relief assistance for the earthquake in Equador.
1 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
2 401-1 September 27, 2016 $500,000 Cabinet Office Disaster relief assistance for the Fort McMurray wildfire.
2 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
3 2001-1 September 27, 2016 $1,803,300 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding to support Indigenous priority initiatives across Ontario.
3 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($1,803,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
4 3802-1 September 27, 2016 $3,850,000 Tourism Culture and Sport Funding to support Ontario150 initiatives.
4 3803-1 September 27, 2016 $5,000,000 Tourism Culture and Sport Funding to support Ontario150 initiatives.
4 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($8,850,000) Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
5 3702-7 September 27, 2016 $700,000 Children and Youth Services Funding to support an Ontario150 initiative–the Youth Opportunities Fund.
5 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($700,000) Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
6 604-1 September 27, 2016 $200,000 Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Funding to support Ontario150 legacy items.
6 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($200,000) Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
7 3411-1 September 27, 2016 $3,400,000 Treasury Board Secretariat Funding to support the Ontario150 branding and marketing campaign.
7 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($3,400,000) Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
8 702-3 September 27, 2016 $2,683,300 Community and Social Services Funding for implementation of a full exemption of child support and the Canada Pension Plan Orphan’s Benefit payments as income for social assistance clients.
8 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($2,683,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
9 108-7 September 27, 2016 $116,420,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Funding to support the delivery and ongoing administration of the Building Canada Fund.
9 Offset: 902-32 September 27, 2016 ($116,420,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
10 1202-6 September 27, 2016 $1,400,000 Finance Funding for a Transition Fund to support retirees of U.S. Steel Canada.
10 Offset: 1209-1 September 27, 2016 ($1,400,000) Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
11 2001-2 September 27, 2016 $352,700 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding for settlement of the Chapleau Cree First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Claim.
11 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($352,700) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
12 2103-4 September 27, 2016 $350,000 Natural Resources and Forestry Funding for year one of the two year construction of a new forest access road under an ancillary agreement to the Chapleau Cree First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Claim Settlement Agreement.
12 Offset: 3404-4 September 27, 2016 ($350,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
13 108-1 September 27, 2016 $3,130,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Assistance to the Ontario Cattle Feeders Association (OCFA) to support its marketing initiative to promote Ontario Corn Fed Beef over the next three years.
13 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($3,130,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
14 902-13 September 27, 2016 $1,000,000 Economic Development and Growth Funding to support Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE) Social Enterprise Partnerships.
14 Offset: 903-1 September 27, 2016 ($1,000,000) Research, Innovation and Science Research and Innovation Program/ Research and Innovation.
15 1405-1 September 27, 2016 $8,600,000 Health and Long-Term Care Funding for the Northern Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan to address urgent First Nations’ health needs in northern Ontario.
15 1406-4 September 27, 2016 $12,325,000 Health and Long-Term Care Funding for the Northern Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan to address urgent First Nations’ health needs in northern Ontario.
15 1411-1 September 27, 2016 $8,780,000 Health and Long-Term Care Funding for the Northern Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan to address urgent First Nations’ health needs in northern Ontario.
15 1414-1 September 27, 2016 $700,000 Health and Long-Term Care Funding for the Northern Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan to address urgent First Nations’ health needs in northern Ontario.
15 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($30,405,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
16 3702-7 September 27, 2016 $10,000,000 Children and Youth Services Funding to support the children and youth mental health component of the Northern Ontario First Nations Health Action Plan.
16 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($10,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
17 1904-4 September 27, 2016 $243,594,000 Housing Funding to execute the 2016 Social Infrastructure Fund (SIF) Agreement under the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Agreement with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
17 Offset: 902-32 September 27, 2016 ($243,594,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
18 701-1 September 27, 2016 $239,900 Community and Social Services Funding for the Social Housing Improvement Program and administrative costs associated with the Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement.
18 702-6 September 27, 2016 $219,500 Community and Social Services Funding for the Social Housing Improvement Program and administrative costs associated with the Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement.
18 702-8 September 27, 2016 $22,562,200 Community and Social Services Funding to support the construction, renovation and repair of shelters and transitional housing for victims of family violence and for the Social Housing Improvement Program associated with the Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement.
18 Offset: 902-32 September 27, 2016 ($23,021,600) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
19 1412-1 September 27, 2016 $4,740,000 Health and Long-Term Care Funding for the program design concept for the renovation, retrofit and repair of social housing under the Social Housing Improvement Program announced as part of Social Infrastructure Fund in the 2016 Federal Budget.
19 Offset: 902-32 September 27, 2016 ($4,740,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
20 1202-6 September 27, 2016 $3,000,000 Finance Funding to extend the Transition Fund to support retirees of U.S. Steel Canada.
20 Offset: 1209-1 September 27, 2016 ($3,000,000) Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
21 1904-2 September 27, 2016 $1,250,800 Housing Reallocation of funds from capital to operating in the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) – 2014 Extension program to meet the operating requirements of Service Managers.
21 Offset: 1904-4 September 27, 2016 ($1,250,800) Housing Affordable Housing Program/Affordable Housing Capital.
22 401-1 September 27, 2016 $2,919,000 Cabinet Office Funding for the Anti-Racism Directorate.
22 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($2,919,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
23 3702-5 September 27, 2016 $91,300,000 Children and Youth Services Funding to support the enhanced supports for families during transition to the Ontario Autism Program.
23 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($91,300,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
24 3802-1 September 27, 2016 $13,850,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Funding to support Ontario 150 initiatives.
24 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($13,850,000) Citizenship and Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
25 902-13 September 27, 2016 $4,090,000 Economic Development and Growth Funding to deliver four programs as part of the Business Growth Initiative.
25 Offset: 903-1 September 27, 2016 ($4,090,000) Research, Innovation and Science Research and Innovation Program/Research and Innovation.
26 1902-4 September 27, 2016 $891,800 Municipal Affairs Funding to participate in the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to support flood mitigation measures across Ontario.
26 1902-3 September 27, 2016 $1,000 Municipal Affairs Funding to participate in the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to support flood mitigation measures across Ontario.
26 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($891,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
26 Offset: 1902-4 September 27, 2016 ($1,000) Municipal Affairs Municipal Services and Building Regulation/Municipal Services and Building Regulation.
27 3702-3 September 27, 2016 $850,000 Children and Youth Services Funding to support the continuation of the Early Literacy Specialists program.
27 Offset: 1004-1 September 27, 2016 ($850,000) Education Child Care and Early Years Programs/Policy Development and Program Delivery.
28 3802-1 September 27, 2016 $18,000,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Transfer of the Ontario150 program from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
28 Offset: 602-1 September 27, 2016 ($18,000,000) Citizenship and Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
29 1203-6 September 27, 2016 $5,485,700 Finance Transitional mitigation funding for municipalities for the exemption of non-profit long-term care homes from municipal property taxation.
29 Offset: 1412-1 September 27, 2016 ($5,485,700) Health and Long-Term Care Provincial Programs and Stewardship/Provincial Programs.
30 2001-3 September 27, 2016 $4,245,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding associated with the direct nominal disposition of the Brant – Burtch Correctional Centre.
30 2001-1 September 27, 2016 $65,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding associated with the direct nominal disposition of the Brant – Burtch Correctional Centre.
30 Offset: 3404-4 September 27, 2016 ($4,245,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
30 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($65,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
31 2104-1 September 27, 2016 $65,000,000 Natural Resources and Forestry Funding to cover emergency forest firefighting expenses until the end of the 2016-17 fire season.
31 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($65,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
32 702-6 September 27, 2016 $1,420,000 Community and Social Services Funding for the establishment and initial operation of the Provincial Anti-Trafficking Coordination Office.
32 Offset: 3404-2 September 27, 2016 ($1,420,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
33 2001-1 September 27, 2016 $500,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding for the Fifth National Aboriginal Women’s Summit.
33 Offset: 603-1 September 27, 2016 ($500,000) Citizenship and Immigration Ontario Women’s Directorate Program/Ontario Women’s Directorate.
34 602-1 September 27, 2016 $2,000,000 Citizenship and Immigration Transfer of the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Secretariat from Cabinet Office to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.
34 Offset: 401-1 September 27, 2016 ($2,000,000) Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Program/Main Office.
35 3404-2 September 27, 2016 $11,111,200 Treasury Board Secretariat Ontario Retirement Pension Plan – transfer to Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
35 Offset: 1209-1 September 27, 2016 ($11,111,200) Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
36 2702-2 September 27, 2016 $27,900,000 Transportation Funding for the UP Express in order to manage expense pressures resulting from lower fare revenue.
36 Offset: 2702-3 September 27, 2016 ($27,900,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
37 3702-10 September 27, 2016 $4,558,100 Children and Youth Services Funding to support the implementation of a business intelligence solution for the child and youth mental health sector.
37 Offset: 3702-7 September 27, 2016 ($4,558,100) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
38 3408-1 September 27, 2016 $6,551,000 Treasury Board Secretariat Transfers related to the I&IT Modernization initiative.
38 Offset: 2105-1 September 27, 2016 ($557,600) Natural Resources and Forestry Land and Resources Information and Information Technology Cluster Program/Land and Resources Information Technology Cluster.
38 Offset: 2705-1 September 27, 2016 ($1,387,300) Transportation Labour and Transportation Cluster/Information and Information Technology Services.
38 Offset: 2606-1 September 27, 2016 ($867,700) Community Safety and Correctional Services Justice Technology Services Program/Justice Technology Services.
38 Offset: 1817-1 September 27, 2016 ($964,200) Government and Consumer Services Government Services Integration Cluster/Government Services Integration Cluster.
38 Offset: 1413-1 September 27, 2016 ($532,700) Health and Long-Term Care Information Systems/Information Technology Services – Health Cluster.
38 Offset: 702-3 September 27, 2016 ($829,900) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/Financial and Employment Supports.
38 Offset: 1003-1 September 27, 2016 ($193,300) Education Community Services Information and Information Technology Cluster/Community Services Information and Information Technology Cluster.
38 Offset: 3409-1 September 27, 2016 ($1,218,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Central Agencies Cluster Program/Central Agencies Cluster.
39 3411-1 September 21, 2016 $22,065,000 Treasury Board Secretariat Transfers to the Bulk Media Buy Program.
39 Offset: 1405-1 September 21, 2016 ($699,900) Health and Long Term Care Ontario Health Insurance Program/Ontario Health Insurance.
39 Offset: 1406-4 September 21, 2016 ($5,240,600) Health and Long Term Care Public Health Program/Public Health.
39 Offset: 1412-4 September 21, 2016 ($3,054,300) Health and Long Term Care Provincial Programs and Stewardship/ Stewardship.
39 Offset: 1414-1 September 21, 2016 ($9,445,200) Health and Long Term Care Health Promotion/Health Promotion.
39 Offset: 608-1 September 21, 2016 ($750,000) International Trade International Trade/International Trade.
39 Offset: 1801-1 September 21, 2016 ($180,000) Government and Consumer Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
39 Offset: 1814-1 September 21, 2016 ($875,000) Government and Consumer Services ServiceOntario Program/ ServiceOntario.
39 Offset: 603-1 September 21, 2016 ($250,000) Citizenship and Immigration Ontario Women’s Directorate Program/Ontario Women’s Directorate.
39 Offset: 602-1 September 21, 2016 ($280,000) Citizenship and Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
39 Offset: 1605-1 September 21, 2016 ($210,000) Labour Employment Rights and Responsibilities Program/Employment Standards.
39 Offset: 3702-7 September 21, 2016 ($100,000) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/ Children and Youth at Risk.
39 Offset: 3701-1 September 21, 2016 ($50,000) Children and Youth Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
39 Offset: 2601-1 September 21, 2016 ($100,000) Community Safety and Youth Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
39 Offset: 1001-1 September 21, 2016 ($15,000) Education Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
39 Offset: 2901-1 September 21, 2016 ($15,000) Energy Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
39 Offset: 902-13 September 21, 2016 ($800,000) Economic Development and Growth Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Economic Development and Employment.
40 1003-1 September 27, 2016 $975,000 Education Funding for the Broadband initiative.
40 Offset: 1002-1 September 27, 2016 ($975,000) Education Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Policy and Program Delivery.
41 2001-1 September 27, 2016 $660,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ontario 150 program initiatives/Indigenous 2017 Celebrations Program.
41 Offset: 3802-1 September 27, 2016 ($660,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/Tourism.
42 902-15 September 27, 2016 $150,000 Economic Development and Growth Ontario 150 program initiatives/Ontario 150 Legacy Initiatives.
42 Offset: 3802-1 September 27, 2016 ($150,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/Tourism.
43 608-1 September 27, 2016 $400,000 International Trade Ontario 150 program initiatives/Ontario 150 Toronto Global Forum Initiative.
43 Offset: 3802-1 September 27, 2016 ($400,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/ Tourism.
44 602-1 September 27, 2016 $200,000 Citizenship and Immigration Ontario 150 program initiatives/Ontario 150 Legacy Initiatives.
44 Offset: 3802-1 September 27, 2016 ($200,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/ Tourism.
45 302-2 October 18, 2016 $718,500 Attorney General Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Strategy to End Human Trafficking.
45 306-1 October 18, 2016 $1,147,000 Attorney General Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Strategy to End Human Trafficking.
45 306-2 October 18, 2016 $41,000 Attorney General Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Strategy to End Human Trafficking.
45 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($1,906,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
46 401-1 October 18, 2016 $3,566,600 Cabinet Office Funding to support the Ontario Digital Government Service.
46 Offset: 3002-1 October 18, 2016 ($700,000) Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Colleges, Universities and Student Support.
46 Offset: 3408-1 October 18, 2016 ($926,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Enterprise Information Technology Services Program/Enterprise Information and Information Technology Services
46 Offset: 3405- 2 October 18, 2016 ($1,940,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Governance, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning Program/ Ontario Digital Government Service.
47 702-3 October 18, 2016 $2,135,800 Community and Social Services Funding to support policy work, consultations and implementation planning for the Basic Income Pilot.
47 702-8 October 18, 2016 $207,000 Community and Social Services Funding to support leasehold improvements to accommodate staff in the Basic Income Pilot team.
47 Offset: 1202-6 October 18, 2016 ($2,342,800) Finance Agencies, Income Security and Pensions Policy Program/Income Security and Pension Policy.
48 3402-2 October 18, 2016 $2,657,200 Treasury Board Secretariat Development of the Basic Income Pilot – transfer to Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
48 Offset: 1202-6 October 18, 2016 ($2,657,200) Finance Agencies, Income Security and Pensions Policy Program/Income Security and Pension Policy.
49 2603-5 October 18, 2016 $6,509,800 Community Safety and Correctional Services Federal-Provincial First Nations Policing Agreement.
49 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($6,509,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
50 303-13 October 18, 2016 $2,250,000 Attorney General Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
50 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($2,250,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
51 3702-7 October 18, 2016 $600,000 Children and Youth Services Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
51 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($600,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
52 2001-1 October 18, 2016 $1,800,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
52 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($1,800,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
53 3804-1 October 18, 2016 $1,400,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
53 3805-1 October 18, 2016 $500,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Funding for initiatives under Ontario’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
53 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
53 Offset: 3404- 4 October 18, 2016 ($1,400,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
54 2001-1 October 18, 2016 $500,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding to facilitate adjournment of litigation and to support negotiations with Williams Treaties First Nations (WTFNs) and Canada to settle the claim.
54 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
55 601-1 October 18, 2016 $1,865,300 International Trade Strategy to deliver on new mandate and the province’s commitment to create jobs and growth through strong global trade partnerships.
55 608-1 October 18, 2016 $1,931,600 International Trade Strategy to deliver on new mandate and the province’s commitment to create jobs and growth through strong global trade partnerships.
55 601-3 October 18, 2016 $2,542,100 International Trade Strategy to deliver on new mandate and the province’s commitment to create jobs and growth through strong global trade partnerships.
55 Offset: 3404-2 October 18, 2016 ($3,796,900) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
55 Offset: 3404-4 October 18, 2016 ($2,542,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
56 303-8 October 25, 2016 $4,000,000 Attorney General Realignment to address pressures in Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Policy.
56 Offset: 301-1 October 25, 2016 ($4,000,000) Attorney General Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
57 1001-1 November 1, 2016 $394,200 Education Funding to support organizational changes.
57 1002-1 November 1, 2016 $19,200 Education Funding to support organizational changes.
57 Offset: 3404-2 November 1, 2016 ($413,400) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
58 601-1 November 1, 2016 $226,900 Ontario Women’s Directorate Funding to support organizational changes.
58 Offset: 3404-2 November 1, 2016 ($226,900) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
59 902-15 November 1, 2016 $1,066,600 Economic Development and Growth Funding to support organizational changes.
59 Offset: 3404-2 November 1, 2016 ($1,066,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
60 1901-1 November 1, 2016 $716,300 Housing Funding to support organizational changes.
60 Offset: 3404-2 November 1, 2016 ($716,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
61 901-1 November 1, 2016 $8,430,500 Infrastructure Funding to address the delivery pressures related to Ministry’s expanded mandate.
61 902-30 November 1, 2016 $515,000 Infrastructure Funding to address the delivery pressures related to Ministry’s expanded mandate.
61 902- 31 November 1, 2016 $681,000 Infrastructure Funding to address the delivery pressures related to Ministry’s expanded mandate.
61 Offset: 3404-2 November 1, 2016 ($9,626,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
62 3404-2 November 1, 2016 $99,919,200 Treasury Board Secretariat Savings minuted into the Treasury Board Contingency Fund.
62 Offset: 1209-1 November 1, 2016 ($34,906,900) Finance Tax and Benefit Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
62 Offset: 3002-1 November 1, 2016 ($56,265,700) Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Colleges, Universities and Student Support.
62 Offset: 3401-1 November 1, 2016 ($2,634,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
62 Offset: 3402-1 November 1, 2016 ($783,400) Treasury Board Secretariat Bargaining and Compensation Program/Bargaining and Compensation.
62 Offset: 3404-1 November 1, 2016 ($1,660,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Treasury Board Support and Financial Planning.
62 Offset: 3405-1 November 1, 2016 ($923,900) Treasury Board Secretariat Governance, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning Program/Governance, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning.
62 Offset: 3405-2 November 1, 2016 ($60,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Governance, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning Program/Ontario Digital Government Services.
62 Offset: 3406-1 November 1, 2016 ($157,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Audit Program/Ontario Internal Audit Division.
62 Offset: 3407-1 November 1, 2016 ($59,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Poverty Reduction Strategy Program/Poverty Reduction Strategy Office.
62 Offset: 3408-1 November 1, 2016 ($751,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Enterprise Information Technology Services Program/Enterprise Information and Information Technology Services.
62 Offset: 3409-1 November 1, 2016 ($1,717,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Central Agencies Cluster Program/Central Agencies Cluster.
63 401-1 November 30, 2016 $300,000 Cabinet Office Disaster relief assistance for the hurricane in Haiti.
63 Offset: 3404-2 November 30, 2016 ($300,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
64 3702-3 November 15, 2016 $5,833,600 Children and Youth Services Funding to support prevention initiatives in First Nations communities.
64 Offset: 3404-2 November 15, 2016 ($5,833,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
65 1904-2 November 15, 2016 $34,731,900 Housing Reallocation of funds from capital to operating in the Investment in Affordable Housing program to meet the operating requirements of Service Managers.
65 Offset: 1904-4 November 15, 2016 ($34,731,900) Housing Affordable Housing Program/Affordable Housing Capital.
66 1603-3 November 15, 2016 $994,000 Labour Funding to support the regulatory and administrative oversight of the Ontario College of Trades and the College of Trades Appointments Council.
66 Offset: 3004-1 November 15, 2016 ($994,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Strategic Policy and Programs/Strategic Policy and Programs.
67 2601-1 November 22, 2016 $101,600 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding for initiatives under the Corrections Reform strategy.
67 2605-1 November 22, 2016 $45,800 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding for initiatives under the Corrections Reform strategy.
67 2605-3 November 22, 2016 $7,485,100 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding for initiatives under the Corrections Reform strategy.
67 2605-6 November 22, 2016 $2,750,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding for initiatives under the Corrections Reform strategy.
67 Offset: 3404-2 November 22, 2016 ($7,632,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
67 Offset: 3404-4 November 22, 2016 ($2,750,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
68 401-1 November 29, 2016 $1,725,000 Cabinet Office Transfer from the Ministry of International Trade to support international trade missions.
68 Offset: 608-1 November 29, 2016 ($1,725,000) International Trade International Trade/International Trade.
69 1202-6 November 29, 2016 $2,200,000 Finance Funding to support the critical health needs of U.S. Steel Canada retirees.
69 Offset: 1209-1 November 29, 2016 ($2,200,000) Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration
70 1904-6 November 29, 2016 $340,000 Housing Funding for the development of the Ministry’s Housing and Homelessness Data Strategy.
70 Offset: 1904-2 November 29, 2016 ($340,000) Housing Affordable Housing Program/Social and Market Housing.
71 1902-3 December 6, 2016 $1,311,200 Municipal Affairs Funding for the Ministry’s participation in the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to support flood mitigation measures across Ontario.
71 Offset: 1902-4 December 6, 2016 ($382,100) Municipal Affairs Municipal Services and Building Regulation/Municipal Services and Building Regulation.
71 Offset: 3404-4 December 6, 2016 ($929,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Capital Contingency Fund.
72 2202-1 December 6, 2016 $25,000 Northern Development and Mines Ontario 150 initiatives/ Grants for Community Investments and Mining Development.
72 Offset: 3802-1 December 6, 2016 ($25,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/Tourism.
73 3702-5 December 14, 2016 $15,021,700 Children and Youth Services Funding for service pressures in the Complex Special Needs services program.
73 Offset: 3703-1 December 14, 2016 ($15,021,700) Children and Youth Services Infrastructure Program/Children and Youth Services Capital
74 3404-4 December 14, 2016 $280,470,000 Treasury Board Secretariat Drawing down on the balance of the Trillium Trust to support investments in infrastructure under Moving Ontario Forward.
74 Offset: 2702-3 December 14, 2016 ($143,280,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/ Urban and Regional Transportation.
74 Offset: 2704-2 December 14, 2016 ($10,000,000) Transportation Provincial Highways Management Program/Engineering and Construction.
74 Offset: 2704-3 December 14, 2016 ($7,540,000) Transportation Provincial Highways Management Program/Highway Work-In-Progress.
74 Offset: 108-7 December 14, 2016 ($113,500,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/ Agriculture and Rural Affairs Capital.
74 Offset: 2202-4 December 14, 2016 ($6,150,000) Northern Development and Mines Northern Development Program/Northern Economic Development.
75 3002-4 January 16, 2017 $180,786,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Increased support for Ontario Student Loans.
75 Offset: 2702-3 January 16, 2017 ($180,786,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
76 602-1 January 31, 2017 $3,000,000 Citizenship and Immigration Funding to support Ontario Bridge Training Program to improve skilled immigrants’ access to Ontario’s labour market.
76 Offset: 3404-2 January 31, 2017 ($3,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
77 3001-1 January 9, 2017 $1,000,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in the Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
77 3002-1 January 9, 2017 $700,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in the Postsecondary Education Program/Colleges, Universities and Student Support.
77 3004-1 January 9, 2017 $360,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in Strategic Policy and Programs/Strategic Policy and Programs.
77 Offset: 3003-7 January 9, 2017 ($2,060,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
78 3001-1 January 13, 2017 $700,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in the Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
78 3003-7 January 13, 2017 $500,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in the Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
78 Offset: 3004-1 January 13, 2017 ($1,200,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Strategic Policy and Programs/Strategic Policy and Programs.
79 2604-01 January 19, 2017 $19,000,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Realignment to address pressures in Ontario Provincial Police/Corporate and Strategic Services.
79 2604-05 January 19, 2017 $5,000,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Realignment to address pressures in Ontario Provincial Police/Fleet Management.
79 2610-01 January 19, 2017 $700,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Realignment to address pressures in Policy and Strategic Planning Division/Policy and Strategic Planning Division.
79 2604-04 January 19, 2017 ($24,700,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Provincial Police/Field and Traffic Services.
80 1902-4 February 23, 2017 $100,100 Municipal Affairs Assistance to eligible municipalities for damages caused by qualifying natural disasters in 2016.
80 1902-3 February 23, 2017 $552,000 Municipal Affairs Assistance to eligible municipalities for damages caused by qualifying natural disasters in 2016.
80 Offset: 3404-2 February 23, 2017 ($652,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
81 3802-1 February 23, 2017 $3,314,600 Tourism Culture and Sport Expenses incurred for the Ontario150 Branding and Marketing program.
81 Offset: 3411-1 February 23, 2017 ($3,314,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
82 3405-1 January 30, 2017 $2,153,200 Treasury Board Secretariat Realignment to address pressures in Government, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning Program/ Government, Agency Oversight and Centre for Leadership and Learning.
82 3406-1 January 30, 2017 $190,300 Treasury Board Secretariat Realignment to address pressures in Audit Program/Ontario Internal Audit Division.
82 3410-1 January 30, 2017 $26,700 Treasury Board Secretariat Realignment to address pressures in Agencies, Boards and Commissions Program/Conflict of Interest Commissioner.
82 Offset: 3404-1 January 30, 2017 ($2,370,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Treasury Board Support and Financial Planning.
83 3003-10 February 13, 2017 $305,700 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
83 Offset: 3002-3 February 13, 2017 ($305,700) Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Support for Postsecondary Education.
84 1405-1 March 15, 2017 $5,601,300 Health and Long-Term Care Production expenses for various advertising campaigns.
84 1405-2 March 15, 2017 $1,024,800 Health and Long-Term Care Production expenses for various advertising campaigns.
84 1406-4 March 15, 2017 $11,476,000 Health and Long-Term Care Production expenses for various advertising campaigns.
84 1412-4 March 15, 2017 $337,900 Health and Long-Term Care Production expenses for various advertising campaigns.
84 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($18,440,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
85 3002-1 March 15, 2017 $3,599,500 Advanced Education and Skills Development Production expenses for the Ontario Student Assistance Program advertising campaign.
85 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($3,599,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
86 3702-7 March 15, 2017 $48,200 Children and Youth Services Production expenses for the Duty to Report advertising campaign.
86 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($48,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
87 602-1 March 15, 2017 $847,100 Citizenship and Immigration Advertising and media buying expenses for the Remembrance Day 2016 campaign and the Order of Ontario annual campaign to call for nominations.
87 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($847,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
88 902-13 March 15, 2017 $3,250,000 Economic Development and Growth Marketing expenses for the BuildON advertising campaign and the Accessible Employment Standard advertising campaigns.
88 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($3,250,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
89 1001-1 March 15, 2017 $3,263,200 Education Advertising expenses related to campaigns to promote confidence in the public education system.
89 1002-1 March 15, 2017 $15,000 Education Advertising costs related to the French-Language Teachers campaign.
89 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($3,278,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
90 1109-1 March 15, 2017 $5,989,800 Environment and Climate Change Production costs related to Climate Change marketing campaigns.
90 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($5,989,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
91 1201-1 March 15, 2017 $1,669,000 Finance Advertising expenses related to the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan/Canadian Pension Plan Enhancement advertising campaign.
91 1209-1 March 15, 2017 $200,000 Finance Advertising expenses related to the File Your Taxes Online campaign.
91 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($1,869,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
92 1801-1 March 15, 2017 $394,700 Government and Consumer Services Production costs related to various advertising campaigns.
92 1814-1 March 15, 2017 $62,100 Government and Consumer Services Advertising expenses related to the Ontario Health Card conversion campaign.
92 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($456,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy
93 608-1 March 15, 2017 $653,500 International Trade Advertising costs related to the Going Global Small Medium Enterprises campaign.
93 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($653,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
94 1601-1 March 15, 2017 $299,900 Labour Production costs for a Minimum Wage campaign and a campaign regarding Tips and Gratuities.
94 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($299,900) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
95 603-1 March 15, 2017 $100,000 Status of the Women Expenses related to a public education, multi-media advertising campaign for Frosh Week as part of the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan.
95 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($100,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
96 2001-4 March 15, 2017 $570,500 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Advertising expenses related to the Pan-Canadian Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Awareness campaign.
96 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($570,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
97 2703-1 March 15, 2017 $2,000,000 Transportation Production and media expenses for the Distracted Driving campaign.
97 Offset: 3411-1 March 15, 2017 ($2,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
98 3701-1 March 21, 2017 $264,700 Children and Youth Services Realignment to address pressures in Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
98 3702-3 March 21, 2017 $1,847,700 Children and Youth Services Realignment to address pressures in Children and Youth Services Program/Healthy Child Development.
98 3702-5 March 21, 2017 ($312,800) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Specialized Services.
98 3702-7 March 21, 2017 ($1,799,600) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
99 0101-1 March 1, 2017 $1,200,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Realignment to address pressures in the Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
99 0108-1 March 1, 2017 $1,200,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Realignment to address pressures in Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/Economic Development.
99 0109-1 March 1, 2017 $400,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Realignment to address pressures in Policy Development/Policy Development.
99 Offset: 0107-1 March 1, 2017 ($1,600,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Better Public Health and Environment/Better Public Health and Environment.
99 Offset: 0108-4 March 1, 2017 ($1,200,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/Business Risk Management Transfers.
100 1202-7 March 21, 2017 $165,000 Finance Realignment to address pressures in Agencies, Income Security and Pensions Policy Program/Revenue Agencies Oversight.
100 1204-1 March 21, 2017 $1,984,800 Finance Realignment to address pressures in Financial Services Industry Regulation Program/Financial Services Commission of Ontario.
100 1210-1 March 21, 2017 $974,600 Finance Realignment to address pressures in Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Program/Ontario Retirement Pension Plan.
100 Offset: 1209-1 March 21, 2017 $3,124, 400 Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
101 901-1 March 30, 2017 $163,400 Infrastructure Production costs related to the BuildON Infrastructure marketing campaign.
101 Offset: 3411-1 March 30, 2017 ($163,400) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
102 2901-1 March 30, 2017 $1,100,000 Energy Production costs for the 2017 Affordable Energy advertising campaign.
102 Offset: 3411-1 March 30, 2017 ($1,100,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Bulk Media Buy Program/Bulk Media Buy.
103 3701-1 March 24, 2017 $829,600 Children and Youth Services Realignment to address pressures in Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
103 3702-7 March 24, 2017 $1,001,800 Children and Youth Services Realignment to address pressures in Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
103 Offset: 3702-3 March 24, 2017 ($1,447,300) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Healthy Child Development.
103 Offset: 3702-5 March 24, 2017 ($384,100) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Specialized Services.
104 3003-7 March 30, 2017 $1,500,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development Realignment to address pressures in Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
104 Offset: 3002-1 March 30, 2017 ($1,500,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Colleges, Universities and Student Support.
105 702-6 March 22, 2017 $2,100,000 Community and Social Services Realignment to address pressures in Adults’ Services Program/Community and Developmental Services.
105 Offset: 701-1 March 22, 2017 ($100,000) Community and Social Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
105 Offset: 702-3 March 22, 2017 ($2,000,000) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/Financial and Employment Supports.
106 702-6 March 22, 2017 $3,000,000 Community and Social Services Realignment to address pressures in Adults’ Services Program/Community and Developmental Services.
106 Offset: 701-1 March 22, 2017 ($500,000) Community and Social Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
106 Offset: 702-3 March 22, 2017 ($2,500,000) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/Financial and Employment Supports.
107 2001-4 March 30, 2017 $655,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Realignment to address pressures in Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program/Ministry Administration.
107 Offset: 2001-1 March 30, 2017 ($655,000) Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Program/Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.
108 2702-2 April 13, 2017 $3,000,000 Transportation Realignment to address pressures in Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
108 2705-1 April 13, 2017 $1,000,000 Transportation Realignment to address pressures in Labour and Transportation Cluster/Information and Information Technology.
108 Offset: 2703-1 April 13, 2017 ($4,000,000) Transportation Road User Safety Program/Road User Safety.
109 2905-1 January 31, 2017 $20,800,000 Energy Funding to address trailing liabilities associated with the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit that ended December 31, 2015.
109 Offset: 3404-2 January 31, 2017 ($20,800,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
110 902-33 January 31, 2017 $1,900,000 Infrastructure Funding related to the sale of the Conacher – Camp Carson Cross Property on Shebandowan Lake in Thunder Bay area at nominal value to an entity that will be established by the local community.
110 Offset: 902-32 January 31, 2017 ($1,900,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
111 903-1 January 31, 2017 $30,000,000 Research Innovation and Science Funding to support the Artificial Intelligence Institute.
111 Offset: 902-13 January 31, 2017 ($30,000,000) Economic Development and Growth Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Economic Development and Employment.
112 3702-5 February 14, 2017 $11,450,300 Children and Youth Services Funding to address pressures in Complex Special Needs program.
112 Offset: 3702-7 February 14, 2017 ($1,876,700) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
112 Offset: 3404-2 February 14, 2017 ($9,573,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
113 902-31 February 14, 2017 $865,000 Infrastructure Year-end transactions for the Transmission Corridor Program.
113 Offset: 902-32 February 14, 2017 ($865,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
114 1603-1 February 14, 2017 $250,000 Labour Realignment to address pressures in Labour Relations Program/Ontario Labour Relations Board.
114 1604-7 February 14, 2017 $225,000 Labour Realignment to address pressures in Occupational Health and Safety Program/Prevention Office.
114 1605-1 February 14, 2017 $850,000 Labour Realignment to address pressures in Employment Rights and Responsibilities Program/Employment Standards.
114 1601-1 February 14, 2017 ($50,000) Labour Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
114 1602-1 February 14, 2017 ($100,000) Labour Pay Equity Commission Program/Pay Equity Office.
114 1602-2 February 14, 2017 ($175,000) Labour Pay Equity Commission Program/Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal.
114 1604-1 February 14, 2017 ($800,000) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Occupational Health and Safety.
114 1604-3 February 14, 2017 ($50,000) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Office of the Worker Adviser.
114 1604-4 February 14, 2017 ($150,000) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Office of the Employer Adviser.
115 2902-1 February 22, 2017 $28,500,000 Energy Funding for the payment of damages and legal costs awarded to Windstream Energy LLC by an Arbitral Tribunal established pursuant to the North American Free Trade Agreement.
115 Offset: 2906-1 February 22, 2017 ($25,375,700) Energy Strategic Asset Management/Strategic Asset Management and Transformation.
115 Offset: 3404-2 February 22, 2017 ($3,124,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
116 108-7 March 2, 2017 $30,000,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Realignment of funding to Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/ Agriculture and Rural Affairs Capital.
116 109-1 March 2, 2017 $1,000,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Realignment of funding to Policy Development/Policy Development.
116 Offset: 108-1 March 2, 2017 ($25,000,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/Economic Development.
116 108-4 March 2, 2017 ($5,000,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Strong Agriculture, Food and Bio-Product Sectors and Strong Rural Communities/Business Risk Management Transfers.
116 Offset: 107-1 March 2, 2017 ($1,000,000) Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Better Public Health and Environment/Better Public Health and Environment.
117 302-2 March 2, 2017 $222,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Prosecuting Crime Program/Criminal Law.
117 303-2 March 2, 2017 $14,133,600 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Legal Aid Ontario.
117 303-4 March 2, 2017 $6,224,800 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Agency and Tribunal Relations.
117 303-8 March 2, 2017 $1,315,500 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Policy.
117 304-2 March 2, 2017 $2,669,600 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Legal Services Program/Legal Services.
117 305-2 March 2, 2017 $2,207,100 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Court Services Program/Judicial Services.
117 301-5 March 2, 2017 $33,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Ministry Administration Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 302-7 March 2, 2017 $1,379,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Prosecuting Crime Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 303-12 March 2, 2017 $108,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 304-6 March 2, 2017 $225,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Legal Services Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 305-6 March 2, 2017 $78,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Court Services Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 306-7 March 2, 2017 $94,000 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program/Law Society Fee Prepayment.
117 303-6 March 2, 2017 $1,843,100 Attorney General Year-end realignment of funding to Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies.
117 Offset: 301-1 March 2, 2017 ($2,557,300) Attorney General Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
117 Offset: 301-6 March 2, 2017 ($242,600) Attorney General Ministry Administration Program/Modernization Division.
117 Offset: 303-13 March 2, 2017 ($541,300) Attorney General Policy, Justice Programs and Agencies Program/Aboriginal Justice Division.
117 Offset: 304-3 March 2, 2017 ($669,500) Attorney General Legal Services Program/Legislative Counsel Services.
117 Offset: 305-1 March 2, 2017 ($7,189,300) Attorney General Court Services Program/Administration of Justice.
117 Offset: 306-1 March 2, 2017 ($1,750,200) Attorney General Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program/Victims’ Services.
117 Offset: 306-2 March 2, 2017 ($258,400) Attorney General Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program/Victim Witness Assistance.
117 Offset: 306-6 March 2, 2017 ($2,667,100) Attorney General Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program/Vulnerable Persons.
117 Offset: 305-3 March 2, 2017 ($10,896,900) Attorney General Court Services Program/Court Construction.
117 Offset: 3404-2 March 2, 2017 ($3,760,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
118 701-1 March 2, 2017 $542,700 Community and Social Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
118 702-3 March 2, 2017 $222,002,300 Community and Social Services Year-end realignment of funding to Adults’ Services Program/Financial and Employment Supports.
118 702-6 March 2, 2017 $9,274,600 Community and Social Services Year-end realignment of funding to Adults’ Services Program/Community and Developmental Services.
118 702-7 March 2, 2017 $1,966,000 Community and Social Services Year-end realignment of funding to Adults’ Services Program/Family Responsibility Office.
118 Offset: 3404-2 March 2, 2017 ($233,785,600) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
119 2604-1 March 2, 2017 $12,752,500 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ontario Provincial Police/Corporate and Strategic Services.
119 2604-3 March 2, 2017 $1,485,600 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ontario Provincial Police/Investigations and Organized Crime.
119 2604-4 March 2, 2017 $27,871,100 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ontario Provincial Police/Field and Traffic Services.
119 2604-5 March 2, 2017 $5,321,800 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ontario Provincial Police/Fleet Management.
119 2605-2 March 2, 2017 $941,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Correctional Services Program/Correctional Support.
119 2605-3 March 2, 2017 $3,793,500 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Correctional Services Program/Institutional Services.
119 2605-5 March 2, 2017 $50,000 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Correctional Services Program/Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations.
119 2606-1 March 2, 2017 $911,600 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Justice Technology Services Program/Justice Technology Services.
119 2609-5 March 2, 2017 $4,902,700 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Emergency Planning and Management/Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service.
119 2610-1 March 2, 2017 $280,300 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Policy and Strategic Planning Division/Policy and Strategic Planning Division.
119 2611-1 March 2, 2017 $328,100 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Public Safety Training/Public Safety Training.
119 2603-9 March 2, 2017 $1,237,900 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Public Safety Division/Public Safety Division.
119 2605-6 March 2, 2017 $5,324,100 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Correctional Services Program/Correctional Facilities.
119 2611-7 March 2, 2017 $832,700 Community Safety and Correctional Services Year-end realignment of funding to Public Safety Training/Public Safety Training.
119 Offset: 2601-1 March 2, 2017 ($954,400) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
119 Offset: 2603-1 March 2, 2017 ($110,700) Community Safety and Correctional Services Public Safety Division/Public Safety Division – Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister.
119 Offset: 2603-5 March 2, 2017 ($9,178,600) Community Safety and Correctional Services Public Safety Division/ External Relations Branch.
119 Offset: 2603-6 March 2, 2017 ($121,700) Community Safety and Correctional Services Public Safety Division/ Private Security and Investigative Services.
119 Offset: 2604-2 March 2, 2017 ($727,700) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Provincial Police/Chief Firearms Office.
119 Offset: 2605-1 March 2, 2017 ($1,270,600) Community Safety and Correctional Services Correctional Services Program/Operational Support.
119 Offset: 2605-4 March 2, 2017 ($973,300) Community Safety and Correctional Services Correctional Services Program/Community Services.
119 Offset: 2609-8 March 2, 2017 ($75,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Emergency Planning and Management/ Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management.
119 Offset: 2601-2 March 2, 2017 ($5,617,500) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ministry Administration Program/Facilities Renewal.
119 Offset: 2604-8 March 2, 2017 ($1,777,200) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Provincial Police/Ontario Provincial Police.
119 Offset: 3404-2 March 2, 2017 ($45,226,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
120 2603-5 March 2, 2017 $13,890,100 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding to manage First Nations policing labour relations issues.
120 2604-4 March 2, 2017 $1,186,400 Community Safety and Correctional Services Funding to manage First Nations policing labour relations issues.
120 Offset: 3404-2 March 2, 2017 ($15,076,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
121 1801-1 March 2, 2017 $117, 400 Government and Consumer Services Year-end realignment of funding to Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
121 1814-1 March 2, 2017 $11,619,000 Government and Consumer Services Year-end realignment of funding to ServiceOntario Program/ ServiceOntario.
121 1816-1 March 2, 2017 $3,195,200 Government and Consumer Services Year-end realignment of funding to Consumer Services/Consumer Services.
121 Offset: 1801-4 March 2, 2017 ($1,000) Government and Consumer Services Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
121 Offset: 1808-10 March 2, 2017 ($139,800) Government and Consumer Services OPS Diversity/Diversity Office.
121 Offset: 1809-7 March 2, 2017 ($335,200) Government and Consumer Services Information, Privacy and Archives/ Information, Privacy and Archives.
121 Offset: 1809-8 March 2, 2017 ($210,700) Government and Consumer Services Information, Privacy and Archives/ Information, Privacy and Archives.
121 Offset: 1811-5 March 2, 2017 ($2,811,800) Government and Consumer Services Ontario Shared Services/Ontario Shared Services.
121 Offset: 1811-12 March 2, 2017 ($2,000) Government and Consumer Services Ontario Shared Services/Ontario Shared Services.
121 Offset: 1816-4 March 2, 2017 ($1,000) Government and Consumer Services Consumer Services/ Consumer Services.
121 Offset: 1817-1 March 2, 2017 ($264,000) Government and Consumer Services Government Services Integration Cluster/ Government Services Integration Cluster.
121 Offset: 1817-3 March 2, 2017 ($3,000) Government and Consumer Services Government Services Integration Cluster/ Government Services Integration Cluster.
121 Offset: 3404-2 March 2, 2017 ($11,163,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
122 1902-4 March 2, 2017 $450,000 Municipal Affairs and Housing Year-end realignment of funding to Municipal Services and Building Regulation/Municipal Services and Building Regulation.
122 1903-7 March 2, 2017 $2,400,000 Municipal Affairs and Housing Year-end realignment of funding to Local Government and Planning Policy/Local Government and Planning Policy.
122 1904-2 March 2, 2017 $5,655,200 Municipal Affairs and Housing Year-end realignment of funding to Affordable Housing Program/Social and Market Housing.
122 1904-3 March 2, 2017 $400,000 Municipal Affairs and Housing Year-end realignment of funding to Affordable Housing Program/Residential Tenancy.
122 Offset: 1901-1 March 2, 2017 ($750,000) Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
122 Offset: 1903-10 March 2, 2017 ($1,400,000) Municipal Affairs and Housing Local Government and Planning Policy/Ontario Growth Secretariat.
122 Offset: 1904-4 March 2, 2017 ($6,755,200) Municipal Affairs and Housing Affordable Housing Program/Affordable Housing Capital.
123 3404-2 March 2, 2017 $514,726,300 Treasury Board Secretariat Savings minuted to the Treasury Board Contingency Fund.
123 Offset: 302-2 March 2, 2017 ($2,000,000) Attorney General Prosecuting Crime Program/Criminal Law.
123 Offset: 306-1 March 2, 2017 ($288,200) Attorney General Victims and Vulnerable Persons Program/ Victims’ Services.
123 Offset: 401-1 March 2, 2017 ($3,000,000) Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Program/ Main Office.
123 Offset: 3702-5 March 2, 2017 ($14,400,000) Ministry of Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/ Specialized Services.
123 Offset: 3702-7 March 2, 2017 ($1,500,000) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/ Children and Youth at Risk.
123 Offset: 3703-1 March 2, 2017 ($9,671,500) Children and Youth Services Infrastructure Program/ Children and Youth Services Capital.
123 Offset: 601-3 March 2, 2017 ($2,542,100) Citizenship and Immigration and International Trade Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
123 Offset: 608-1 March 2, 2017 ($1,500,000) Citizenship and Immigration and International Trade International Trade/ International Trade.
123 Offset: 602-1 March 2, 2017 ($77,300) Citizenship and Immigration and International Trade Citizenship and Immigration Program/ Citizenship and Immigration.
123 Offset: 702-8 March 2, 2017 ($197,500) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/ Adults’ Services.
123 Offset: 2606-1 March 2, 2017 ($5,114,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Justice Technology Services Program/ Justice Technology Services.
123 Offset: 2611-1 March 2, 2017 ($351,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Public Safety Training/ Public Safety Training.
123 Offset: 2603-5 March 2, 2017 ($175,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Public Safety Division/ External Relations Branch.
123 Offset: 2604-4 March 2, 2017 ($1,821,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Ontario Provincial Police/Field and Traffic Services.
123 Offset: 902-32 March 2, 2017 ($185,161,100) Economic Development and Growth/Research and Innovation Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/ Infrastructure Programs.
123 Offset: 902-13 March 2, 2017 ($45,000,000) Economic Development and Growth/Research and Innovation Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/ Economic Development and Employment.
123 Offset: 903-1 March 2, 2017 ($7,000,000) Economic Development and Growth/Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Program/Research and Innovation.
123 Offset: 1201-1 March 2, 2017 ($25,400) Finance Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
123 Offset: 1203-1 March 2, 2017 ($647,300) Finance Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy Program/Economic Policy.
123 Offset: 1203-5 March 2, 2017 ($1,579,100) Finance Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy Program/Provincial-Local Finance.
123 Offset: 1203-6 March 2, 2017 ($820,400) Finance Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy Program/Municipal Support Programs.
123 Offset: 1203-8 March 2, 2017 ($628,400) Finance Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy Program/Office of the Budget.
123 Offset: 1203-23 March 2, 2017 ($1,834,100) Finance Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy Program/Taxation Policy.
123 Offset: 1209-1 March 2, 2017 ($19,895,200) Finance Tax and Benefits Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
123 Offset: 1904-4 March 2, 2017 ($500,000) Municipal Affairs/Ministry of Housing Affordable Housing Program/Affordable Housing Capital.
123 Offset: 1903-7 March 2, 2017 ($500,000) Municipal Affairs/Ministry of Housing Local Government and Planning Policy/Local Government and Planning Policy.
123 Offset: 3802-1 March 2, 2017 ($472,500) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/Tourism.
123 Offset: 3003-7 March 2, 2017 ($65,000,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
123 Offset: 3002-3 March 2, 2017 ($59,177,700) Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Support for Postsecondary Education.
123 Offset: 3002-1 March 2, 2017 ($25,000,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Postsecondary Education Program/Colleges, Universities and Student Support.
123 Offset: 3004-1 March 2, 2017 ($4,000,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Strategic Policy and Programs/Strategic Policy and Programs.
123 Offset: 2702-3 March 2, 2017 ($15,000,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
123 Offset: 3401-1 March 2, 2017 (1,120,100) Treasury Board Secretariat Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration
123 Offset: 3402-1 March 2, 2017 ($38,386,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Bargaining and Compensation Program/Bargaining and Compensation.
123 Offset: 3404-1 March 2, 2017 ($143,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Treasury Board Support and Financial Planning.
123 Offset: 3407-1 March 2, 2017 ($121,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Poverty Reduction Strategy Program/Poverty Reduction Strategy Office.
123 Offset: 3408-1 March 2, 2017 ($75,800) Treasury Board Secretariat Enterprise Information Technology Services Program/Enterprise Information and Information Technology Services.
124 3404-2 December 14, 2016 $239,753,400 Treasury Board Secretariat Savings minuted to the Treasury Board Contingency Fund.
124 Offset: 3702-5 December 14, 2016 ($24,360,900) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Specialized Services.
124 Offset: 3702-7 December 14, 2016 ($3,000,000) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
124 Offset: 2606-1 December 14, 2016 ($44,600,000) Community Safety and Correctional Services Justice Technology Services Program/Justice Technology Services.
124 Offset: 1111-2 December 14, 2016 ($1,000,000) Environment and Climate Change Environmental Protection/Environmental Compliance.
124 Offset: 1209-1 December 14, 2016 ($11,350,000) Finance Tax and Benefit Administration Program/Tax and Benefits Administration.
124 Offset: 1301-2 December 14, 2016 ($442,500) Office of the Francophone Affairs Francophone Affairs Program/Francophone Affairs Program.
124 Offset: 2104-1 December 14, 2016 ($20,000,000) Natural Resources and Forestry Public Protection/Public Protection.
124 Offset: 2203-1 December 14, 2016 ($10,000,000) Northern Development and Mines Mines and Minerals Program/Mineral Sector Competitiveness.
124 Offset: 2203-2 December 14, 2016 ($30,000,000) Northern Development and Mines Mines and Minerals Program/Mines and Minerals Operating Assets.
124 Offset: 3003-7 December 14, 2016 ($15,000,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
124 Offset: 2702-3 December 14, 2016 ($800,000,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
125 1902-4 January 24, 2017 $4,406,300 Municipal Affairs Financial assistance to eligible Ontarians and municipalities for damages caused by qualifying natural disasters in 2015-16 and 2016-17.
125 1902-3 January 24, 2017 $158,900 Municipal Affairs Financial assistance to eligible Ontarians and municipalities for damages caused by qualifying natural disasters in 2015-16 and 2016-17.
125 Offset: 3404-2 January 24, 2017 ($4,565,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
126 3002-3 March 6, 2017 $50,000,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development One-time capital grant to commemorate the 50-Year Anniversary of Colleges in Ontario.
126 Offset: 3404-2 March 6, 2017 ($50,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
127 903-1 March 6, 2017 $60,000,000 Economic Development and Growth Funding to deliver the fifth generation (5G) and the next generation network (NGN) projects.
127 Offset: 3404-2 March 6, 2017 ($60,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
128 2902-1 March 6, 2017 $100,000,000 Energy Funding to establish the Affordability Fund.
128 Offset: 3404-2 March 6, 2017 ($100,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
129 108-1 March 21, 2017 $19,000,000 Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Funding to the Agricultural Adaptation Council to support projects in Ontario’s greenhouse sector.
129 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($19,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
130 1109-2 March 21, 2017 $1,000,000 Environment and Climate Change Funding to the Agricultural Adaptation Council to support projects in Ontario’s greenhouse sector.
130 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($1,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
131 3701-1 March 21, 2017 $65,700 Children and Youth Services Year-end realignment to Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
131 3702-3 March 21, 2017 $563,900 Children and Youth Services Year-end realignment to Children and Youth Services Program/Healthy Child Development.
131 3702-7 March 21, 2017 $17,018,200 Children and Youth Services Year-end realignment to Children and Youth Services Program/Children and Youth at Risk.
131 Offset: 3702-5 March 21, 2017 ($9,627,200) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Specialized Services.
131 Offset: 3702-8 March 21, 2017 ($1,938,700) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Ontario Child Benefit.
131 Offset: 3703-1 March 21, 2017 ($1,487,700) Children and Youth Services Infrastructure Program/Children and Youth Services Capital.
131 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($4,594,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
132 601-1 March 21, 2017 $988,000 Citizenship and Immigration Reallocation of funds to address year-end operating pressures related to Salaries and Wages and IT pressures.
132 603-1 March 21, 2017 $497,000 Citizenship and Immigration Reallocation of funds to address year-end operating pressures related to Salaries and Wages and IT pressures.
132 Offset: 602-1 March 21, 2017 ($1,485,000) Citizenship and Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Program/Citizenship and Immigration.
133 903-1 March 21, 2017 $4,000,000 Research and Innovation Funding to enter into a one-year agreement with the Ontario Centres of Excellence to develop a one-year Cybersecurity Fintech Innovation Pilot Project.
133 Offset: 902-13 March 21, 2017 ($4,000,000) Economic Development and Growth Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Economic Development and Employment.
134 1002-1 March 21, 2017 $123,650,000 Education Year-end realignment of funding to Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Policy and Program Delivery.
134 1002-2 March 21, 2017 $2,200,000 Education Year-end realignment of funding to Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Educational Operations.
134 1002-4 March 21, 2017 $1,200,000 Education Year-end realignment of funding to Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Policy and Program Delivery.
134 1003-1 March 21, 2017 $350,000 Education Year-end realignment of funding to Community Services Information and Information Technology Cluster/Community Services Information and Information Technology Cluster.
134 1004-2 March 21, 2017 $500,000 Education Year-end realignment of funding to Child Care and Early Years Program/Child Care Capital.
134 Offset: 1002-3 March 21, 2017 ($103,000,000) Education Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Support for Elementary and Secondary Education.
134 Offset: 1004-1 March 21, 2017 ($24,900,000) Education Child Care and Early Years Program/Policy Development and Program Delivery.
135 1109-2 March 21, 2017 $2,299,400 Environment and Climate Change Year-end realignment to Environmental Planning and Analysis/Program Design and Implementation Planning.
135 1110-1 March 21, 2017 $9,181,600 Environment and Climate Change Year-end realignment to Environmental Science and Information/ Environmental Science and Information.
135 1111-4 March 21, 2017 $986,300 Environment and Climate Change Year-end realignment to Environmental Protection/Capital.
135 1111-6 March 21, 2017 $132,200 Environment and Climate Change Year-end realignment to Environmental Protection/Capital Assets.
135 Offset: 1109-1 March 21, 2017 ($7,283,100) Environment and Climate Change Environmental Planning and Analysis/Environmental Planning and Analysis.
135 Offset: 1111-2 March 21, 2017 ($507,300) Environment and Climate Change Environmental Protection/Environmental Compliance.
135 Offset: 1111-3 March 21, 2017 ($4,809,100) Environment and Climate Change Environmental Protection/Environmental Programs.
136 1109-1 March 21, 2017 $1,210,000 Environment and Climate Change Funding to Environmental Defence to support education and advocacy campaigns to raise awareness of climate change actions.
136 Offset: 1101-1 March 21, 2017 ($2,700) Environment and Climate Change Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
136 Offset: 1111-3 March 21, 2017 ($273,900) Environment and Climate Change Environmental Protection/Environmental Programs.
136 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($933,400) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
137 1401-1 March 21, 2017 $4,289,600 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
137 1403-2 March 21, 2017 $8,828,900 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to eHealth and Information Management Program/eHealth and Information Management.
137 1405-1 March 21, 2017 $131,356,600 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Ontario Health Insurance Program/Ontario Health Insurance.
137 1412-1 March 21, 2017 $331,498,700 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Provincial Programs and Stewardship/Provincial Programs.
137 1412-2 March 21, 2017 $2,942,100 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Provincial Programs and Stewardship/Emergency Health Services.
137 1402-1 March 21, 2017 $220,000 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Health Policy and Research Program/Health Policy and Research.
137 1411-1 March 21, 2017 $150,000 Health and Long-Term Care Year-end realignment to Local Health Integration Networks and Related Health Service Providers/Local Health Integration Networks and Related Health Service Providers.
137 Offset: 1401-2 March 21, 2017 ($1,074,800) Health and Long-Term Care Ministry Administration Program/Ontario Review Board.
137 Offset: 1402-1 March 21, 2017 ($8,078,500) Health and Long-Term Care Health Policy and Research Program/Health Policy and Research.
137 Offset: 1403-1 March 21, 2017 ($59,691,900) Health and Long-Term Care eHealth and Information Management Program/eHealth and Information Management.
137 Offset: 1405-2 March 21, 2017 ($28,088,100) Health and Long-Term Care Ontario Health Insurance Program/ Drug Programs.
137 Offset: 1405-4 March 21, 2017 ($12,227,100) Health and Long-Term Care Ontario Health Insurance Program/ Assistive Devices Program.
137 Offset: 1406-4 March 21, 2017 ($2,819,500) Health and Long-Term Care Public Health Program/Public Health.
137 Offset: 1407-1 March 21, 2017 ($166,549,400) Health and Long-Term Care Health Capital Program/Health Capital.
137 Offset: 1411-1 March 21, 2017 ($130,067,600) Health and Long-Term Care Local Health Integration Networks and Related Health Service Providers/Local Health Integration Networks and Related Health Service Providers.
137 Offset: 1412-4 March 21, 2017 ($29,618,000) Health and Long-Term Care Provincial Programs and Stewardship/ Stewardship.
137 Offset: 1413-1 March 21, 2017 ($2,036,700) Health and Long-Term Care Information Systems/ Information Technology Services – Health Cluster.
137 Offset: 1414-1 March 21, 2017 ($30,918,800) Health and Long-Term Care Health Promotion/ Health Promotion.
137 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($7,745,500) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
137 Offset: 1002-1 March 21, 2017 ($75,000) Education Elementary and Secondary Education Program/Policy and Program Delivery.
137 Offset: 3702-7 March 21, 2017 ($225,000) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/ Children and Youth at Risk.
137 Offset: 702-6 March 21, 2017 ($70,000) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/Community and Developmental Services.
138 2001-1 March 21, 2017 $6,500,000 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding for the Mercury Disability Fund.
138 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($6,500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/ Contingency Fund.
139 902-33 March 21, 2017 $8,250,000 Infrastructure Funding related to the transfer of land to the Seaton Lands Trustee.
139 Offset: 902-32 March 21, 2017 ($8,250,000) Infrastructure Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/Infrastructure Programs.
140 3703-1 March 21, 2017 $250,000 Children and Youth Services One-time grant for infrastructure projects.
140 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($250,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
141 3002-3 March 21, 2017 $5,000,000 Advanced Education and Skills Development One-time grant for infrastructure projects.
141 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($5,000,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
142 902-32 March 21, 2017 $7,500,000 Infrastructure One-time grant for infrastructure projects.
142 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($7,500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
143 3804-1 March 21, 2017 $1,500,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport One-time grant for infrastructure projects.
143 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($1,500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
144 1701-1 March 21, 2017 $100,000 Office of the Lieutenant Governor Funding to meet operational requirements.
144 Offset: 3401-1 March 21, 2017 ($100,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
145 2101-1 March 21, 2017 $4,123,800 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
145 2103-1 March 21, 2017 $11,870,100 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Natural Resource Management Program/Sustainable Resource Management.
145 2103-2 March 21, 2017 $1,581,600 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Natural Resource Management Program/ Ontario Parks.
145 2105-1 March 21, 2017 $451,700 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Land and Resources Information and Information Technology Cluster Program/Land and Resources Information and Information Technology Cluster.
145 2104-5 March 21, 2017 $45,600 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Public Protection/ Infrastructure for Public Safety and Emergency Response.
145 2103-4 March 21, 2017 $491,700 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Natural Resource Management Program/ Infrastructure for Natural Resource Management – Capital Assets.
145 2103-5 March 21, 2017 $716,200 Natural Resources and Forestry Year-end realignment to Natural Resource Management Program/ Natural Resource Management – Operating Assets.
145 Offset: 2104-1 March 21, 2017 ($386,600) Natural Resources and Forestry Public Protection/ Public Protection
145 Offset: 2103-3 March 21, 2017 ($17,686,200) Natural Resources and Forestry Natural Resource Management Program/ Infrastructure for Natural Resource Management.
145 Offset: 2104-4 March 21, 2017 ($491,700) Natural Resources and Forestry Public Protection/ Public Safety and Emergency Response – Capital Assets.
145 Offset: 2104-3 March 21, 2017 ($716,200) Natural Resources and Forestry Public Protection/ Public Safety and Emergency Response – Operating Assets.
146 2103-1 March 21, 2017 $9,244,200 Natural Resources and Forestry Investment in the Provincial Forest Access Roads Program to support the maintenance of rural forest access road infrastructure.
146 Offset: 2104-1 March 21, 2017 ($6,234,200) Natural Resources and Forestry Public Protection/Public Protection.
146 Offset: 2103-3 March 21, 2017 ($2,184,000) Natural Resources and Forestry Natural Resource Management Program/ Infrastructure for Natural Resource Management.
146 Offset: 2103-6 March 21, 2017 ($1,000) Natural Resources and Forestry Natural Resource Management Program/ Environmental Remediation.
146 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($825,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
147 3801-1 March 21, 2017 $1,000,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Year-end transactions to address pressures in Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration
147 3803-1 March 21, 2017 $3,700,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Year-end transactions to address pressures in Sport, Recreation and Community Programs/ Sport, Recreation and Community.
147 3805-1 March 21, 2017 $600,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Year-end transactions to address pressures in Culture Program/ Culture.
147 3808-1 March 21, 2017 $14,500,000 Tourism, Culture and Sport Year-end transactions to address pressures in Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits/Ontario Cultural Media Tax Credits.
147 Offset: 3802-1 March 21, 2017 ($1,600,000) Tourism, Culture and Sport Tourism Program/Tourism.
147 Offset: 3404-2 March 21, 2017 ($18,200,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
148 2702-2 March 21, 2017 $10,000,000 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional. Transportation.
148 2702-1 March 21, 2017 $3,500,000 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Policy and Planning/Policy and Planning.
148 2703-1 March 21, 2017 $1,000,000 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Road User Safety Program/Road User Safety.
148 2705-1 March 21, 2017 $1,000,000 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Labour and Transportation Cluster/Information and Information Technology Services.
148 2701-1 March 21, 2017 $2,500,000 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Ministry Administration Program/Business Support.
148 2705-1 March 21, 2017 $222,500 Transportation Year-end transactions to address pressures in Labour and Transportation Cluster/Information and Information Technology Services.
148 Offset: 2704-2 March 21, 2017 ($18,000,000) Transportation Provincial Highways Management Program/Engineering and Construction.
148 Offset: 1601-1 March 21, 2017 ($17,200) Labour Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.
148 Offset: 1602-1 March 21, 2017 ($700) Labour Pay Equity Commission Program/Pay Equity Office.
148 Offset: 1603-1 March 21, 2017 ($3,100) Labour Labour Relations Program/Ontario Labour Relations Board.
148 Offset: 1603-2 March 21, 2017 ($200) Labour Labour Relations Program/Grievance Settlement Board.
148 Offset: 1603-3 March 21, 2017 ($1,900) Labour Labour Relations Program/Dispute Resolution Services.
148 Offset: 1604-1 March 21, 2017 ($179,800) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Occupational Health and Safety.
148 Offset: 1604-3 March 21, 2017 ($2,800) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Office of the Worker Adviser.
148 Offset: 1604-4 March 21, 2017 ($800) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Office of the Employer Adviser.
148 Offset: 1604-7 March 21, 2017 ($7,100) Labour Occupational Health and Safety Program/Prevention Office.
148 Offset: 1605-1 March 21, 2017 ($8,900) Labour Employment Rights and Responsibilities Program/Employment Standards.
149 307-1 March 28, 2017 $386,000 Attorney General Year-end transactions to align tax credit transfer payment allocations to updated forecasts.
149 Offset: 3404-2 March 28, 2017 ($386,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
150 902-13 March 28, 2017 $1,900,000 Economic Development and Growth Year-end transactions to align tax credit transfer payment allocations to updated forecasts.
150 Offset: 903-1 March 28, 2017 ($1,900,000) Research, Innovation and Science Research and Innovation Program/Research and Innovation Program.
151 3808-1 March 28, 2017 $149,971,200 Tourism, Culture and Sport Year-end transactions to align tax credit transfer payment allocations to updated forecasts.
151 Offset: 3404-2 March 28, 2017 ($149,971,200) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
152 3404-2 March 28, 2017 $22,745,300 Treasury Board Secretariat Year-end transactions to align tax credit transfer payment allocations to updated forecasts.
152 Offset: 3003-7 March 28, 2017 ($4,259,000) Advanced Education and Skills Development Employment Ontario Program/Employment Ontario System.
152 Offset: 3702-3 March 28, 2017 ($1,669,500) Children and Youth Services Children and Youth Services Program/Healthy Child Development.
152 Offset: 903-1 March 28, 2017 ($15,188,800) Economic Development and Growth/Research, Innovation and Science Research and Innovation Program/Research and Innovation.
152 Offset: 1412-1 March 28, 2017 ($523,700) Health and Long-Term Care Provincial Programs and Stewardship/Provincial Programs.
152 Offset: 2203-1 March 28, 2017 ($1,104,300) Northern Development and Mines Mines and Minerals Program/Mineral Sector Competitiveness.
153 3404-2 March 28, 2017 $16,500,000 Treasury Board Secretariat Savings minuted to the Treasury Board Contingency Fund.
153 Offset: 2702-3 March 28, 2017 ($7,500,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Urban and Regional Transportation.
153 Offset: 2704-2 March 28, 2017 ($7,500,000) Transportation Provincial Highways Management Program/Engineering and Construction.
153 Offset: 2702-1 March 28, 2017 ($1,500,000) Transportation Policy and Planning/Policy and Planning.
154 903-1 April 4, 2017 $19,700,000 Research and Innovation Realignment of funding to support the Small Business Innovation Challenge, Ontario Scale Up Voucher Program and the Cleantech Innovation Investment.
154 Offset: 902-13 April 4, 2017 ($19,700,000) Economic Development and Growth Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program/ Economic Development, Employment.
155 2203-2 April 4, 2017 $46,628,000 Northern Development and Mines Funding to record an increase in the liability associated with the remediation for contaminated sites.
155 Offset: 2203-1 April 4, 2017 ($7,101,000) Northern Development and Mines Mines and Minerals Program/Mineral Sector Competitiveness.
155 Offset: 3404-2 April 4, 2017 ($39,527,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
156 2202-4 April 4, 2017 $70,000,000 Northern Development and Mines Realignment of funding to the Northern Highways Program.
156 Offset: 2704-3 April 4, 2017 ($70,000,000) Transportation Provincial Highways Management Program/Transportation Infrastructure Assets.
157 2203-2 April 4, 2017 $48,500,000 Northern Development and Mines Funding to record a liability associated with the remediation of two contaminates sites.
157 Offset: 3404-2 April 4, 2017 ($48,500,000) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
158 702-9 May 9, 2017 $9,600,400 Community and Social Services Funding associated with the creation of an Operating Asset for Ontario Works Financial Assistance to recognize recoveries for amounts owed by Ontario Works delivery partners to the Province in 2016-17.
158 Offset: 702-3 May 9, 2017 ($9,600,400) Community and Social Services Adults’ Services Program/Financial and Employment Supports.
159 2001-2 June 13, 2017 $29,029,900 Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Funding for settlement of the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation flooding claim.
159 Offset: 3404-2 June 13, 2017 ($29,029,900) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
160 1203-12 July 25, 2017 $151,733,300 Finance Funding for the Electricity Sector Dedicated Income provision
160 Offset: 3404-2 July 25, 2017 ($151,733,300) Treasury Board Secretariat Treasury Board Support Program/Contingency Fund.
161 303-4 August 16, 2017 $3,000,000 Attorney General Funding for a liability associated with reimbursing Canada for costs to remediate a seven-acre parcel of contaminated land included in the land transfer.
161 Offset: 301-1 August 16, 2017 ($3,000,000) Attorney General Ministry Administration Program/Ministry Administration.


Loi sur le mariage

les certificats d’enregistrement permanent autorisant à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été délivrés aux suivants :

Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
Davidson, Judith A Ajax, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Fairlie, Deborah A Fort Erie, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Farnham, Debra Windsor, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Grindley, Quareen Norrett Brampton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Hylton, Sandra Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Bae, Lydia Sang-Min Richmond Hill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Bell, Gerald M Courtice, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Canning, Mariann Ottawa, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dombret, Wim Espanola, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Olivaries, Wilma M North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
Phanthaamath, Keesom Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Phanthaamath, Tina Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Wiens, Erwin Waterloo, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018

les certificats d’enregistrement temporaire autorisant à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été délivrés aux suivants :

Date Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
28-Jun-2018 to 02-Jul-2018 Allard, Robert Haymarket, VA, USA 30-Jan-2018
10-May-2018 to 14-May-2018 D’Souza, Joshua Kalyan West, , India 30-Jan-2018
07-Mar-2018 to 11-Mar-2018 Jackson-Dockeray, Kristen Burnaby, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
21-Feb-2018 to 25-Feb-2018 Kern, Anthony Berrien Springs, MI, USA 31-Jan-2018
29-Jun-2018 to 03-Jul-2018 Tepper, William S Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018

les avis de radiation de personnes autorisées à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été envoyés à :

Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
Abebe, Wondimu Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Abraha, Berhane Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Acheampong, Isaac North York, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Acquah, Ernestine Oforiwa Willowdale, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Adams, Kenneth William Frank Dundalk, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Aiken, Alma E Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Akinrinola, Benjamin O Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Alas, Armando Brampton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Allison, Benjamin Chike Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Amah, David Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Amarante, Darci Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Amoakohene, Nana Akwasi Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Amy, James B Innisfil, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Andrews, Calvin Markham, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Antwi-Boasiako, Patrick Bolton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Anyan, Twum Barimah Brampton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Appiah, Georgina Rosemary Bronx, NY, USA 30-Jan-2018
Aruliah, Wesley R Scarborough, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Ashley, Irene Kingston, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Asman, Christian Brampton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Assaf, Bruce Wallace Grimsby, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Bang, Deok Kyu Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Banks, Deborah Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Bond, Phillip L Ajax, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Bourgeois, Robert Joseph Sault Ste Marie, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Brooks, Easton V Brampton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Broomfield, Ioline A Etobicoke, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Brown, Lindel W Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Bruleigh, Ross Robertson Englehart, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Burgess, Harold Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Busuttil, David Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Butler, Theodore Ernest London, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Campbell, Robert O Scarborough, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Carmont, Donald M Surrey, BC, CA 30-Jan-2018
Chaupiz, Norma Alicia Beatriz Etobicoke, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Chaupiz, Peter Jeremy Etobicoke, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Cherian, Blessan North York, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Chicas Alcides, Carlos Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Chire, Thomas M Burlington, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Choi, Doo Hoi Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Choi, Hea Pill Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Christie, James L Pickering, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Christos Christofalos, Sue Milton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Chuang, Esther M H Bramalea, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Coward, Cathy-Ann Scarborough, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Crichton, Robert C Thornhill, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Curry, Brian Edward Hamilton, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Da Costa, Wagner Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Da Silva, Kelly Toronto, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Dadzie, Paa Kwesi Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Daley, Canute Mississauga, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Dartey, Ralph Yaw Kwakye Kanata, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Gardner, Robert Murray Elliot Lake, ON, CA 30-Jan-2018
Da Silva, Vania B Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Davis, Denroy Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
De Lima, Pedro Flavio North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
DePeza, Esla Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dearing, Daniel Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Deblasio, Marlon Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Devetac, Carlos E North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Diak, Nicholas Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Diaz, Edgar Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dixon, Everald H Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dobson, Ena May Oakville, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dorvilliers, Jean-Hebert Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dos Santos, Ademir E Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Dukhia, Monita North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Elliott, Lorna Lois Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Ellsworth, Robert J Oshawa, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Erskine, Stephen Kirk-Patrick Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Essel, Ebow Cecil Whitby, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Essendi, Jairo Ajax, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Essuon, John Clive Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Etherington-Phillips, Leticia Whitby, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Gayah-Joseph, Sharon Maria Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Gordon, Elfreda Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Gordon, Patricia Ann Guelph, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Goulbourne, Byron L North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Graham, Renemel Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Grant, Gene Markham, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Guy, Gwendolyn M A Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Gwaza, Elliot Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Gyimah, Joseph Kwabena Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Han, Tae Kwan Aurora, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hanlan, Winnifred Eunice Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Headley, Carol Leroy Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hedican, Gerald William Newmarket, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Henry, Denfield Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hoffmann, Diane M Campbell River, BC, CA 31-Jan-2018
Holloway, Orlando Fredrick Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hosannah, Maureen Pickering, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hulsmans, Henry Francis Peterborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hurst, William J Kingston, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hutchinson, Donald Edward Lionel Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Hutchinson, Gloria Geraldine Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Jackson, Tahir Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Jaquerz, Esteban Orlando North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
John, Jame Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Johnson, Claudia Yvonne Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Johnson, Edith Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kiirya, Joseph Rwolekya Ottawa, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Charles Chol Soo Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Deborah Ihn Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Hyeon Soo Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Jong Wuk North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Jung Hee Peterborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kim, Thomas Pickering, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Klus, Leo Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Ko, Jung-Hwan Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kriedemann, Anna Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Kusi-Achampong, Joseph Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lain, Daniel E Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lain, Susana Beatriz Woodbridge, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Langboung, Roger Musah Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lawrence, Alverna Maria Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lee, Chung-Ja Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lee, Eun-Kyoo Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lee, Kyung-Hee Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lee, Seung Nam North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lee, Soo Sung North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Legesse, Dereje Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lewis, Beresford Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Londei, Vittorio Luigi Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Lopez, Alberto Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Mahabir, Joseph Emmanuel Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Makarewicz, Diane Helen Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Marcus, John F Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Martin, Greta Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Martin, Robert Lajuan North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Martin, Samuel Ramsay Pickering, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Matipa, Yumba Fort Erie, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
McCarthy, Dave Ajax, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
McDougall, June Ellen London, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Mestanza, Jose Alberto Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Miller, Salome Eslin Burlington, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Monteiro, Simone Georgetown, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Munoz, Alberto Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Munoz, Carlos Alberto Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Murphy, John Picton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Mwangi, Stephen Irungu Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Myung, Noh-Eul M Thornhill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Naik, Michael Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Naraine, Daniel Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Naraine, Hatie Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Narula, R Raymond North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Odigie, Felix O Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Ojajuni, Olutayo Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Okoronkwo, Bright Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Olulana, Ayodele Emmanuel Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Opia-Evans, Chionyedue Richmond Hill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Osei-Bonsu, Alex Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Owusu, Yaw O Welland, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Panda, John Ngoy Whitby, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Paradkar, Balwant A Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Park, Hyoung Gyu Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Park, Jong-Min Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Patey, Cecil Victoria Harbour, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Paz, Enrique Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Phillips, R Stanley Courtice, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Plante, Dale Robert Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Poyser, Hortense P Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Puranen, Erik Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Reid, Robert Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Reid, Winston Ajax, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rezende, Adauto Simoes Cambridge, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rice, Malcolm A Sutton West, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Robertson, Norman A Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Robinson, Bernard Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Robinson, Bernie Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rocha, Constantino M Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rodney, Reginald G Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rodriguez Melgar, Rigoberto Woodbridge, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rutledge, Glen L Cambridge, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Rutledge, Ralph W Cambridge, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Salmon, Hilary T Markham, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Samuel, Manianga Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Sarpong, Baiden Weston, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Scott, Desmond Alfred Richmond Hill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Shand, Daphne Ashburn, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Silva, Wander Lucio Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Sinclair, Norma P Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Smart, Joseph Olusegun Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Springett, Robert McKenzie Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Sproule, Michael N Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Tappin, Ivan Pickering, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Tappin, Maureen Pickering, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Tarnowski, Leonard Allan Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Taylor, Cecil John Etobicoke, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Thomas, Geeverghese Richmond Hill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Ubah, Francis C Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Ulangca, Rolando Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Valerio, Rodrigo L Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Vandenberg, Roy Erwin Willowdale, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Varkey, Wilson Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Venugopal, Arulappan Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Villa, Rolando Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Vinces, Carlos Ramon Thornhill, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Walakira, Emmanuel Sammy Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Wallace, Juliete Saline Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Watson, Philip H Brampton, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Webb, Paul Victor Wooler, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Weigert, Michael Mississauga, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Westgate, Douglas George London, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Wiggan, Leroy Goldstone Markham, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Wiggan, Violet T Markham, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Wilson, Victor Osas Ottawa, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Woldegiorgis, Hanna Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Yang, Seung-Min North York, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Zea, Edwin Downsview, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018
Zeleke-Mitiku, Biadegeligne Toronto, ON, CA 31-Jan-2018

Alexandra Schmidt
Registraire générale adjointe de l’état civil


les certificats d’enregistrement permanent autorisant à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été délivrés aux suivants :

Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
Bautista, Joshua Brampton, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Benevides, Natasha J Brampton, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Dickson, Dwnette J North York, Toronto, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Jeremie, Michelle Markham, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Jjumba, Edward Richmond Hill, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
McGill, Henretta R Pickering, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Thomas, Shirley Brampton, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Vargehese, Sam Thomas Brampton, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018

les avis de radiation de personnes autorisées à célébrer des mariages en Ontario ont été envoyés à :

Nom Lieu Date d'Entrée en Vigueur
Baxter, Alford Markham, ON, CA 01-Feb-2018
Lopez, Jose E North York, ON, CA 01-Feb-2018
Pogue, Shawn Allan Mississauga, ON, CA 01-Feb-2018
Hall, Mark Barrington Singapore, , Singapore 02-Feb-2018
Howard, Susan Patricia Toronto, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Jannaway, Anne-Louise London, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
McLachlan, Evelyn Margaret Patricia Nobleton, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Spencer, Earl Malcolm Toronto, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018
Wardlaw, Robert Duncan Toronto, ON, CA 02-Feb-2018

Alexandra Schmidt
Registraire générale adjointe de l’état civil
