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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: April 16, 2009
Legislation: Land Titles Act

Bulletin content:

Applicants applying for an absolute title under the Land Titles Act are required to comply with the procedures available for LTCQ to LT+ and First Registrations under the Land Titles Act. Please go to - click on “Home and Community”, then “Land Registration” and then on “Guides” for copies of these procedures.

Service of a Notice of Application is required for every party who, according to the draft plan, could claim an encroachment, an unregistered easement, or other registerable right in or over the application lands. In addition, the Land Registrar may direct others to be notified if in his/her opinion there is sufficient reason to do so.

While it is rare for a property to be subject to an unregistered interest in title acquired through use by the public, there is a higher probability of this situation arising with respect to properties adjoining bodies of water. Therefore in an effort to ensure that the potential interests of the public are accounted for in properties abutting bodies of water, a Notice of Application will be required to be published in a local newspaper and a copy of the Notice is to be sent to the local municipality, if any.

By requiring the applicant to undertake these additional actions, members of the public will have an opportunity to become aware of, and review, such applications.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Regional Surveyor.

Original signed by:

Doug Aron, Examiner of Surveys