Nom du projet ou de l’aménagement Numéro du projet Municipalité Adresse municipale ou emplacement du bien Description du bien
1. Toronto – WDL – Blocs 3W/4W/7W 1055697 Toronto Côté oust de la rue Cherry, entre les rues Front et Mill PIN 21077-0295 (LT), being Lots 1-3 Plan 611; Private Lane Plan 611; 2 foot reserve Plan 611; Lots 7, 8, 9, south side of Front Street East Plan 108; Part of Lots 10, 11 and 12, south side of Front Street East Plan 108; Part of Lots 7-12, north side of Mill Street Plan 108; designated as Part 41 on Plan 66R-16601 north of Plan 66R-17254, save and except Plan 66M-2488; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0291 (LT), being Part of Lot 12, north side of Mill Street Plan 108, designated as Part 41 on Plan 66R-16601 south of Plan 66R-17254, save and except Plan 66M-2488; City of Toronto
2. Toronto – WDL – Blocs 8/20/32 1055695 Toronto Coin sud-est des rues Cherry et Mill PIN 21077-0304 (LT), being Block 8, Plan 66M-2488; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. AT2824753; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0316 (LT), being Block 20, Plan 66M-2488; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CA121112; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CA121111E; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. AT2824753; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0328 (LT), being Block 32, Plan 66M2488; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CA121112; subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CA121111E; City of Toronto
3. Toronto – 27, rue Grosvenor et 26, rue Grenville D00368 Toronto 27, rue Grosvenor et 26, rue Grenville, Toronto Part of PIN 21104-0148 (LT), being Lots 80 to 92, 98 to 103, on Plan 159, Toronto, except Instrument No. CT209174, Part 5 on Plan 64R-13524 and Part 1 on Plan 64R-13823; Part Lane Plan 159, Toronto abutting Lots 80 to 88, closed by Instrument No. CT159751 as in CT208647; subject to Instrument No. CA255713, City of Toronto.

Décret 1398/2017

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